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Separate animation for Cops withdrawing a firearm

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The animation for pulling a gun out is awesome and adds loads to the quality of rp, especially for gangstas.

However i think a different animation for cops would be neat, as they rply have their gun on their side next their hand. Perhaps an animation for withdrawing the firearm from the side would be a great idea. 

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I think only downside is that this will lead to metagaming on who is an undercober cop. Imagine someone saying "he's a cop he takes out his gun funny." Unless of course, anyone can choose how to go through with their animation. Maybe anyone can place their guns to the side and have a shorter gun animation, but there is no ability to conceal carry that way.

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15 hours ago, thiggins19 said:

-1 to this as stated above, but I would

+1 if PD had an action timer and animation for when they do /pw as they're unlocking a gun armory, pulling stuff out, and then relocking it.

This has literally nothing to do with the suggestion you're responding to, it's about the animation of drawing an already equipped firearm that's on the holster, as Police Officers in uniform have their firearm placed on their hip where the holster would be, but the animation still reaches behind their back. Nothing about an action timer was mentioned, or accessing/utilizing /pw for that matter.

I'd be for it if the animation is hard-coded to only work for Police Officers who are in uniform. I believe this is possible - the same is done for the radio animation. Detectives who are out of uniform reach for their ear just like everyone else whereas uniformed officers do not. I'm all for animations as I feel they add immersion, however, I fear that it'll be the cause for subconscious metagaming if it's not different for undercover cops. 

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