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Consistently committing crimes

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First I would like to point out that this is not a salty post about being robbed but instead a suggestion that falls more into line for roleplay.

Alright onto the topic at hand, which is consistently committing crimes and how damaging it is to the community. I, for one, am a criminal based player and fully enjoy the criminal lifestyle that my character is but I do find some of the things other criminals do very unrealistic.

 Constant robberies back to back (Against players, not stores)

Problem: The most unrealistic thing I've seen is people robbing others then not laying low for a certain amount of time. Some folks goals are to continually steal from other people rather than have side jobs like dealing drugs or even working a job. If we are trying to replicate real-life then understanding that even your average criminal who robs others don't do it repeatedly because there would be a massive amount of consequences. Criminals shouldn't just steal from someone and hide for an hour (or less) and then rush out to do so again as laying low for a few IG days would make perfect sense. Most of the robberies that happen rarely turn a profit unless it was at a drug lab so considering targets to rob should be something RP wise criminals should consider. I don't understand quite fully how players don't case their targets to see if they have money or anything worthwhile. It seems to me that as long as you don't have "New Player" protection (sometimes not even with that) and someone sees you without it then robbing you is one of the first things they do even if the victim looks like a broke, homeless man.

If I could explain, I would use the star system when it comes to being wanted. As an example, when you rob someone, you should in your mind, consider that you just got 1 star because after they comply, they might call the cops. If you get in your car drive off and two hours later rob some else that 1 star should still be there because the police 'would' be looking for you. This should include your gangs because usually all of them wear the same colors, and cops would be on the lookout for all of you. Despite knowing that you have 1 star for being wanted if you continue to rob folks, it gives you even more RP incentive to lay low. This logic doesn't even seem to apply to this server, and I find it very immersion breaking.

Solution: Robbing people should be more rewarding but shouldn't be allowed to happen so often. The problem with robbing someone is that there's no real way to tell if you have pocket money on you or not so most the time it just keeps robbing until you find some chump with 10k in his pocket. Allow the robbers to steal 'credit cards' that they can use to withdraw a limited amount of money from an ATM with the stolen card. This seems like it doesn't make sense but bare with me and listen to my reasonings. After you rob someone, there should be a cooldown so that you can't just rob people consistently and if the robberies pay you with good money the criminal could then lay low with the cash they just made. If you steal from someone and they had nothing worthwhile, and you get a cooldown to rob someone, then it seems like a massive punishment for the criminal without a real reason.


/rob would allow you to steal their credit card and withdraw 1000-3000 dollars in the next 10 minutes or the victim has to report it to the police just in case of fraud! (Sounding like real life now, huh?) The 10 minutes to withdraw funds would make sense and stopped as there has been 'Unusual activity on your card.' If the victim does not have enough funds in their bank, then they would owe a debt until the police can clear up the misunderstanding or the victim pays it off because they don't call the cops like B*T*HES and man up to it like real thugs. A cooldown timer for robbing others could last 2,4,8,12 IRL hours (Iunno yall pick a reasonable one) until they can rob someone again. If anything you could even add a victim cooldown timer for being robbed! "Man...go on ahead and search me. My wallet just got stolen like 4 hours ago! I ain't got shit they even froze my cards so I can't even withdraw money.". Hell, the robbers might even pity the fool and throw him a hundred dollar bill at this point.


This would prevent the same people being robbed repeatedly but still award the criminals for attempting to do so. People at this point would have to pick different targets, and multiple people can't deprive the same person of their credit card numerous times within a small time frame. This still allows the robbers to group up and rob a large amount of different people and split the funds but sooner or later they'll run into the cooldown and will have to stop. Frisking people to remove guns and other things should still be allowed, but it should be within moderation of the player to understand when they are committing a robbery and when they're removing potential threats such as a gun or taking their radio/phone to prevent backup. 

All of this is honestly just a suggestion and my own opinion, and I think it can be more refined, so leave your comments below with not only criticism but with ideas to improve it.

Best of luck Los Santos! Hope to rob you and get robbed by you under better conditions! Cheers mate!

Edited by Rokuro
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Although I agree with the problem. And agree robberies and crime should be rewarded better (especially with the changes to the PD/SASD). 

I don't agree with your solution. Scripted commands and limitations interrupts and distracts from good RP.

Rob someone, he has virtually no cash, then get a chance a few minutes later to rob a rich-ass white bitch (like me)….I want that encounter to happen. (if it's RPd properly). It would be a shame if that RP scenario had to be skipped, because of some arbitrary criminal script limitations.

I think there are better ways to reduce chain-robbing, and increase the level of RP at the same time. While also raising rewards for criminals, when they perform RP and their crimes to a high standard.

I think the PD presence and SASD is a step in the right direction. But now tweaks should be made to increase the reward for pulling off solid, smart, well RPd crime, in spite of the heavy PD presence.

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+1 great discussion and i think you are right, somethings ought to change but you just need to rebalance your idea, imo.

1. you suggest - "/rob would allow you to steal their credit card and withdraw 1000-3000 dollars in the next 10 minutes"

this is a good idea with the"debit/credit card, however, you need to flip it on its head. You don't give them a 10-minute window, cause they will just fly straight there, withdraw it then rinse and repeat. 

It would be far better if the criminal were not allowed to withdraw for the next 30 minutes. (rebalance the time, if needed). 
This gives the victim time to react to the robbery as they might be left with no phone or car and thus 10minutes, as you suggest is just a free ticket to make money from the account. 

TBF, if credit cards, in this way, were introduced, it would make more sense to create another location where only credit cards/debit cards can be used 
      a) This results in "yeah yeah I got robbed, they got my card the bastards, but don't worry, they only have 20 minutes left to use it, and we know where they are going"
      b) This provides more RP for both criminal and victim as they both have to scope out the money laundering spots - this could be in several spots, takes 8 minutes (rebalance) to complete and could have the same/similar scripting to the Chopshop locations.
      c) have the card be an actual lootable item, another thief could steal it from them
      d) or possible a cooldown on the card, cash it within 30 minutes get 2k, anytime after that you get 1k, but, you can do multiple cards at once, so a thief can, take the risk of the owner being on their case, or continue to rob many people and cash the cards in together? 

This may too just create a culture of robbing people, who know just my input. 

2. You end with highlighting the biggest problem - "but it should be within moderation of the player to understand when they are committing a robbery and when they're removing potential threats such as a gun or taking their radio/phone to prevent backup. 
      a) how would scripts know if I'm searching someone for security reasons, or if I'm robbing them? What about framing a person and putting a gun on them? It seems cooldown on player actions are bad but cooldowns on items usability after being robbed is where the balancing and security issues are with the suggestion. For example, can i rob someone, and force them to frisk my friend at gunpoint, would this ruin their ability to rob people. 

Overall its a neat suggestion and aspects of it should be paid close attention to, but as mentioned by other, scripts that directly impede RP on a one to one basis tend to be damaging to immersion and creativity, however, ou highlight a concern shared by quite a few I would suspect,that people OUGHT/SHOULD value the RP of robbing a person and the consequences that come with it.


~Good feed, GLHF. 


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