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Lower the price of clothings

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Lower the price of clothings

'cause it's too damn high. I mean, seriously. Those prices even on the most ugliest, hobo shirt you can see, it costs around 500-1000 dollars. I don't know the reason why they are too high and the economy is so low. To be honest one cycle of job e.g farming, is equals to 6 clothings only. 

Reason for suggesting this:
I think lowering it could actually help players to enjoy their fashion and looks in game without needing to pay A LOT.

PS: Yeah, most people who will negate this are those who have like 7 digits on their bank account. I mean come on, there's no point of putting those prices too high. Please balance it according to the economy of the server currently. (1 hour playtime is only 1,500 or something so balance is there.)

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5 hours ago, HighJack said:

Lower the price of clothings

'cause it's too damn high. I mean, seriously. Those prices even on the most ugliest, hobo shirt you can see, it costs around 500-1000 dollars. I don't know the reason why they are too high and the economy is so low. To be honest one cycle of job e.g farming, is equals to 6 clothings only. 

Reason for suggesting this:
I think lowering it could actually help players to enjoy their fashion and looks in game without needing to pay A LOT.

PS: Yeah, most people who will negate this are those who have like 7 digits on their bank account. I mean come on, there's no point of putting those prices too high. Please balance it according to the economy of the server currently. (1 hour playtime is only 1,500 or something so balance is there.)

-1. I don't have millions in my account. 1 hour play time with a job is anywhere from 5k to 10k ish (legally). 1500 an hour is for those too lazy to do a job... so they shouldn't be able to get loads of clothing for not doing anything.

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-1 agreed with:

13 hours ago, ElizabethC said:

-1. Even on my non-gov faction account, I have no problems with driving a bus for an hour or so to get a few new outfits. You need a money sink somewhere, and it helps you with a sense of progression being able to build out your wardrobe.

Same goes for my crime alt who doesnt even do jobs and only gets welfare.

Edited by MusketDeezNuts
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13 minutes ago, HighJack said:

And there's a lot of rulebreakers out there taking your earned cash from you. I just got robbed 3 times in 2 hours in farming. Great, right?

The three R's as i call it..Record>Report>Refund.

Being robbed is all part of the experience, but I'd like to add a lot of criminals do RP properly and try there upmost to do it by the book.

But yes.. The server currently has a lot of people whom don't know the difference between a /do & /me. I find myself day after day attempting to explain how to use the said commands & I'm sure many other people do also. Granted, we shouldn't have to go /o and tell someone your not RP'n properly but sadly that's the case atm.


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