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Make licences an inventory item and number plates removeable

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As the title says...licences should be an inventory item. If stolen or lost it can br replaced at the DMV for a fee.


Vehicle licence plates should be able to be removed. There would need to be significant IC penalties for being caught with no licence plate displayed (i.e. car impounded and drivers licence suspension).

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This is going to be overused just like masks. The only way I could see this not being overused is if the penalty for being caught with a removed plate is that the vehicle is taken permanently.

We already have everyone running around with masks, having everyone running around with masks and no license plates will make us look even more like a lawless county rather than LA.

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I think this would harm civilian rp. With licenses as an inventory item and the state of civilian rp, civilians in the server would risk constantly getting their license stolen and having to then pay a fine. I think the only people this will benefit are those who find themselves doing things that would be better without identification on them - so basically criminals.

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I believe the Scrapyard is basically a place where you can get cars without license plates.

As for licenses/IDs being an inventory item, I believe that it would be abused too often due to the state of Criminal RP. If it was to be implemented, I would like to see heavy detriments for not carrying an ID or a license.

If any of you out there think that if the police doesn't ID you, you can walk away with no charges, you're wrong. With a quick google search, you will find that you will be held in custody until you share your personal details that could be checked back to you. Additionally, your facial features, height, weight, and fingerprints can be cross checked to see if you are in any database. IF somehow there is no way of checking your legal details, then you will still be put to jail, but instead of your name, you will be just a number in Department of Corrections database.

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