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Everything posted by Denni

  1. You should probably do this in game... If you go to the police station and ask they can let you know.
  2. +1 to this. I will say medics need to respected more... so many I've heard get robbed and/or taken hostage.
  3. Haha sorry a few repeated. The last answer is probably the most useful.
  4. 120 minutes is max time. The calculator we use actually goes way beyond 120 minutes but 120 is max for the server. That's because of max time. This is not the way to go... people would just create multiple alts. Not enough players and imagine even longer police times because they have to talk to a lawyer that knows nothing about the laws... It's not instant two hours. If you commit multiple crimes in one situation (Rob a shop... flee... drive recklessly... shoot at a cop) that'll give you over 120 minutes but because max is 120 minutes you get that. There are plenty of charges that are less... take a look here: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=6467
  5. +1 to accessories. Maybe not a whole outfit change.
  6. -1 we don't need a faction for this.
  7. +1 happens at LSPD too.
  8. This already happens except 2 days is max suspension. Which is a shame... We need harsher punishments for everything. Guy kills 5 people, commits numerous crimes... actual time 450 mins, gets 120 because of max limit.
  9. +1. But also MD should maybe be a protected faction because I've seen some of them held up at gunpoint. The stupidity there...
  10. +1 to harsher punishments. I'd like to also roleplay without constant fail RP from individuals.
  11. I think it's a conflict with your microphone. Do you run Rage MP as admin? Also try a different microphone if you have one handy just to attempt it?
  12. I have to login with email to panel, that way I can login.
  13. You could try this? It worked for me. 1. go to Documents / Rockstars / GTA V / profiles 2. highlight all of the folders (usually just 1) 3 a. optional: send to -> compressed folder (zip) -So you don't lose your campaign progress permanently 3 b. then delete all of the folders 4. then restart game 5. when you restart it will ask where to get saves from 6. click "local only"
  14. I agree with this! Criminals can do some fantastic RP even with what we have now they just choose to not to do so.
  15. Your response is fantastic. I would suggest you post some suggestions on how to improve this particular problem other than NCZ. I would happily +1 any of your good ideas. How do you suggest we improve the quiz? I haven't taken the quiz in a long time so I do not know where it currently stands. I agree with your first paragraph here, what some of these mafias/gangs lack is the planning aspect. Not even just the farmers but let's say they want to rob a store, develop a plan, roleplay an exit route and maybe a change of cars; this would provide further roleplay instead of just turning up and robbing hte place. I love your 10% idea, I have experienced this myself before playing on GTA V communities (in Arma 3) and it was really fun.
  16. I completely understand your worry but we cannot make every area a no crime zone just because you get robbed. I understand the frustration I really do! The issue we have is with players who don't want to roleplay properly thus ruining your experience; reporting them is a way to educate them. We have had a huge influx of players and not all of them understand what Eclipse Roleplay is all about.
  17. -1. We can't have no crime zones all over the map. This isnt money generator simulator. You can contact lspd in character about the farms.
  18. -1 to this. +1 to adding a "notes" section to name clothing or gun.
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