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Speed cameras need improving with proper road signs

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Speed camera signs should be implemented warning road users of speed cameras up ahead and  to flash yellow warning speeding people to slow down, in the UK speed cameras have warning signs telling drivers that there are speed cameras speed cameras, I feel that when driving from a 130kmph road to 70kmph you tend to get a speeding ticket of £2000 which is too high and not realistic

I feel that the speed cameras currently merely entrap people into speeding at parts where there should be warning drivers to slow down preventing them to getting them tickets.







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6 minutes ago, sammboi101 said:

I feel that when driving from a 130kmph road to 70kmph you tend to get a speeding ticket of £2000 which is too high and not realistic







The government giving you $1,500 an hour for existing isnt realistic either. I think the fines are fine... get it.


But I will give a +1 for having warning signs. Even though, once you know where they are, then you know where they are.

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Keep in mind the reason for having these was partly because of people driving way too fast through NCZ's and mass VDM people due to desync. I can udnerstand some sort of warning would be nice, but speeding in ECRP is a way bigger problem then IRL. It was also announced that they were added. I do think that the speedcamera at Pillbox could be annoying because its really on the edge of the 130 and 70 zone, but a $2000 fine (which is one of the higher ones) seems fine to me. At the end, you still speed. A speed limit means you are not allowed to drive faster then that. Ofcourse, don't drive too slow too. The only tickets I have was for going 81, which is 11 over the speed limit and those are not $2000.
I do believe after a while you are aware of them though and I think they are planning on adding more. 

Edited by Yputi
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The cameras wouldn't be a problem if people didn't put their foot to the floor just to drive to the grocery store and buy a bottle of water.  Part of being a skilled driver is controlling your speed.  Monetary fines are there to influence people's behaviour and if you refuse to change your habits that's your fault.

Having said all that, road signs would be a good way to warn people about the speed limits.  +1.

Edited by Victor Einhart
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4 minutes ago, Luke kuperus said:

2K for a speeding ticket is Nothing considering a bottle of water costs around 500

He has a point. Considering that a speeding trap is a "trap" and we are RPing at United States. Are you aware you can get fined/arrested for warning people about speeding traps?

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