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Brody King

The Amarillo Aces

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Growing Pains


The Ace have been going through a rough time lately, with the city seeming to crawl it's hard to keep everyone happy. Sadly the Aces have to announce that 3 members this week have left. Emilia Thalmer, Queen of Spades decided to step down after her boyfriend (Alex Mathers) was placed in the Wildcards due to reasons kept between the club. Another face that has been around for a while is Adrian Dox , the city is just getting too boring and it's pushed him to find things to help him enjoy his time more.  It's sad to see these faces leave as they have helped build and mold this family. They know if they ever need a place to go Amarillo is always a short drive away. Rufnek has time and time again proven his worth to the club this time it has landed him a promotion up to the Ace of Hearts. After his promotion he grabbed his duo in Vaynes and pulled him over to be the King of Hearts, A fitting role for the two. Vaynes promotion has now put him as not only the King of Hearts but also the club's treasury. The Aces also added a handful of new wildcards over the last 2 weeks; there have been three that really stood out. Samson Woods, Jeff Marley and Dexter Kray. Samson proved himself fast within the club and got Ronnie's attention landing him a spot on the Diamonds. After the Exceptionalist Drag Showdown Dexter and Jack became a part of the Spades, and Jeff joined Rufnek as a member of the Hearts.



The Tuna Shop


Lately The Aces have been trying to find a place to call their headquarters, and let me tell you that isn't easy. The guys originally decided on the Palmer Power Station but quickly realized the amount of trouble that happens near there. The next choice had them climbing ladders and scaling buildings, after a couple of hard falls the guys came to their senses and decided that that location wasn't going to work either. So with everyone frustrated and close to giving up, they headed to the ledge at LSC to think about things. When they pulled up BK noticed Don and struck up a conversation, King continued and expressed his troubles with finding a location for his club. Don knew quite a few locations and decided to take the time to show The Aces. A short while later some friendly faces from Burnout Nation showed up at LSC and took the guys around town. The first place they showed The Ace had some amazing potential and it captured BKs imagination. Instantly BK had multiple different business ideas for the location. THIS! This is what they have been looking for.



The guy spent the last week hanging out by what they are calling “The Tuna Shop” spending their days fishing and enjoying the view.



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The Exceptionalists Showdown



While sitting at The Tuna Shop the guys came up with a good way to bring people into the area. The Aces loved the fact that LSIA was so close but they didn't want to do a full mile race. That is coming later down the road. This time they wanted to introduce another shorter ¼ mile track. They looked at a few locations before coming back to The Tuna Shop and realising they had a perfect road right in front of them. Just off Autopia Parkway is Exceptionalist Drive and that just sounded like the perfect street to hold a drag race. So the location was decided and now where would the cars park. BK and Maxwell had mixed opinions on where everyone should be parked so they took it to the club. After a quick vote they decided that the parking lot at the top would be better suited for the event. BK then grabbed a map of the area and began to plan things out. Sending out emails to both LSPD and LSC, one for barricades and one to LSC  in case of wrecks that tend to happen during events.

As the week went by BK had still not received an email back from LSC, and with LSC requiring a 7 day advance notice it started to make BK sweat it. Brody decided to send over a second email just forwarding the forms that LSPD had required. Although Brody had supplied the correct notice period for LSC to have a Mechanic at the event, The Aces were sadly let down. It was time for the race to begin and LSPD still wasn't there. Don and Asbo pulled into the event and luckily used a connection they had to get in touch with LSPD. Within a few minutes, LSPD were at the event and were being shown around the track by Brody.



The parking lot began to fill up and quite a few familiar faces started to show up including many faces from the LSMC, Burnout Nation, and even LSD came and showed their support for The Aces. With LSPD now aware of the track, they had set up the barricades and the event was ready to go!


The Aces also decided to hold a raffle during the event, this time it was BK’s personal Dominator ASP. To add to that Frank Reyes owner of 68 Mania threw in an additional $50,000 cash prize for 2nd place. The event continued for around an hour, Asbo from Burnout Nation has been a stand out at The Aces drag racing events. He has now gone 16-0 over the last two events and even claimed a small cash prize for doing so well. Once the racing was over everyone gathered in the parking lot for the raffle. The first name pulled was Eddie from Burnout Nation and he was the winner of the 50k prize from 68 Mania. Dexter gave the wheel another spin, this time it was for the Dominator ASP, the wheel slowed down and finally landed on Miss Ava from the LSMC. Brody wasn't too happy to be giving his baby away but he knew Miss Ava would take good care of it and that he would be seeing it around.



Below is a link to the photos taken by Maxwell Lancaster, King of Clubs.


Edited by Ronnie Moretti
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Setting the Pace

The last few days the club has done a lot of bonding, the week started off with Brody hearing about a fighting event that was taking place. It was located at the Dojo owned by the Rising Suns. There were quite a few other Aces that wanted to head out so the guy all met at Amarillo, piled into the Granger and headed out to enjoy the night. After entering the door The Aces was faced with the decision on if they wanted to fight or not. Jeff Marley signed up happily and when it was his time to fight he didn't disappoint. Jeff made light work of his opponent Kenji Murakami finishing him with a swift right hook, the victory put Jeff 2-0 in the ring. lQF9HFkaeDg4ucEyxys72UzMKujQhfkYY7HFPUm0RbYW5UHYWXTfpBcmCMjLnviXLGuu8sW7DbHQbeE2-aNuq3BjGzt0r_bDW3NuK3rWx2VmC1VTjiQVCGK4m34-oJ0-wOTICwuh=s1600


LSC Extreme Off-Road Time Trials


Finally, finally it was time to show off. Conrad McMount and Kris Specter went above and beyond to host an event for the employees of LSC, which is mostly Aces at this point but that made the competition just that much better. The event would be held at the Redwood Track and the car of choice was the Bifta, but it had limited modification. First up to race was Jack Betts, Jack set a very fast lap time of 1:33:17 which proved hard to beat. Next up was BK, after his practice lap he was able to put down a time of 1:37:97 putting BK into second. Maxwell hoped in but spun on his timed run making him finish with a time of 1:44:56. Adam Scotts then tried his best but ended up flipping his car and getting a DNF. The racing continued and it was time for John Styll to step up and show everyone why he was on all the leaderboards at PD. John put down a very fast run and it left everyone waiting in suspense for Conrad to call out the time...1:33:17! John had just tied with Jack for 1st place! That was short lived when Dexter Kray got behind the wheel. Dexter got in and set a time that would end up putting him in first, the time was 1:29:17.  Now that left them with a small problem, who would get 2nd? Everyone decided that the two should go again this time with no warm up run. Jack hopped in first, the run was smooth and was even faster than his first, then it was time for John. John's run was FAST, faster than the last  that was for sure! Would it be enough to beat Jack though. Everyone gathered and awaited the results, both runs were faster then their original time but neither would be faster than Dexter's. John laid down a solid 1:32:78 but Jack ended up nudging past and taking the 2nd place spot with a time of 1:32:27



Burnout Nation’s 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness

Morning came and the guys woke up ready for a good day. Today would be the day that their good friends Burnout Nation held their 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness event. The Aces had planned on having a club meeting to discuss their club colors as well as a few promotions that needed to happen. The Aces spent most of their day fishing down at the Tuna Shop until it was close to the time for the event. While fishing Dexter threw out the idea to go in pink and that just made too much sense to not do. So the guy decided to head to LSC and paint their car in the custom pink that was provided by Burnout Nation.



The Aces drove single file around the city then up to “The Lot” as it has come to be known. When arriving they heard a familiar voice call out “ACES FOLLOW ME!” It was their good friend Asbo from Burnout Nation. The Burnouts had left the entire top of their parking structure for The Aces so they could all park together, you could  feel the respect flowing around in the wind. The event was slammed full and people continued to pile in. After checking out the cars and snapping a few photos it was time for the raffle. The Burnouts decided to raffle off two custom built Remus’s. All of the Aces took part and bought plenty of tickets as so did the entire city. The raffle was a massive success and Don was able to even put 10% of the profit going to Breast Cancer Research!


House of Cards 

After the event it was time for the club meeting, some big things needed discussing.. The club discussed many things including club dues, which they decided would be 10k weekly. Future events, as The Aces want to hold an event every weekend for one full month. They also talked about the future of The Tuna Shop and the things that would need to be done. Then it was time to discuss what everyone was thinking about the whole time, the changing of club colors. This wasn't easy for The Aces but they felt it would be something that would help differentiate them from the criminal world. They used to drive around in all black cars with white wheels, but with constant accidental run-ins with LSPD over thinking The Aces were someone they wasn't, they decided it was finally time to choose a new color. The color came pretty quick as they took their name into consideration. No one in the city was running yellow cars but even if they were, Amarillo Yellow is a special color and would be able to stand out on its own in a crowd. It's a subtle color but it's a drastic change from the all black, naturally some of the members were hesitant and didn't like the color so it had to be taken to a vote. Brody stepped away and let the guys line up then come to him and vote. Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, and with the last yes it was 8 votes, that was all that would be needed to decide as The Aces have 15 members. This would be the new club color, Amarillo Yellow.



Things calmed down then Rufnek stepped up and had an Announcement to make, he was taking Vaynes from The Spade group and placing him as his King of Hearts. After the promotion of Vaynes he also announced that he wanted to grab Jeff Marley and pull him out of the Wildcards to become his 6 of Hearts. Brody was happy with both choices, and even gave Vaynes the title of Club Treasury


Edited by Brody King
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Meet The Members Of The Aces



Jack Betts is 23 and was born in Los Santos. He is very Identifiable with his white beanie that he wears almost every day (don't worry its washed.)

He used to live at Del Perro Heights by himself but shortly after buying the apartment he joined the Aces, he already knew pretty much all of the members as most of them work at LSC and his love for cars is what interested him in joining. Soon after joining on the same day he was asked if he would help at an event and he was more than happy to.

the first event was the Exceptionalist Showdown Drag Event of which he helped with the raffle and seeing the whole city come down and race against each other and socialising in between races was a lot of fun for Jack and he knew if any events come up he would try his best to clear his calendar.

The cars he drives seem to change every 2 weeks so you might think he's rich and owns 50 cars but no he just keeps going back and forth between them.

His job at LSC is in the Roadside Division so when he's working you'll mostly see him out in the city helping fix broken down vehicles, he has met loads of people while doing so and seeing them around the city at various events and knowing more of the community around Los Santos is what is most rewarding about his job.

The Aces gave him a home at Amarillo and so he sold his apartment to move and occupy the street and that's where he mostly chills out with the boys and finds out what is happening in the city.

If you see him at events come say Hello.

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Meet The Members Of The Aces

Samson Woods, Mr Woods, Oi mechanic.


"I am at all times, just entirely vibin' " - Samson Woods, 2021

In the beginning....


Born on the 5th of August, 1990 and raised in the West Midlands of England, Samson Leon Woods took every opportunity life thrust upon him, be it outdoor exploration, physical activities or other ‘less reputable’ activities as he got older…

 Falling into a bad crowd as a teenager Samson discovered his first love in life, Adrenaline. Adrenaline in the form of joyriding cars through the local parks, Adrenaline in the form of rebellion. Adrenaline from getting into fights with the older kids… Adrenaline in the form of disobeying his parents at every turn possible.

This soon wore on them to their very core, and on his 14th birthday they dropped the biggest and most earth shattering news he could receive. He was moving away. To Military School. In less than two weeks.

Samson kicked and screamed the entire way, longing to feel the revs of a boosted car, destined to be ragged through country lanes and moors. They dropped him at the gates where he was met by his instructor and said they would see him at Christmas.

Military school kicked Samson's ass. No one was impressed with his shit here, no one cared that he could hotwire a car quicker than most people tie their laces, and no one cared for his in your face attitude. It was an entire system shock.
Samson fell into survival mode, and started keeping his head down and much to his surprise… He was enjoying it. He could see a future in this. He felt some sort of purpose. Four years quickly passed, striving to be the best - he excelled far beyond the expectations anyone ever held for him. With Samson blitzing ahead of every student around him.  At age 18 he graduated. Top of his class. The very next day, he signed up for the British Armed forces. 


Private Woods, Reporting for duty, Sir!


Flash forward another two years, at age 20 Samson first saw REAL combat. During Operation Tor Shezada he was deployed to help Afghan soldiers clear Taliban strongholds within the Helmand province. This was the first time Samson felt something stronger than the adrenaline high he had grown so accustomed to. True Brotherhood. Being ready to die for any of the people around him, being ready, willing & able to take a life to protect this bond he held dear. His first tour of Afghanistan changed his life forever. It’s here in Afghanistan that Samson picked up his mechanical skills - aiding the engineers whenever time allowed, slowly training within his own time and becoming qualified on multiple forms of equipment. 

Covering Fire!

 Another two years passed, and more accomplishments came his way, seeing him rise to the rank of Lance Corporal, it was time to make a decision. He had already given four years to the Army - Should he give more? He rushed into it wholeheartedly and reinstated - signing up for more. The years passed, and Samson grew more and more experienced, rising up to Corporal. Then after 12 years overall within the Armed forces it was either time to sign up once again & become Sergeant or it was time to leave. The Army had become all he knew, had taught him how to live and exist… but there was so much more of life to see.

He took a leap of faith and was discharged. 



As one chapter ends... Another begins...


This is your Captain speaking, we are beginning our final descent to arrive at Los Santos International Airport.


Now age 30, rapidly approaching 31 -  Samson was unsure what to do with his new found freedom and needed his next big adventure… but what was it going to be? Call it a pre - Mid life crisis, call it stupidity, call it bravery. He opted to undergo another major life changing decision, after all - they had all worked out well for him so far! He got the train down to London, flew out to Los Santos to start a new life on the 1st of July 2021 with nothing but a few thousand dollars courtesy of the exchange booth and a yearning for new adventure.

Part two coming soon.

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Meet The Members Of The Aces

Maxwell James Lancaster


"Hell yeah, hell yeah."

Clear to Breach

Sirens are blaring outside of Maxwell's bedroom window. At 7 years old, he is unknowingly about to face one of his toughest battles in life. He's only half awake when he smells the smoke eminating from family room. Faulty wiring in an electrical socket has sparked a fire, and now the entire apartment complex is on fire.

A resounding bang is heard from down the hall. Three firefighters rush in to secure the unit, and find Maxwell curled up in his bed, barely breathing due to the blanket of smoke that has covered the apartment.
They bring the child outside to his father, who is already receiving medical treatment.

Not moments later, a policeman who presents himself as Sergeant Carminelli, crouches down next to Maxwell.
"I'm sorry kiddo. Your ma' Matilda, she's in Heaven now."


Following Your Dreams

Maxwell spent most of his adolescent life in a two bedroom apartment in the Chinatown district of Algonquin, Liberty City. He was still living with his father James, who was now doing all he could to provide for Max on his own. Working three jobs, James felt guilty for not being able to spend as much time with his son as he would like to. He knew that even if he tried to explain it to Maxwell, his young mind would not be able to understand.

One day, James came home much later than usual. Maxwell wondered why, but as he looked at his father he knew that nothing was wrong at all. No, this was the first time in a long time that Max had seen his father genuinely happy.

"I've quit my jobs...", James exclaimed. "And I'm buying a garage, for us."
Ever since Max was little, he had been infatuated with cars. Especially JDM tuners, which he had seen in plenty of movies and video games. His dad had previously worked in an auto body shop, and had plenty of experience.
With the liquidation of a garage just down the road from their apartment, James was presented with the opportunity of purchasing it.



Maxwell in 2021, with his pride and joy - the Kuni

The Grass is Rarely Greener

After working in his dad's garage for a few years, Maxwell decided to apply for a few different schools. He wanted to get out of his neighborhood for once, and experience living life on his own.
He was finally accepted into the Fashion Design program at Vespucci University of Liberty City.

In school, Maxwell excelled, using his creative mind to the fullest. He made plenty of friends for the first time in his life, finally being surrounded by likeminded individuals. With his degree on the horizon, he finally felt like he had a purpose, and a clear path to follow. Maxwell graduated in 2019, receiving his degree. He moved into a studio apartment not too far from Varsity Heights, trying to pursue a career in fashion.

Looking for an internship at a fashion agency proved difficult, and as such, Maxwell had to look elsewhere for work again. He landed a job doing club security at the Maisonette 9, one of Tony Prince's famous clubs in Liberty City.
Working there meant meeting a variety of people, doing shady dealings and in turn straying further and further away from the life Max had imagined for himself. He did however, develop a very handy set of skills.
He was later on hired as a getaway driver for three consecutive robberies, all of which were very successful.

Soon enough though, Maxwell saw his opportunity to move on, and took it.
He knew that he could not return to his dad's garage in Chinatown, as he didn't want the heat on him to affect his father James. With no more than $600 in cash and a nice pair of sneakers, Maxwell hailed a cab to Francis International Airport, walked up to the teller and asked for a ticket to the first flight available.

As he walks towards the gates, he hears the voice over the intercom.
Air Herler Airlines flight AE308 is now boarding, heading for Los Santos


To Be Continued...

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The Amarillo Aces Dockside Drag V2


The Aces were itching for something to do so they decided it was time for them to host another drag race, and with the success of their last event at the docks they decided to try the event one more time so Brody sat down and began to write up the emails to get the event organized. It was the night before the event and everyone was hanging outside of the new Mirror Park Tuning (MPT). Brody had stopped in to get a custom tune for his Vapid Hustler. Andrew Quinn stepped up and offered to do the tune. Brody does quite a bit of tuning at LSC but he wanted to see what this new shop could do. After a few pulls Andrew Quinn was able to squeeze a little extra horsepower out of it, pushing it from 815rwhp up to 843rwhp which is quite impressive to say the least.  _B2bEMiSnjG8QdEodMdAbrF7ypp0TMvjT0ol6VFyTSRXVVSnQ-Z4XwBWsrEPyNXmOB4g13yk9hfGjh3PdL2-82iweeFrBoCWudkXW4oku7JM71YaFA23_yORNWYDg95GAslAigss


The alarm rang and startled Brody awake. Today was the day that The Aces were holding their second drag race on Buccaneer Way. Brody started his morning off hoping into his Hustler and making his way down to where the racing would take place. After arriving he placed a call to Weazle for some advertisements as well as a premium blip.



The time hit 7:00 and everyone was to meet up at Amarillo to get ready for the event. A tribute event to the old Bayview was taking place and because Brody already knew how to set everything up and who was going to do what he sent the other Aces over to check out that event. Dale Ashcroff was the only person that responded to the initial call to help with the event but he stuck it through and did an amazing job making sure everything was taken care of. The Aces decided to raffle off a car as a token of appreciation to those that came to the event. Jack Betts (current 7 of spades) offered up his personal Hellfire Gauntlet, tossing the keys over to Maxwell. Maxwell the night before was able to pitch his business idea out and got a very surprising key to a workshop. He took that opportunity and used it to his fullest by taking the Hellfire over to the new workshop and doing a full engine rebuild as well as some amazing body and paint work.



The Aces managed to squeeze 26 races in before calling out it was time for the raffle to take place. Dexter stepped up with his mega phone and announced it was time to spin the wheel. The wheel spun and spun, eventually slowing and stopping on Vincenzo Negroni winning with only 1 ticket. 

Congrats my friend, below are the photos from the event and even a video that was submitted.



Edited by Brody King
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Meet The Members Of The Aces

Part two of our meeting of Samson Woods


Hey! Taxi!

Unsure as to what he would do in this bold new city he had never visited before, he called a taxi at the airport and asked where someone new in town could get their feet planted - he was promptly taken to the pier and soon after discovered that he really does not have the patience to fish! Pondering what to do, Samson gritted his teeth and stuck it out, getting enough money together to afford some wheels, and discovered something he was very familiar with, living on rugged terrain. He took to hunting and mining - Sleeping under the stars next to his beater truck, grinding away and thriving off of his own hard work and efforts…
Overtime? You mean a full working day?


Samson wanted more, he wanted to utilise the skills he had developed in a new way. He shortly after applied at Los Santos Customs and within a few days was hired after a sterling interview. He completed his training in pretty much record time - Fixing things and loading trucks with broken pieces of shit was nothing new to him. Isn’t much else to do in the desert when you’re waiting for the next call out.

It was here that the next big event happened within his life.

Samson met the Aces.

A few shifts in and Brody King, Leader of the Aces introduced himself to Samson, they hit it off real well and he soon extended the hand to hang around with the club.  Samson hung round with the crew for a while, partaking in activities here and there, fishing wasn’t so boring when you have a couple of the guys together vibing with some tunes and a few beers, until one day Brody had a side discussion with Ronnie Moretti, leader of the Diamonds. They asked him to meet them just off Amarillo Vista. They met up and took a little drive together, shooting the shit then out of nowhere Brody announced “ I think it's time we make Mr Woods here official” Straight to the Tattoo shop they went and it was there that Samson Woods was became part of the Amarillo Aces. A few hours later, Samson was marked for life with the first entry sign to the Amarillo Aces - The signature suit sleeve. A wildcard no longer, he was now within the Diamond suit.

Almost done, just the white highlights left to do...


He knew he had to take the club a bit more seriously now, and straight away emptied his savings and bought himself his pride and joy. A brand new Massacro. He tricked it out with club colours, eager to impress and show his dedication. and within just a short couple of months, Samson has since risen within LSC and the Aces, feeling  himself out to be a solid member within both new pillars of his life. He grinded away at LSC, joining the Roadside division to make money to put into his car, to put into his club and to put into his new club house. He attended every event he was able to, be it working communication within the drag races, taking photos for promotional use with the Aces activities or just goofing around with car hide and seek.


One of many Drag Races, and one of many more to come.


Shortly after being promoted to the 7 of Diamonds He donated a large chunk of change to put the payment towards one of the final houses left to occupy on Amarillo Vista, ensuring the club could own the whole road as a family.

Today, you can find Samson in one of three places - The cab of his Flatbed as he pulls idiots out of ditches who can’t handle a sharp right turn. Cranking bolts within the workshop of LSC or with the Aces; his new brotherhood... on the open road.


Edited by Steven Timpson
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Meet the Aces

Brody King, Ace of Spades

     I mean a lot of us had a shitty life ya know, but Brody’s family OWNED it. His father was a career con man and a damn good one at that. He was so smooth and well known that he was able to walk into any club in the city, I seriously mean that too, I've seen him walk with Russians, Irish, Chinese, Drifters, any MC's and hell he didn't even sweat it when he was doing small cons on the LSPD, so naturally Brody wanted to be like him. Brody began getting trained at the age of 7, starting with some basic sleight of hand and working all the way up to full safe cracking. It has landed Brody in a bit of trouble but nothing so bad that he couldn't talk his way out of it, until he decided to try and con his high school principal in North Carolina. 

      His father had been doing a long con on a man named Ricky Labouskii and he was in need of a get-a-way car and driver, so BK started doing what he does best, he started running his mouth, eventually tricking his principal into letting him take his car and picking his father up. It was at that time when BK discovered his love for driving and the thrill of speed, it sparked something in him that led to a full obsession and it changed quite a bit of his life. During that car chase he was able to make enough left turns to keep the cops off him and drop his father off with some of the Irish so he wouldn't be caught. After that the cops continued to chase Brody, and he was pulling away from them when he made a bad turn that caused him to clipped a truck that had two people in it. He caused them to flip the truck and it didn't look good.....



 At that point Brody decided the con man's life wasn't for him anymore, so he quickly turned around and headed back to the accident. They were both hurt badly so he tried to help them but he honestly didn't know anything about saving a life, Brody had only been taught slight of hand. He stayed with them until help got there, but when they arrived the cops put him in cuffs and immediately and took him off. Brody might have only been in High School but they tried him as an adult and he served a few years because his fathers charges landed on him as well as countless other charges including evading police, reckless driving, and multiple 3rd degree speeding tickets. While Brody was incarcerated he got a job as a barber to take some time off his sentence. After 3 years of being in prison Brody was able to leave, he then decided to pursue his barbering profession, later finishing and moving to this new city.



After arriving here in Los Santos he quickly realized the barber shops were full and weren't in need of any barbers but he needed to make some fast money. Brody started looking for jobs around the city that paid well and found that the Palieto bus station was in need of a driver or two. Honestly he didn't even have the funds for a taxi at that time so he decided to walk, not realizing the rabbit hole it was about to create. Brody began to walk to the bus station when a random bus came speeding up behind him. Brody thought it was fate coming to sweep him up and take him right to the bus station so he hopped onto it and took his seat, sadly no one else was on the bus. Everything seemed normal until they passed the Palieto toll booth, after that the ride took a quick change...

The bus veered off the main road and onto a bumpy dirt road leading Brody to ask what was happening. The driver just slipped his mask on and remained silent until reaching a car with 4 people in it. The driver told Brody to exit the bus and as he did the 4 men stepped out of their car.  They forced him into the trunk, then sped off. When the trunk popped open Brody opened his eyes to see three men wearing wolf masks, they grabbed his arms and tossed him from the trunk. Brody was now standing behind the Vinewood sign with 3 guns pointed at him.



To be continued….... 

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Meet the Aces

Brody King Ace of Spades



After being kidnapped Brody decided he needed to make some friends but there just wasn't anyone around the bus station that he could trust so that made him begin to look at new job opportunities. Brody picked up a paper and began to look at the job openings. Los Santos Custom was in need of some new mechanics. Brody grabbed a pen and circled the information, he also saw that the Medical Center was hiring as well so he decided to circled both. After putting in his applications Brody eagerly waited for a response, a few days passed when Brody got a call from the hospital to come in for an interview. Brody sat down with James Valor the next day at the medical center for his interview, needless to say King knew nothing about that field but as fate would have it he would end up receiving an email about an interview at LSC. After failing the interview at the Medical Center King knew it was his fate to follow in his fathers footsteps. Brody walked in and sat on the ledge until it was time for his interview. Finally after being a beautiful annoyance Micky King decided to give Brody a chance. The interview went surprisingly well and Brody was hired on the spot. This moment changed Brody’s life, he was finally a part of a new team. He woke up the next morning eager to show LSC what he had. Brody pulled in and waited for his training….. After sitting beside management for about 3 days Abol Baze and Conrad McMount stepped up and helped Brody learn the ropes. Brody put in countless hours on the ledge. Week after week he was putting in 40 to 50 hours this in return refueled his passion for cars and the comradery the car culture brings. 

After being at LSC for a few months Brody decided to start up a car club. He had plenty of good people around him so naturally he went up to them and told them about his idea. He later explained about his fathers old car club and how he wanted to bring it back to life. After building the initial team the Amarillo Aces were off and running. Though the Aces spent most of their time at LSC they were working hard so they could buy all the houses in Amarillo Vista. After Brody started building the Aces he was met with his fair share of problems. After the launch of the Aces LSC decided to open an investigation on Brody and all the Aces. This started the turmoil between the branches of management and the Aces. Brody had nothing to hide so he openly invited every member of management to come to Amarillo if they wanted. Of course with all of the management at LSC being a part of PD they decided to handle it a different way but this was just the start of what was to come.

Brody continued  to put in the hours regardless of the investigation at LSC, he needed to grow the family he was building. Every member that management would hire to be part of LSC, King made it his motive to recruit everyone on the ledge. Trying to build a club and finding people you can trust is hard so Brody used management to filter out the bad eggs. He knew if they could work at LSC that they were legal enough to be part of the Aces. Plus LSC does background checks weekly so it all just made sense. As time passed the investigation LSC had going on within the Aces died out… or at least Brody thought that it did.

To be continued.....

Edited by Brody King
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