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The Rooks

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"See you on the other side" were the last words Harley spoke on the phone to [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] as she hung up and prepared for her next task ahead of her. Harley dropped her phone on the desk in the office and changed into her disguise, complete with mask, helmet and voice changing module.


After multiple tests in the field, Harley and other High Command members of The Rooks agreed it was time to put one of their prospects to their final test before recruitment. Nicknamed "Project Sunset" the three planned out what was about to happen. Harley, Jimmy and Frankie stood in the office circling a bag on the floor. The plan was simple. The bag was to be filled with a plain metal box to weigh it down, and was sealed with tamper proof tape. Frankie was to then give the bag to the newest prospect [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to deliver to unnamed clients. She was given simple instructions "Do not open the bag. Do not touch the bag. We don't know eachother. The only thing you need to say to them when you meet them is this: "The sun will set in the west this evening, but don't forget your wings."


Harley and Jimmy drove to the agreed meeting location, dressed in their new disguises and voice modules on. They both anxiously waited at the warehouse for [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to arrive with the package. The prospect arrived 4 cigars later, anxiously placing the bag down on the ground infront of them, stuttering out the words "The sun will set in the west this evening, but don't forget your wings."

Now the facade began. Harley carried the bag around the corner, inspected the bag but didn't open it, being careful not to touch the tamper proof tape, and screamed behind her voice changing module "WHAT THE FUCK" followed shortly by "Get her on her knees". Confused but defenceless, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] got on her knees, confused about what she did wrong. She began to cower, her voice began to shake. The prospect was all of a sudden tied up, blindfolded and shoved into the corner of the warehouse where Harley began to interogate, belittle and emotionally torture [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. Harley was interested in what made [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] crack, what did she value enough that the mere threat of it were to be taken away, that she would let loose all information she knew about The Rooks and the people she had met.

Although, as much as Harley tried to get [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to crack, she refused to let any information slip from her lips. Harley smiled behind her mask, catching herself and putting on a fake frown right after. She demanded [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to get in the trunk of the vehicle after all hope of her snitching had fallen.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] was shoved into the trunk of the nearby Rebla, and driven to the Vinyards north of Los Santos, where Frankie and David were waiting. Still blindfolded, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] was pushed into the building, and shoved onto her knees infront of Frankie and David. Frankie, panicked, put on the first voice he could think of. A voice that could only be described as a constipated goblin. The weirdest shit you could ever hear. Harley struggled not to laugh, her eyes watering behind her mask. Getting herself back together, she staightened up and listened to Frankie as he ordered [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]'s execution. Jimmy clicked the safety off of his gun, and pointed it directly against [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]'s temples. She began to cry, begging for one last message to be sent to her boyfriend. Harley allowed it, and they recorded her dying wishes to be sent to Suken. Once it was over, Jimmy held the gun against her temples again. Through her voice changing module, Harley told [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to close her eyes. Flinching, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] did as she said, her heart rate began to raise as she started sweating and panicking about the end of her life and then BANG! Harley had shot the ceiling. Jimmy then ripped the blindfold off of [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and she was greeted with a familiar, comforting "Hello!" from Frankie.


After a few "I hate you"'s and the insults were done, Harley's tone of voice went back to the serious tone she had the whole night. She turned to face [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and extended her hand out, offering a handshake.

"You've passed"


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The Contender Contention

     ..We pulled into Vlad's driveway. He had an arrangement; a sale. Nothing out of the ordinary. Vlad ran inside his place as I relaxed in the truck. I pulled out my necklace, hit the pipe that was attached to it, and rolled down the window. I exhaled a large tetrahydrocannabinol cloud of smoke and as that cloud dissipated, I saw a man crouching along the corner of Vlad's building. "How high am I?" I thought. The man was dressed in black, masked up, and holding a pistol in his left hand, with his right guiding him along the building. After a few moments of disbelief, we locked eyes, and he took off.

     I radioed in the occurrence, instructing Vlad to remain where he was. The rest of us on the frequency made their way over as precautionary backup. A Mesa 4x4 pulled into the driveway, parking next to me in Vlad's Contender. He rolled down his window.

                           "Zade, is that you?" He asked. I shook my head

                           "You mean Zane?" I replied.
                           "Yea, Zane." 


                            "He's helping me become one of you." He said, confidently.

                           "Who are you?" I asked.

                           "Guka Galdavadze."

                           I shrugged.

                           "What about you?" He asked, fishing for information.

                           I hesitated. "Frankie."

     Vlad was clear. This Guka guy wasn't here to fuck with us. He's just an idiot. Vlad came out. He hopped in the truck with his guns and we all pulled out of his driveway going separate ways...



Edited by Dobalina
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And so another chapter has opened for David Disciple. Through all his hard work and dedication he has climbed up the ranks, becoming a Solider. Enforcer, Frankie Valalero called Davids private number telling him to come over to Del Perro for a chat. Duke, Randy Berkowitz was already there waiting on Davids arrival. Randy and Frankie were situated up on a balcony, looking over Del Perro pier when David pulled in on his Drag.

David Disciple wasn't sure what was going to happen, had he done something wrong or messed something up? As David walked up to the balcony, the stairs began to get steeper and steeper. Every step he took felt like it was getting further and further away. Yes, he was nervous. THE ROOKs are Davids family, his life, his world. He never takes anything high command say or do lightly. So walking up to them for a "chat" had him overthinking.

High command, Randy and Frankie had a little discussion with David before they broke the news to him that he would now be recognized as a Solider. David Disciple was honored. Although many members of the Family had a lot of disbelief in David when he joined, such as Randy, due to his past gang violence history. His time in the family had proven them all wrong, no longer was David Disciple a petty thief. He was now a high class established criminal. He was now a ROOK.



It's almost been a week since David Disciples promotion to Soldier and operations haven't been smoother. THE ROOKs have also picked up the pace a lot recently. With multiple new prospects stepping up, numbers have been at a constant high, compared to the drought of activity they'd just been though. Braddocks farm is a place of operation, holding it down is imperative and no other group, gang or family has dared step up to try and hold it for themselves. A name has also been growing unintentionally in the streets of Los Santos for THE ROOKs for being notorious of ambushes. They've gained recognition for holding down Braddocks, although never declaring who they are, somehow people know.

ROOKs are a very merciful family and no matter where or who your are, as long as you show respect, no harm will come to you. While holding down Braddocks, many "Randoms" come in looking to feed off ROOKs land, stealing their plants and using their table unannounced. And sometimes, because of this, a message needs to be sent. [REDACTED] entered their lab just a few days ago in hopes to take some weed away with him, upon being told to leave by an Associate he was disrespectful and so he was held up by soldiers who were setup in bushes. THE ROOKs decided to give [REDACTED] a taste of his own medicine, literally. David Disciple cooked up a gram of coke inside the shed while Harley Pavlovich forced him to smoke blunt after blunt. The goal was to put him on the edge of overdosing, which is the exact result they got. They then threw [REDACTED] out onto the streets, shaken and high.

- Private Property -


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1 minute ago, Lupin said:
  1. the distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.
    "airline pilots in dark blue uniforms" · 
    costume · livery · regalia · habit · suit · dress · garb · attire · ensemble
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11 minutes ago, Jimmy Irish said:
  1. the distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.
    "airline pilots in dark blue uniforms" · 
    costume · livery · regalia · habit · suit · dress · garb · attire · ensemble

Alright. I'm just saying, it's not official government faction, you're just some sort of mafia. Don't really think it's uniforms but suits lmao. It's a bit non realistic to have everyone dress exactly the same way in a criminal organization. You should've picked the main colour and be a little more creative. Don't get me wrong, everything is awesome. I don't hate or anything. It's just a small detail that caught my opinion 😄

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7 minutes ago, Lupin said:

Alright. I'm just saying, it's not official government faction, you're just some sort of mafia. Don't really think it's uniforms but suits lmao. It's a bit non realistic to have everyone dress exactly the same way in a criminal organization. You should've picked the main colour and be a little more creative. Don't get me wrong, everything is awesome. I don't hate or anything. It's just a small detail that caught my opinion 😄

Good thing thats such an OLD pic right? The evolution of the Rooks is a beautiful thing.  ♥ #details

Edited by WillowRaven
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it isn’t us being defensive rather than informing you. The rooks are a higher echelon crime organization that deals more with the wealthy, thus the wear of suits, and driving higher class vehicles are intertwined with how we operate. Furthermore, it is a part of our genre and suits in my personal opinion realistically matches the description of how we operate. 

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20 minutes ago, Jameson Micheals said:


it isn’t us being defensive rather than informing you. The rooks are a higher echelon crime organization that deals more with the wealthy, thus the wear of suits, and driving higher class vehicles are intertwined with how we operate. Furthermore, it is a part of our genre and suits in my personal opinion realistically matches the description of how we operate. 

Of course. I understand. You understood me wrong. I'm not saying you shouldn't be wearing suits, but rather to use the clothing system of GTAV in more creative manner - be different, but the same. I've posted a picture below, notice how they are all dressed the same, but slightly different. It gives a slightly more realistic feel. But I was informed the picture was old and how your organization had developed big time, so therefore I apologize, I just saw that page1 pic and didn't look further 😄


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ill try to show you later, all of us individually wear slightly different variations of suits. Some prefer the tradition black and white suits, while others like myself go into our own design (per instance I wear a blue jacket, black shirt, blue bow tie and khaki pants). The picture itself is outdated I highly recommend you cross reference while ic the next time you go in game to further understand and better equip the knowledge you are referencing

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12 minutes ago, Jameson Micheals said:


ill try to show you later, all of us individually wear slightly different variations of suits. Some prefer the tradition black and white suits, while others like myself go into our own design (per instance I wear a blue jacket, black shirt, blue bow tie and khaki pants). The picture itself is outdated I highly recommend you cross reference while ic the next time you go in game to further understand and better equip the knowledge you are referencing

Yes. I did apologize. The picture is infact old.

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50 minutes ago, Lupin said:

Of course. I understand. You understood me wrong. I'm not saying you shouldn't be wearing suits, but rather to use the clothing system of GTAV in more creative manner - be different, but the same. I've posted a picture below, notice how they are all dressed the same, but slightly different. It gives a slightly more realistic feel. But I was informed the picture was old and how your organization had developed big time, so therefore I apologize, I just saw that page1 pic and didn't look further 😄


No one commenting intended to make it seem we were upset, so apologies! If you would run into any Rooks IC and have interactions you would see the evolution from earlier posts and where they are at now. But I think you should take a read, the stories are great and provide a great option for immersion! I would love to see even more clothing options in city as well!  #BougieLife

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2 minutes ago, WillowRaven said:

No one commenting intended to make it seem we were upset, so apologies! If you would run into any Rooks IC and have interactions you would see the evolution from earlier posts and where they are at now. But I think you should take a read, the stories are great and provide a great option for immersion! I would love to see even more clothing options in city as well!  #BougieLife

Already on it! 

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Family Is Key!


Nothing comes above family, there is nothing more important. David Disciple truly loves each and every member of The Rooks. He will lay his life down to save any member, from Associate to Boss. It's evident that every member feels the same way due to how long the family has been running. Unlike all previous organisations, The Rooks are a family who's bonds can never be broken. A long time ago Rooks were physically broken, but spirits were not. They stuck together and pushed through. Now, Rooks are neutral and respected by every organisation in San Andreas.



It was time to open up the doors to the family. High Command picked 2 of the most worthy prospects to be taken up to [REDACTED] for their evaluation. It was time to see if Juan Menez and Parosh Wayz have what it takes to join The Rooks. They both already qualify in regards to finance, experience and assets. That's not what this was about. This was a time where each member of the family can pick away at the prospects to find out exactly who they are and what they're motives are. Everyone has their own opinion on people, and what ever is said is to be taken constructively. Many Rooks can become defensive at this time, and rightly so. Rooks only want the best and most loyal. A good few family members including David Disciple although knowing their names, hadn't got to know them yet. This means everything said in the hour fully influences their vote. Both prospects discussed their time in Crimson Syndicate, this was how they came to know the Rooks. 

Diving deep into Juan Menezs' experiences in the city, he appeared to have had little to none. For example, not knowing the leader of Zetas, the most impactful cartel to ever hit LS. Furthermore there was a sense he lacked knowledge among current organisations. Most of the family saw this as a learning point and that he can learn as he goes where as others such as David Disciple felt Juans lack of knowledge wouldn't look good coming from a Rooks mouth. "The kid hadn't even committed a felony" David thought to himself. Moving on, Juan talked about loyalty and staying true until the end. David smiled at this moment, if the Rooks hadn't stayed loyal to each other in the past, they'd not be here today. Although Juan admitted to leaving his previous syndicate as most other members left. This left David confused, what happened to loyalty?

David Disciple thought Parosh Wayz performed well during his questioning. Under high pressure, Parosh kept it together and was well spoken. Some members of the family felt his answers were fake and not truthful, they felt he gave them answers they wanted to hear. David Disciple begged to differ, if your going for a job interview are you going to tell them the correct answers although untruthful, or are you going to tell them the wrong ones and risk joining the family? If anything, it shows Parosh Wayz knows how to answer a question which is what Rooks need. Someone who knows what they're doing.

In Davids opinion their are flaws in both prospects. Juan Menez flaws can be put to side due to the fact he's under a lot of stress, especially if joining The Rooks means as much as he claimed it did. Parosh Wayz made his main mistake before the evaluation even started. Upon being searched he was found with a body camera. What kind of a criminal carry's a camera, wouldn't this just incriminate himself and everyone around him?

Both prospects were taken to the cliff edge, everyone knew it was voting time. David Disciple voted one yes and one no. When all votes were counted, they both received a majority vote of yes and were set on their final task before becoming a fully fledged Rook.


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Zane’s Journey From The Boxing Ring to The Rooks

In South Philadelphia born and raised…

Before packing up and heading out to Los Santos, Zane lived in Philadelphia where he was actually doing quite well for himself. His Father, Jack Graziano, was a former underboss for a small underground organization in Philly that got most of their money and power from becoming serious loan sharks and illegal bookies. Zane tried to make his way into the “family business” but his Father always refused. He thought Zane could do much  better for himself.

But he did agree to teach Zane what he knew about the hustle and taught him everything he knew about the organized crime world. Zane just had to agree to never ask again and to stay on the right track and pursue his boxing career. See, Zane was a small-time pro boxer on the cusp of becoming a big deal, and Jack wanted him to concentrate on his career because he knew he had what it took to become a champion one day.

But that just wasn’t in the cards for Zane. After helping a buddy take care of some low-life drunks during a bar fight, Zane was blind-sided by a beer bottle, and that was all she wrote. He sustained a career-ending injury to his left eye and never stepped in the ring again. After 3 or 4 different doctor opinions and months of challenging boxing committee rulings all around the country, it was concluded that Zane didn’t have enough remaining sight out of his left eye to keep his boxing license. 

Zane loved Philly, but he needed a fresh start. He knew with what he had learned from his father, his boxing career and the neighborhood streets he grew up on… he could succeed anywhere. So he headed out west where the weather was warmer and the women were even hotter. 

Zane loves women, but he has serious commitment issues when it comes to the opposite sex and will happily be a forever-bachelor. He is one of those guys who say they will never get married because being with one woman for the rest of your life is “unnatural”. But even though he looked forward to meeting some west coast girls, his main reason for moving was the opportunities to thrive and succeed.

Zane had no plan at first. He figured he could work as a bouncer at some fancy nightclub, impress some powerful people and work his way up. But fortunately for Zane, that didn’t happen.

In fact, on his first day in the new city Zane met a friend that would change his life forever. This friend was Yousef. Now one of Zane’s best friends and closest confidants, Yousef took Zane under his wing almost immediately. He showed him everything there was to show him in the city. He taught him how to “cook”, took him to all the secret locations in the city, and introduced him to all the right people. Yousef taught Zane everything he knew in order to not only succeed in Los Santos, but to thrive.

And Zane soaked it all in like a sponge… always listening, learning and never questioning. Even though the two were from two different worlds, they had a lot in common and seemed to connect immediately. To this day Zane doesn’t know why Yousef decided to take a chance on some random new guy  from Philly, but he will never stop being extremely thankful for it.

After months of being in the city, as the friendship grew and Zane prospered, the topic of organized crime eventually came up in conversation. And even though Zane knew a lot about Yousef, he had no idea he was a Rook, or part of any organization for that matter. So, when Yousef knew Zane was ready he told him small details about the Rooks, and Zane immediately knew where he belonged.  

Then on a random sunny day at the pier,  while Zane and Yousef were fishing, Yousef received a phone call. Not just any phone call, this call would change the course of Zane’s journey forever. 

The short conversation started off Yousef simply saying, “hey Randy” but ending with 7 words Zane will never forget: “Ok he’s ready, come to the pier.”

And as they say, the rest is history...


Edited by thedrago
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