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Make /alias a thing of the past

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  • Who is the suggestion for?
    - This suggestion is for everyone. I feel like /alias is easily a powergaming thing. For example let's say a cop a suspect's face and nothing else. Since they have that person /alias  they already easily know that person's name without trying to rp and find proper identification. A person could go through a lot of trouble to change their appearance but because of /alias everyone still knows you like nothing changed.
  • Why is the suggestion being made?
    - This suggestion is being made because as a primary crim I feel like it is something that law enforcement uses quite often to powergame.

  • What are the pros and/or cons of the suggestion?
    - Pros of this is that law enforcement and others will actually have to get to know the suspect/person. They cannot just "know" who they are.

  • - Con it would be a little difficult to know the people you are around, but the people you hand out the most would not be an issue.

  • How should the suggestion be implemented?
    - Just take away /alias in the script

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heavy +1


People should play heavier into their character's traits and clothing to portray who they are, in turn making their character more personal and rememberable to those that actually know and are familiar with them instead of just /alias(ing) them one time 6 months ago. 

There have been too many occasions where I meet people who I already have aliased but realistically would not remember them at all. 

It should be the responsibility of the parties to remember each other based on their appearance, voice and memories. As it is in real life.

I see absolutely no down side to this.


While we're at it, remove ID's and have a hotkey that brings the ID's up when pressed for report or RP reasons when needed, it would likely help slightly with performance as well as add to immersion. 

Edited by Kon
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I’ve supported a change to /alias in other threads in the past but I’ll explain here some.

 Realistically I don’t think total removal is on the table due to so many people being against it. 

28 minutes ago, Kon said:

People should play heavier into their character's traits and clothing to portray who they are, in turn making their character more personal and rememberable to those that actually know and are familiar with them instead of just /alias(ing) them one time 6 months ago. 

I completely agree with this, if someone is a generic looking person why would I remember them unless I’ve met them a bunch of times and actually can pick out details. 

28 minutes ago, Kon said:

While we're at it, remove ID's and have a hotkey that brings the ID's up when pressed for report or RP reasons when needed, it would likely help slightly with performance as well as add to immersion. 

We used to have this for a while but it caused LOTS of problems with making report and finding rule breakers and was just unfeasible to force on everyone.

I’d love to have it be an option to toggle though, if I don’t care that I might not be able to make reports then I can take that risk and toggle off IDs and aliases. Other good alternatives are:

- have a decay where an alias gets removed after so long if you haven’t been within a proximity of that person in X time.

- keep IDs as normal but make the visibility of the alias only in closer proximity.

I also think the core justification for the suggestion of OPs implications that LEO players metagame based on basically nothing cheapens the suggestion. Both ‘sides’ have people who might do this (e.g. The amount of “25678 cop who arrested me” under is absurd).

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+1 thats so true, I have seen cops do this countless time, every time they meet a guy first time and read their license, they straight up /alias them with name and surname, thinking about 1 cop being able to remember 500+ faces by first meeting is one of the biggest powergame and then when you see each cop doing same is getting funny at that point.also them being able to see if you have driving license by your face is also such a nonsense, if you dont have drivers license and you dont have mask on 95% you always gonna get caught cuz they see it from your face which is legit nonsense and should be removed.

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3 hours ago, Ash said:

have a decay where an alias gets removed after so long if you haven’t been within a proximity of that person in X time.

This would be nice to have.

And maybe every time you get close to a player or you're within their proximity, it adds up the time by 1 week. Maybe doing this will make people walk around in public without being masked 24/7. 

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-1 To removing alias entirely. So many people have such similar faces... and text chat in a public place would be so difficult. Especially co-workers in uniform, you're only going off their face and hair. Also some people have terrible memory IRL and would be hopeless to remember names, while their character might not have the same memory issue.

+1 I do like the idea of the alias decay, just don't know how doable that is... or maybe a "quick alias" option and then a longer process to really retain the information for more than like 48 hours or something. 

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Been thinking and a way alias decay could work without needing constant checks is when you log a new /alias it saves the date and if that date was say over 14 days ago then their alias has a (*) or something next to it and you have to /renewalias [ID] resetting that date flag, and after an arbitrary number of renewalias the alias becomes permanent, so for people you do see often you’re not always renewing it.

i maintain /togglealias should be a thing that only shows IDs

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I understand and can agree with the concept of the suggestion, but it simply would not work in ECRP. Reason being is that there is limited character customization capability, making it so you can't necessarily always tell the different between characters simply by looking at them in game. Also, some people choose to only use text chat rather than voice. Due to limited character customization, the only other way to distinguish them is by their voices, and if a player chooses to not use voice chat, then you would never be able to properly remember them. 

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overall i think this is a -1 from me, this kind of system only works on voip only servers, and with the amount of people who play casually, coming back after maybe 3-4 months of not playing having no alias, they might find it hard to come across familiar faces. Another thing is, with the very limited character customisation on ECRP, it would be hard to tell everybody apart as every characters model is using the base GTAO male/female models, meaning that no characters appearance has any real uniqueness about it aside from their alias. There are also way too many people on the server who only type so changing to voip only also wouldn't be a feasible option.  

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Na man, somethings just shouldn't be messed with. 

Think it's a good way for people to remember people and while it might not always be "realistic", it leads to an easier interaction with someone when you can identify them which is something that on an RP server we want.

When it comes to changing your appearance, aside from getting some shitty lip fillers and some turkey teeth, people don't change that much anyway.

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So from my understanding this suggestion is purely based on the assumption of law enforcement using it to powergame?

I have always disagreed with this suggestion and my opinion still stands. This does not need to change, there's no reason to change it. If you feel like a rule is broken using the alias then you can submit a report.

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1 hour ago, brooklands280t said:

Instead of the idea about removing alias altogether maybe change it to an /aliasaccept system like what happens with anims . If people feel like you shouldnt be able to easily recognise/identify them they have the option to decline the alias being set in the first place. 

this would just lead to crims always /aliasdecline or wtv the command would be just so that LEO cant remember them.

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On 1/25/2024 at 1:00 PM, alexalex303 said:

This would only be feasible if text chat was removed, and a microphone became required like on other RP servers. It is basically impossible to tell apart characters when multiple are using text. 

Essentially why i am -1ing this. 

Some people dont want to / Cant use voice chat. its one of the reasons i came to ECRP in the first place. if vocalised text chat were to stop being a thing all my characters would be forced to become mutes.

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