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Houses in Inactivity

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Right now, if you are inactive from the server for around 3-4 months, your house gets sold to the goverment. All your hard worked money goes to waste and you are left without a house.

I think this should be increased to atleast 6months, this should give enough time for the player to decide if they actually left, or if something is going on in their life.

Also, if the player knows they will be out of town for a long time, He could pay a percentage of the house price to the government to keep his house.

Ofcourse if a player gets perma banned and has not come back to town for 2 or 3 months his house should be sold.

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20 minutes ago, Xoza said:


By the second month of not coming around at all, you should know if or when your going to return. Either way you should consolidate and liquidate assets maybe park and store some items before taking a long break.

Okay, example: Something happening in your life where you cant come near your pc for a couple of months.

Bye bye house.

Edited by Igor_Morozov
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1 minute ago, Igor_Morozov said:

Okay, example: Something happening in your life where you cant come near your pc for a couple of months

Understandable, it happens to all of us. I believe you can file a refund request though to get a refund of things lost.

I've also heard people getting screwed on the sale of their house and it sells way below their value or purchased price. I don't know how value or government sale price is determined when placed on the market automatically though. Even if it was based on a last sale price and value calculation a lot of people trade a house for $1 through real estate and do a bank transfer to avoid taxes.

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Just now, Xoza said:

Understandable, it happens to all of us. I believe you can file a refund request though to get a refund of things lost.

I've also heard people getting screwed on the sale of their house and it sells way below their value or purchased price. I don't know how value or government sale price is determined when placed on the market automatically though. Even if it was based on a last sale price and value calculation a lot of people trade a house for $1 through real estate and do a bank transfer to avoid taxes.

Nah, I mean like i dont care about the assets. Im more concentraded on the house itself. You pay like 1 mil for a house, not come back for a month or 2 and house is gone after all hard work.

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It's currently unknown when houses are sold, but if people can't dedicate at least a couple of hours of playtime in 3 months, then they don't really deserve that property. Lets not forget that it can be difficult to find a house right now. There are lots of other players who will happily be active enough not to get their properties sold, so I think they deserve them more at that point.

If you know you're going to be away for some time or want to take a break, gift your house to someone who wants it or sell it. Hogging things for months and being inactive is just not fair for active players.

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