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My server suggestions

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- Work at gas station

* People could work at gas station. Their job would be fill up customers 

- Increase Truckers salary

* Now when you are driving like 7 miles you get around ~800$ in my opinion its not much..

* employee Limit  at jobs

- Now in server almost half server works in Police and LSC.. We need limits in jobs..

* Add rope

*Add job Firefighter


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I don't think gas station jobs should be a thing. Most of the time I can imagine them standing there being AFK, waiting for people to show up. Doesn't sound fun and there's not a whole lot of RP in it once a customer shows up.

As far as transportation jobs go, they pretty much all pay the same. In the end it depends how fast you can make it somewhere and the risks you're willing to take. All things considered, they're very good money income.

I said it a few times now that I dislike how faction payments work. However I can't say there can be "too many" workers. PD has a lot on their plate as is and I don't often hang around LSC, but if there are too many people just standing there, then their management can get them to do something.

I'll assume your rope request is for tying people up. You can do that by buying a rope in a store (RP it) and then use it on someone. I'm against people having actual ropes to tie people up, since they can tie someone up and leave them there pretty much forever. Basically it could easily be abused, even if you add in an approval command.

We already have a FD, they're part of the LSEMS. Currently there are no fire scripts for them to respond to, but can be RP'd. They are pretty much still a paramedic, however they do respond to vehicle accidents, rescue missions and FD related incidents. An EMT is not going to use jaws of life to cut you out of a vehicle, but a firefighter will.

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- Work at gas station

* People could work at gas station. Their job would be fill up customers 


Gas Station attendants are a thing of the past in most of the world, and quite frankly I'd rather gas stations didn't turn into the impound where players have to make bleets for them to get their cars filled up.



Increase Truckers salary

* Now when you are driving like 7 miles you get around ~800$ in my opinion its not much..




If it got people to do less grinding and more RPing then I can support a small bump in pay, however, I'm somewhat doubting that people would actually stop grinding.



- Now in server almost half server works in Police and LSC.. We need limits in jobs..

Are you trying propose a faction member limit? Because I think there could certainly be discussion about it, but trying to propose it without really putting a reason for it ain't really great. (And just to note, according to the panel the LSPD at current has 94 members, and LSC has 34 members. I think 90 PD members versus the 200 people in non-legal factions seems pretty fair to me).



* Add rope


I can support that, but I think there should be restrictions on its use. maybe it can only be used by members of official factions?


2 hours ago, Marca said:

I'll assume your rope request is for tying people up. You can do that by buying a rope in a store (RP it) and then use it on someone. I'm against people having actual ropes to tie people up, since they can tie someone up and leave them there pretty much forever. Basically it could easily be abused, even if you add in an approval command.

I think putting restriction on its use for official factions and adding a timer so that it comes loose after X amount of time.

Edited by Swifty
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  • +1 Work at gas station - sure, as long as it operates while unmanned as well.
  • +1 Increase Truckers salary - been a trucker and I know it's one of the lowest paying jobs per hour and you have to deal with disappearing trailers. Horrible speed, heavy loads and a specific license.
  • -1 Employee Limit  at Jobs - People should be free to do what they enjoy, lets add more jobs so there's more diversity and options instead.
  • +1 Add rope - Zipties already suggested.
  • +1 Add job Firefighter - In support but don't see it needed. Los Santos is pretty fire proof. When Sync is more stable and cars catch fire for everyone, it'll be more relevant.
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4 hours ago, Denni said:

I don't see them often, hence why. Not like there's fires to extinguish?

There's not, but people often fall off their bikes on mountains or do other crazy things that wind up with them lying near dead in a ditch somewhere. Firefighters might fulfill the role of fighting fires, but given we don't have a ton of that, we also use them for search and rescue operations and traffic control. So if we have firefighters on duty and we get a call that there's been a traffic accident, it's not unheard of for a firefighter player to accompany an EMT to a scene to set up road blocks and/or be on standby if they need to use any of their specialty equipment to get the patient out of danger.

I've also been involved in a police RP where officers requested a member of the fire department to assist with putting out the flames from a drug lab explosion. It only happened once, but it was still something to give FD members something to do.

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3 hours ago, Xoza said:
  • +1 Work at gas station - sure, as long as it operates while unmanned as well.
  • +1 Increase Truckers salary - been a trucker and I know it's one of the lowest paying jobs per hour and you have to deal with disappearing trailers. Horrible speed, heavy loads and a specific license.
  • -1 Employee Limit  at Jobs - People should be free to do what they enjoy, lets add more jobs so there's more diversity and options instead.
  • +1 Add rope - Zipties already suggested.
  • +1 Add job Firefighter - In support but don't see it needed. Los Santos is pretty fire proof. When Sync is more stable and cars catch fire for everyone, it'll be more relevant.

Dont you think that now in Police are too many police officers? You can`t even run away from them..

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1 hour ago, Evaldas_ said:

Dont you think that now in Police are too many police officers? You can`t even run away from them..

Don't do crime or don't get caught?

I've rarely seen the police population more than about 15% of the server population (could be wrong, I'm not on 24/7). There are some rare times I've seen police up to 30% due to an event they're hosting. If the issue to job limits is aimed at police being to manpower heavy, please state that in the OP. This is also why recruiting varies and the work is demanding.

Edited by Xoza
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