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Cash Safe Furniture

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A cash safe that you can put money into. So if you and your friend or a group of people have a business yous can all access it and put money into it instead of putting it in to one persons bank account  and having to wait for them to come on.

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well I don't know about other stores profits but if I felt the hurt for the constant robberies my store gets I can tell you the 350$ burger and 175$ water would be come 1500 and 1000 pretty quick, as frankly my store is robbed every 10mins... thus it would be closed up pretty quickly.... perhaps if they implemented a way for me to protect my store from robberies as the cameras and stuff currently don't record, if when the store is being robbed it texted pictures to my phone that I could see and send then perhaps that's an option. But you would certainly see huge price increases to cover costs of stolen money.

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Or maybe the ability to create a shared bank account, where you can add people to access it, like a home.

However, taxes are based on total asset/bank value, so you... would have to split that value 3 ways if you have 3 people? Or, would the total value of the shared account you have access to impact you? Could be abused various ways.

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I wouldn't mind it, but there is the OOC issue of trying to keep the economy from getting any worse. 

I think perhaps with a reasonable limit on how much it can hold, that makes it both worthwhile and also doesn't cut out that tax process, then sure why not.

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