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Fleeka Bank change

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Very simple, I feel all the Fleeka banks should have the full bank ability to deposit/withdraw/manage debts. Currently from what I know only one Fleeka, LifeInvader, acts as a place where you can put money in and take money out. The only issue is it acts as a normal ATM where it was withdraw limits and deposit limits and does not let you manage debts.



I suggest that all Fleekas get the ability of LS Bank to do everything you need to do. I feel this would benefit all groups from Gov to Criminals. It would allow people to deposit large amounts of money without needing to drive all the way accost the city, limiting the chance of dying with all the money on you. It would also allow criminals to deposit illegal money without needing to go inside of an NCZ. It would also allow selling of vehicles/houses with cash to take place at different areas.

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Alternate suggestion here for a slightly different use of the bank - ATM Deposit/Withdraw usage across all Fleecas like OP states but with regards to salary it would be highly taxed, but instantly available 24/7 as opposed to only daily bank hours. The high taxation offsets being able to withdraw salary whenever one wishes and balances the issue of LS/Paleto Bank becoming obsolete. Either way, adding more usage to Fleeca banks provides a less meta experience as there is no longer only 1 OOC reason for being at the bank.


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On the one hand, makes little sense that Fleeca banks are only used for robbing but on the other hand, the banks in LS and Paleto are potential meeting spots and NCZs.

So, if Fleeca Banks were to be used, I think it might be a good idea to have them only open when the normal banks are closed.

You can use the night banks if you absolutely have to, but there is a certain risk that comes with it.

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3 hours ago, Bala said:


On the one hand, makes little sense that Fleeca banks are only used for robbing but on the other hand, the banks in LS and Paleto are potential meeting spots and NCZs.

So, if Fleeca Banks were to be used, I think it might be a good idea to have them only open when the normal banks are closed.

You can use the night banks if you absolutely have to, but there is a certain risk that comes with it.

why not have all of them open? The fact its not a NCZ makes sense for criminals and the more places scattered around helps everyone for depositing large amounts of money/taking out large amount of money without needing to go to Paleto/LS

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