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After getting the property, Don and Asbo headed out to Motorsports to pick up the prize car for their 2-year anniversary event, the Jugular. Shortly after, they split off for the night. Don soon began brainstorming ideas for how to remodel the place, the first step was the shop floor. With Asbo’s recommendation, he bought some flooring to install with a checkerboard pattern to make the place look nice.


After building the shop, Don spent a while inside, creating the ultimate chill spot which includes a bathroom, a CCTV/Gaming room, a pool table, an air hockey table, and finally a chill corner with a TV and couches.


Once completing the interior remodel, Don spoke to Asbo and decided it was time to show the members. Texts were sent out, and a cruise was established. Once it came time, a few members met at the lot. Don began to lead the cruise around the state, stopping at a few places in the city, then making their way to Paleto where they stopped at Bayview, and then the Sheriff’s station to take a picture with the fat guy.


After hanging out in Paleto for a little bit, Don then directed the cruise to the area of the shop, surprised the members, and told them all about it. Don and Asbo proudly showed the members around, and soon after, everyone split ways for the night. Throughout the week, Don showed all of the members he could who couldn’t come on the cruise.


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Peter found a used Penumbra on a car lot, and he decided to buy it and turn it into his project car for the next few weeks. Coincidentally Burnout just purchased a garage for working on their vehicles. Peter reached out to Don to tell him about the project and he asked if he could use the garage for painting and customizing needs, he said yes! Peter got right to work, buying all the supplies to paint and modify the vehicle. 


First on the list was to gather supplies to paint the car.

He browsed the web in search of painting stuff, he found supplies for painting the car on the U Tool website. He orders the supplies online and went to pick them up.bTMdCcHCFa_7dAXaSvUu-bKWyg5XSGYl420aDARFIJOeBIyy75osDLyDYlbxmAhZ9-mshWy4lCBfhC4SMrh5TcrJedSOowENedGCn5IB0fevASt9BFFcIHJ-n9m6Dodq-RII_n27iJ2jQhXwp0OcurI09qtfcUQCspusmytxsDGe-wJo1P0ylnAK8bP1KfGtQzLz8ZuUGl4hOLimnmcyx1kdu-FH0Q7VLUJ_U8geTSqNODEoPFzgc7Msl36t1IEK_kQOrbHgsCti5Xg1tlc65BmWAwfFBAf_0T4pf4EK61buToiqOyTB_jcfCjbcNrX1V5d439aETyY76TKVVQulj0aD-lsFfzAHKj5wEdV-GQDX0fg9SB9oaFYKY3Sr3BE62N7xV3l89xvBtdcaQAGsAwLII45pxZLTpy5iP8l6LtVka52l7Qz-17JXHWxzmAnsNMjmA

He drove back to the garage and got to work, first was cracking open the crate wrLtVlwb1oIZehbJPlokX5wkyUOE07VpSk-R7ubYSIoCnaFX2wOoq43F-bU4TO9rshNGvicFfpKajriqbVvLa1Zq9_XdsCDu35P_QsyRxUhTaCszuLhUS3D7uEph85D2vRW7nz1swtcn3wqVUCSJFRY0QHlzHmDuIgePY0nkfOCb5qmIzT878PwQXqelnzZfRLDSW0paTNYc76mit3_n1mi3YOVfQYG2aC9qyXi2CvsA0CBeIHpo44INRYJ51NmsIBtzZpvOWH7KqTCWtvoYslv4cATx0uBTWxUcMh_MlUJ3O4

He cracked open the crate with Don and Asbo beside to expose the contents of the crate.


The next thing to do was to remove any grease and wax from the vehicle before painting it.







After applying the grease remover/wax, he had to start with a sealer.




After that, it was time for a base layer!







After applying the first layer of paint onto the vehicle, Peter waited about 10-15 minutes before adding the second layer of paint. Once he finished with the second layer, next was the sealer. 







The first part of the project was complete! The next steps were to mod the car to the max! Of course, Peter took it to LSC to get a few of the visual aspects of the vehicle kitted out such as; Spoiler, side skirts, Rear and Front Bumper, Grille, Pearlescent, and Livery! The final, product looked like this.UfiP29evzC5ETKCnN0bCoQYn5YqGlGAqrKIPq0TQujB9GSl-Q5AF3B-wj9s0jlzAVjh1U9QWVrwP2LxHi0D8HrhxStfTnZ3vg_zaRfHgQb-7gnIcV08uoh7_RXCC_vZ411el49qFEeUwi_RKTBJJS_o

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Photos of Burnout's visit to the LSD car meet

(Don, Asbo, Jimmy, and Audrey posing with other members in their fast n furious cosplay)

(The fast n furious themed cars parked up near eachother)


(Don (Dom) & Asbo (Paul) playing music at the DJ stand)

(Bruce, Frank, and Alex sitting in their cars at the meet)

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Last year, Burnout Nation impacted the city by sitting at LSC and offering to pay for people’s paint jobs, as long as they painted it some form of pink. This year, Burnout decided to do it themselves. Using the garage they leased through the government, Asbo suggested to Don and James that Burnout paints cars themselves at the garage this year.


Asbo went to U-Tool and bought some pink paint buckets and spray guns to use, then loaded them into his new “pickup truck” and brought them to the garage. 


After bringing the equipment to the garage, Asbo purchased a couple of suits to wear while painting and began to set up small “stations” for people to bring their cars in.


Once setting up each station up, Asbo asked someone on the Weazel News frequency to change the ad to say “Starting Now”, and the Burnouts waited. After waiting a few minutes, people began to roll in, which is when they got to work.



After a couple of hours of being at the garage, things started to slow down so the Burnouts packed things up.


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Oktoberfest is traditionally always hosted during September, however Asbjorn knew most people of Los Santos didn’t know that, therefore he decided he’d host it during the second week of October at his brewery pub, Bjorn’s Brewery. The theme was pretty simple, show up and get as much free beer as you’d like, and along with that came free beer hats!
The main attraction for the event was the karaoke, where people could let loose and sing their lungs out to whatever they wanted to, however the most popular songs were Umbrella by Rihanna, Thousand Miles and YMCA.


The night was mostly hosted by Don and Asbo, however a very special guest came in to help serve up the brews.

Mr Los Santos himself, Collie Fegan who’s usually Asbo’s co-worker at Weazel, came and supported the event and giving a helping hand!


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(By @Asbo & @Ranger)


Burnout has a few traditions, but the most important one is their breast cancer awareness car meet, which has been a big success for the past two years, and this year it shouldn’t be different.

Asbo wanted something that would attract a lot of people, and raffles usually tend to go a long way, therefore it was decided, after their very successful Jugular & 10F Raffle, that the next would be a Hakuchou Drag.

Asbo spent a few days, posting adverts and scouring the marketplace to see, and finally he was able to score one for a decent price.

It was modified to look clean, and with their signature breast cancer awareness color code, which Burnout also uses for most of their personal vehicles during October.



Once all of the preparations were completed, the day came for the event. Asbo prepared the area by parking the prize Drag next to the raffle tents and tables, then got the ads running to let the city know that the event was beginning.


As the ads went up, people began to arrive. As the parking lot filled up, small circles formed and people began to converse and speak about their rides with each other.


Once everyone settled in, the raffle began. Asbo took signups for the raffle as Don and a couple other of the Burnouts went around and conversed with people telling them about it. 


After a while of selling the tickets, Asbo decided it was time to draw the name of the winner. The wheel was set up and spun and the winner was picked, Andrea Fallon!


Once everything was said and done, the lot emptied out and everyone left the parking lot.


This was the third annual event for breast cancer awareness that Burnout has done, and the third year consisting of us making an effort to get the color pink spread out around the community as best as possible to help spread the awareness. Year after year we like to try to get as many people involved with this as it really in a way brings people together in different ways. 

As I say, if you ask an entire room of people “Who knows someone who’s had breast cancer”, 90% of the room would raise their hands, so it’s truly touching to see people show support for those who were affected by breast cancer and show/spread the awareness in a community sense. 

We hope to see some more pink around the server next year!

- Ranger / Burnout Nation 

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The Burnouts had a couple of cars that needed their winter tires put on. Don and Asbo decided to take the initiative.

(Don & Asbo shopping for tools at UTool.)

In-between getting to the Burnout Garage, Hazel & Asbo decorated the lot.

(Post about this soonTM - Link will be edited in later!)

After doing all of that, they headed to the garage and got to work.

(Don changing his first tire.)

Asbo & Jamie assisted Don with his other tires.

(Jamie changing the final tire on the Novak.)

(Don & Bruce's cars on their jacks.)

After finishing Don's Novak, Don assisted Bruce with his Clique, teaching him how to change out a wheel.


(Bruce changing out his wheels.)

After putting on each wheel, Don & Bruce found an air issue whilst Don was making sure everything was done correctly.

(Don checking the air pressure on each wheel and filling them up.)

Once Bruce's car was done, they said their goodbyes, but decided to grab a bite as a group first.

(Don, Bruce, and Asbo talking about getting food.)

They headed to Burnout Bodega to get some sandwiches after a long evening of changing out wheels.

(Don, Bruce, and Asbo eating and drinking at Burnout Bodega.)

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Winter time was back, and Don felt empty. All he’s been doing was working, and he felt that he didn’t have anything to occupy his time when he wasn’t on shift. He remembered Asbo’s Jester Classic project and began to reminisce on his first project, his 190z, and made the decision to start a new project, his second winter project. Don headed to Burnout's garage and began his search.


Once he found the vehicle he wanted, he contacted the seller to organize a meet up to see the car.


After speaking on the phone with the seller, he called Asbo and let him know what his plan was and invited him to join him in checking out the car. Asbo agreed, and Don picked him up from Weazel News HQ and headed to the Scrapyard. Once they arrived, they met with Jake, the vehicle seller.


Once they introduced each other, Don started to inspect the car and see what all needed work.


After checking everything, Don decided to purchase the car. Jake and Don sorted out the papers and Don prepared to call a flatbed to get the car taken back to the Burnout garage.


(Part 2 soon:tm:)


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The Setting Sun - The Final Chapter

Party Nightads
Cruise Control
When a Plan Comes Together
Journey to Forever
An Evening to Remember
Asbo’s Birthday Bash
A Year Gone By
An Eventful Day
Hilltop Car-B-Que
An Exquisite Evening
Spreading Awareness
Progress Being Made
Bjorn’s Brewery
Movie Time
An Unexpected Cruise
Family Dinner Night
Front Runner Tings
Dice Cruise
Paint the Nation
Tis The Season
All is Bright
Go Kart Day


Bez - A new, new beginning
Hazel - Dear Diary
Dani - The Life of Dani Castle
Winter - History
Jamie - The Desk
Maccy - The Collector
Hazel - Autumn Scrapbook
Don - Winter Project: Part 1
Asbo - Steamboat Christmas
Don - Winter Project: Part 2
Don - Winter Project: Part 3
Hazel - Winter Scrapbook
Hazel - Summer Scrapbook
Gary - A Temporary Departure
Hazel - Flashback Friday
Sanjay - Joining a Family
Hanzo - JDM Car Show
Peter - The Rise and Fall of Peter “Lipstick” Stanford
Hazel - Success is Like a Snowball
Liam - Liam’s Introduction to the Nation
Asbo - Bjorn Brewery Collab
Fleet of The Nation - Asbo
Fleet of The Nation - Sanjay
Fleet of The Nation - Hanzo
Gary - Burnout x METRO Cigar Night
Asbo - Scrapyard: Part 1
Asbo - Scrapyard: A Shady Purchase
Fleet of The Nation - Don
Asbo - Scrapyard: Restored
Peter - Project Maibatsu Pt. 1
Don - Winter Project: TLC (Part 1)
Don - Winter Project: TLC (Part 2)

Don - Home Sweet Home
Don - Winter Project: TLC (Part 3)
Don - Winter Project: TLC (Part 4)

Don - Winter Project: TLC (Part 5)

Pink Slips
A Big Change
One Year Anniversary Post
Our True Colors
Acquiring Space Part 1: The Acquisition
Two Year Anniversary Post
Acquiring Space Part 2: The Reveal

Three Year Anniversary Post (Internal)

The Dinner Party
Fun and Games
Beach Day
Opening Night
The Car Show
Dock Race
Breast Cancer Awareness Meet v1
Yule Feast
Drag Race
Diamond Derby
Summer Showdown
Impromptu Party
Breast Cancer Awareness Meet v2
Le Zancudo
Friday Night Car Meet
The Pop Culture Car Meet
Reever Race
Track Day
Breast Cancer Awareness Meet v3

First of The Year Car Show
Burnout Drag Day (Drag Race v3)
Sunday Cruisin'

Burnout Brew
LSD Meet Photo Dump
The Brewery Board

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As spring came around and the snow started to melt, Don and Asbo spoke about doing an event to start off the year. After considering different options and talking about future plans, they decided that it would be ideal to host a car show to kick off the year. Once the plan was set, Asbo began running ads and preparation began.

Once the prep work ended, the day was here to get people together and get the car show started. Once the blip was put down, people began to arrive in their cars and parked up.

(Cars beginning to fill up The Lot's parking spaces)

After people began to arrive, Asbo decided to announce that Raffle Ticket sales were beginning which is when the table began to gain attention from car show attendees.

(A few people purchasing raffle tickets, meanwhile Gareth Longford and Rija Luigi come to see what's going on)

After raffle sales opened, things got into full swing - cars were showing up and parking left and right and people began to congregate within their own groups and talked about cars at the show and general conversation. As The Lot filled up, Don and Icarus set up a table on the upper parking to get signups for the actual car show, where people's vehicles would be judged. Once they signed up they took a small piece of paper that Don had left and put it on their cars to indicate that they needed to be judged.

(The Lot's parking spaces essentially being full up)

(Icarus speaking with a fellow member of Envy)

(Ray Broker's Stirling GT with a note in the windshield)

After about 25 minutes passed, Icarus and Don decided to begin going around to look at cars and score them. Meanwhile, Asbo gathered all of the raffle entries and put them on a wheel to spin. After Don and Icarus finished they noticed a tie for 3rd place. Asbo was brought in to break the tie and a winner for 3rd place was chosen, but Don and Icarus still felt that the other vehicle deserved a prize spot, so Don added a last-minute 4th place prize. Once the winners were chosen, Don, Asbo, and Icarus announced the winners of the Raffle and the Car show. In first place was Kim Taek with his Futo GTX, in second was Christine Farnsworth with her Raptor, third place was Nathaniel Luceran with his Drift Cypher, and in fourth place was Ford Jasper with his Postlude.

(Don, Asbo, and Icarus announcing Raffler/Car Show winners)

(Car show winners parked from 1st Place (Left) to 4th Place (Right))

(The winner of the raffle, Gareth Smith standing against his new car)

As all car shows go, once things ended everyone cleared out and continued with their day. As Asbo and Don were leaving Asbo brought up Weazel News' new idea - "This or That". Don and Asbo called Kim, the winner of the car show, to come get pictures taken and they are featuring his car in this weeks "This or That".


Read Icarus' story about his involvement at the event on the ENVY thread here!

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After purchasing the car, Don dropped off Asbo at Weazel and went back out to the scrapyard to call the mechanics to get the vehicle picked up.


Once the car was on the flat bed, Don followed the Bayview flatbed to the garage.


Once they arrived at the garage Don watched the mechanic unload the car.


After the car was unloaded, Don bid farewell to the mechanic and he headed into the garage to get to work and start taking the car apart piece by piece so that he could restore it properly.


(Part 3 will be posted soon! I have about 19 pictures from this part and it's a bit much to include in only one post. Thanks for reading!)

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Burnout had a drag racing event they had held mid-February for the last two years in a row. Asbjorn and Don had decided to run it this year for a third time in a row. The event was scheduled for the 19th of February, although this time the nation would not be holding an actual competition, but rather running an open track for anyone to settle their scores. 


Asbjorn worked along with the construction companies of the city to move the barriers into place and create the track at Sandy shores airfield, as they had in previous years. Liam was the second member of the nation to arrive at the track, and he decided he would take over as the official starter of races. As more of the nation and the rest of the city began to slowly roll in, the night got under way. 



The races had gone off without a hitch and the reception of the event was overwhelmingly positive. The nation got to cleaning up the track and discussing what was next on the agenda for the night. As is normal for them after an event they decided it was time for a cruise around the night to various spots, although it was discussed, and they agreed that a normal cruise was not on the books for the night and that they would instead do a dice cruise. This is a type of cruise the nation had begun to drive cars they may not take out as often. They simply roll a random number based on the amount of cars they own to choose that they would be cruising in.  Asbjorn would be cruising in his glendale custom, Don would be in his 190Z , Bruce would be in his Riata, James would be in his caracara, Liam would be whipping his cypher and Shiro would be running up the rear with her Brioso 300.  The cruise first attended Burger shot, where they had their fill of food and drink before being told that there was an ongoing hostage situation.



 Don's police training immediately kicked in as he called 911 and hopped on his radio to ensure the police department understood exactly what they were getting into. Everyone else took cover and watched as the events unfolded in front of them.  Once the police arrived and took control of the scene the group decided it was time to carry on with their adventures.



 As a lot of the nation had not been around in a while, Don decided it would be a good time to show off the new garage acquired by the nation, where he was currently restoring a classic car. The group had pulled up outside the garage and looked around in amazement at the work that had been undergone, and the progress Don was making on his project. 



After this, Asbjorn explained to a few of the members how he was currently leasing a store in the mall and how it worked. They thought this would be a good way to end the night. They made their way over to the mall and parked up inside before looking through the store and being amazed at how far the nation had come from a simple car club to now having businesses named after them. They chatted for a bit and caught up over a few snacks in the store before deciding to call it a night.


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After about 2 years of searching, Don finally got a deal on a house in Mirror Park. He spoke with Jonathan Purmineli for a couple of months about buying it, and Don was able to get him to budge and got a price on it. After saving up for 2 or 3 months Don finally bought the house and began to plan the remodeling of the back yard.


Once the plan was set, he placed everything down and invited Alex Sorvanis over to check it out, and shortly after Ellie Berrycloth arrived as well and the three hung out and spoke about it.


Don finally finished remodeling the back yard area and got a call from Asbo that someone wanted to check out the house. After going to Weazel News he saw Asbo and Hazel there and took them to the house and they hung out and spoke about the house.


Don told the two about his plans for the future with the house, and some possible barbeques that will happen in the near future to take place as a housewarming "party".


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Once Don removed the seats he began to remove the doors.


After removing the doors and setting them aside, he began to remove the rusted hood and fenders.


After removing the fenders he noticed something odd.


Soon after Don learned about this new herdle in the project, he wrapped the car up under a protective cover until he had more time to continue working on it. 


His next step is now to find some OEM parts for the car. He’s not sure where he’ll find them, but he’ll find a way.

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On a Saturday afternoon, Don decided to rent some Go Karts for the club to have some fun with. He let members know and a few met up at The Lot.

(Hazel, Don, Asbo, and Josh hanging out at The Lot - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

After waiting a few minutes Jack got on frequency and asked what was going on. After being told, he clocked off shift at the LSPD and headed to The Lot. Once he arrived the 5 headed down to the Drift Arena where the Go Karts were waiting for them in multiple different colors.

(Hazel parking her Go Kart next to her Tornado Custom - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

As the 5 members got to the Drift Arena, Liam, Hanzo, and Jamie began to trickle in and get themselves a Kart. Shortly after the club doing a few races, Luca Quinn and Jacqueline Perinneau arrived to see what was going on, and they were invited to join in for some races.

(The Burnouts & ENVY members lined up for a race - Photo: Don Mozzarella, Burnout)

Once they did a few races, Luca and Jaqueline left and headed off. The Burnouts did a few more races and decided to pack it up and head to the car show happening at Old Bayview. As they arrived, they parked up their cars and began to socialize. Don spoke with Dima Flory about joining the club and ended up giving his Burner pin. Don brought his 190z which ended up winning the car show aspect of the meet, alongside Gaven Montasser and Francesca Romano in their Yosemite Custom & Panthere.

(Burnout's Coquette D10 parked at the car show - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

(Multiple people crowding around the final 3 cars - Photo: Oliver Mceden, Bayview)

After the car show ended and a long day of racing around in Go Karts, everyone split off and went to sleep or went back to work.


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After a short break from working on the car and focusing a bit more on his work within the LSPD, Don finally found some time in his schedule to browse for some parts for the Gauntlet and order them.




After finding the parts he needed, he remembered that he needed to sort out a trophy for Kim Taek from the recent car show that he was a part of and won first place in.




Once Don finished ordering what he needed, he sat back in his chair and left the garage building, beginning the process of patiently waiting for his parts and the trophy to arrive so he can continue work on the car and finally reward Kim their prize.


A zoomed in view of the websites Don was using.



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Don waited for about two weeks for his parts to arrive, and in the meantime, he spent time with his friends and colleagues doing various activities. As May 13th arrived, he was driving around on a Reever that he was borrowing whilst blowing time waiting for Ava Raven & Johnnie Hill’s wedding to happen that same day. As he was driving, he felt a vibration coming from his phone in his pocket.


After reading the notification, he drove straight to the garage to find a crate waiting for him.


Now that the crate was there, he needed a way to get it into the garage. He was tempted to ask a dock worker if he could borrow a forklift, but he looked around and noticed a pallet jack sitting near the loading bay of the garage near the Burnout Garage.



After getting the crate into the garage and returning the pallet jack back to where he found it, it was time to crack the crate open.





Once he got his excitement out of the way seeing that his parts arrived, he walked out of the garage and noticed a smaller package sitting near the couches outside. After picking it up and opening it, he saw the Car Show Trophy he ordered had arrived as well. He closed the box and took it with him - now knowing that he had to find Kim Taek and present his trophy to him - finally.

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Don got the Burnouts together for a small cruise around the city on a nice Sunday afternoon.

(Don, Asbo, Alex, Jack, and Hanzo hanging out at the lot before heading out Josh joined them soon after they all met up. Shortly after leaving, Colt arrived and joined them.)

(The Burnouts making a quick stop at Mirror Park Gas to get food and gas.)

(After a quick stop at Bayview, the Burnouts stopped at the Drift Gas station to refuel one last time.)

(The Burnouts hanging out at the pier with Marco, Belle, Larry, Dan, and Jay. After a few words, everyone split off to go to sleep.)

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Sunday, July 12th 2020, eight people gathered one day near the Merryweather Docks and created the idea of a car club called Burnout Nation whilst fishing. All of the members except for one, Don, were a part of the prominent motorcycle club, the Los Santos Motorcycle Club (LSMC). The seven members wanted a change in scenery - changing from motorcycles to cars and Don being a recent addition to the group was all for it as he was a motor-head. The eight members solidified the idea of creating a car club and spent about 5 days brainstorming a name for it - names such as The Los Santos Car Club (LSCC), Street Nation, The Burnouts, and other general ideas for the structure of the club. Everyone was skeptical about all of those names until the then-leader Maccy Kentworth combined "Street Nation" and "The Burnouts" into one - QnO58T2.png. Everyone loved the idea for the name they would begin to identify themselves as. The name was set, and on Friday, July 17th 2020, Burnout Nation went public. Everything went up from there whether it was the club welcoming in their first few members that did not come over when the founders moved on from the LSMC (Ryan Blackwell, Axel Raven, and Serena Lionetti), or if it was the celebration of having the first car show (~September 10th, 2020). After some time had passed, people left, leaving only four of the original founders, Don, Asbo, Hazel, and Jamie to continue running the club. Throughout the tough times of seeing many of the founders leave, Burnout had continued to prosper.


It was around the 1st of July when Don called Asbo and told him what his plans were for a celebration for Burnout's 3 Year Anniversary. They had planned to go all-out on a car show - hosting a 3-car raffle (one for each year), a car show, and offering food & drink services. Asbo was all for the idea, and the plan was set to do the event on Friday, July 14th, but with unfortunate circumstances, they had moved the event to Sunday, July 23rd. Don was unhappy that they had to reschedule, but him and Asbo both agreed that it was only right to still do something on the actual day of the anniversary, Monday, July 17th. Don had brought up the idea of a low-key bar-b-que at his house followed by a cruise, and Asbo agreed on it. Don sent out texts to members and began to prepare for the bar-b-que - going out and buying supplies for food, making sure that the propane tank in his grill was full, and getting meats to grill from a friend of a friend.

The time came, and Don got to his house and set everything out; paper plates, buns, drinks, and small snack foods.


After placing everything on the table, one of Burnout's Cruisers, Josh Durry arrived. Once Josh arrived Don got his campfire going near some seating, and set everything out on a table. After finishing all of the small prep, he turned on the grill and let it heat up as a couple more people arrived.


Everyone stood around and reminisced on old times, and had general conversations about their days, weeks, music, work, etc. Once the conversations got deep enough Don went over to the grill and began to put on some beef patties and some chicken thighs. After he finished doing that, he went back to the small group and joined in on the conversation - checking on the meats occasionally.


After a few minutes of the food cooking Don made the call to the boys to come get some of it - telling them about all of the plates and food items there were to offer. Everyone swiftly came and got some food and ate it - then continuing to talk as they finished.


Once the conversations started to come to a slow end, Don let everyone know that they were going to go on a short cruise to go see some important placed from Burnout's history and upcoming. The first location being the pond.


As they arrived, Don explained: The pond was not where Burnout Nation was started, but this location is where Burnout gained it's popularity and relevance as it was in the public eye where many people fished at the time. Burnout Nation made many friendships at this location, whether it be random people just asking "what gang are you?" or other interested clubs/groups wanting to work with them on events or general activities. After being at the pond for a little bit, they headed to the next spot - the Merryweather Docks.



After arriving to the exact spot that members originally spoke and came up with the idea, Don explained to them: This is where the actual idea for Burnout Nation was conceived. Burnout used to fish at the pier as their "main spot", but too many people went there to the extent that the LSPD cracked down on people parking on the pier, so they moved there to get away from all of the noise to continue brainstorming ideas for the club. After getting done explaining this and looking out on the steady waters - he got into his car and led everyone to the next spot.



Don, Asbo, and Josh approached the ranch in their cars - everyone immediately recognizing the spot and talking about what they did there. As they spoke, Don interjected and explained: This is the ranch - one of Burnout's "first" Head Quarters. Burnout used to use another location in the city to have meetings and hangout when they weren't fishing, but they moved as there was a plague of car theft ongoing at the time so they moved to a spot a bit more discreet. There were times where they'd have meetings and hear animals in the background or even talking to hunters in the area asking if they had seen any animals as they sat at the HQ. Don finished explaining this and spoke more about a few memories that had happened here, such as the movie night they did in memory of Chadwick Boseman when he passed away, even to the point that the ranch is where Don had became the leader of Burnout Nation when Maccy had decided to move back to the United Kingdom. After a short pause in conversation, they headed to the next, and final location.



Everyone approached the final location - Weazel Plaza Apartments. There was minor confusion from the others as they were not in the club early enough to have been there for this location, but Don explained it: This is the first place that Burnout Nation considered to be their HQ - Asbo's apartment. They did not want to host all of their meetings or activities at the Merryweather Docks or at the Pond near the pier - they wanted a place where they could sit and chat in peace or have a nice evening without being bothered. This location was their headquarters for a short time as there was a plague of car theft in the area and they were unable to do anything inside without having to go downstairs to check on a car alarm going off - even there being a point where Don was held at gunpoint and the rest of the club saved him and took down 4 armed criminals ((2-0 baby)). After that incident, Jamie informed everyone that he had a house that is out of the way that they can use to have meetings. From that point on they used the ranch to do their business.


After getting to the last location is became very dark. Everyone's stomachs were still full from the bar-b-que from earlier, and tired from driving around and overall hanging out for the evening. Don let them know what was planned for the public event to celebrate the 3 year anniversary, and everyone was excited for it. Everyone split off and went to sleep for the evening and Don sat back and reminisced on the last 3 years - then heading to his home in Mirror Park and going to sleep.


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“Metaphorically, a sunset can represent closing the books on a particular stage of life in order to start something new. Just as the sunrise can signal starting something brand new, the setting sun could potentially symbolize finishing a previous chapter in one’s life in order to begin something else.”

Burnout Nation has prospered as the largest and most successful car club styled faction that has ever been on Eclipse Roleplay. Over the past 3 years, we’ve had extreme ups, and extreme downs - and we believe those moments helped us build up to be what we are today, and what we were over the last 3 years.

Burnout Nation Command has made the decision that for now, it is time for the sun to set on the faction.

We'd like to thank everyone who's interacted with us, whether you've just shown up to an event or played a major part in collaborating with the faction.

This may not be the end forever, but for now, it is.


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