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Bala's ECRP Map Showcase IV: Blaine County and Rest of LS

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Bala's ECRP Map Showcase IV

Thanks to everyone that messaged me regarding Part III, so here's part IV which has some of the other bits of Los Santos and the Blaine County stuff. The best way to support these developments is to keep making your desire to see them implemented known (within the server rules, of course!). I think that I'm about out of ideas at this point but there's enough to tidy you guys over for the foreseeable future, I'll just be waiting by the phone for when i'm called to action!

Los Santos

Donnelly Park
This started as a random idea and got out of hand, ended up basically making a playground and dog park. It has a rock climbing statue, a climbing adventure, ice cream machines and some fountains that spit water during the day. I named it after my good friend @Kris and like him, is Norwegian themed. The fountains stop at 8pm and a sign appears that the park is closed, so don't get caught there after dark. Oh and if you jump off the climbing statue, you very likely will die. Plus, a little doghouse for Mayo.
Why Bala? Honestly, it's just a bit of a giggle innit?

c7a5oc5.png IRn6bbQ.png
ZyfEbzD.png Km1ZB6O.png

Del Perro Retail Park
I will level with you, this is essentially a place designed for civs and criminals to encounter one another near the city. Located next to the beach, these fifteen garages would house a number of enterprises such as public chops, public drug lab, crim doctor, a faction NPC club, furniture/burglary pickup/pawn shop and meat drop-off.
Being in close proximity to Burger Shot, High End and The Pier would potentially alert civvies and cops to those being too obvious with their crimes. The idea with the garage doors is that you would be able to open and shut the garage doors using the keypad on the wall.
Something that the server still misses is more spots where players encounter each other and RP can happen.
Also, pretty fucking proud of the names!

86MITuw.png 9fHXy5F.png
kqRJhjO.png VlcqUnD.png

High End
Ever notice how High End is just a bunch of cars in the middle of a big parking lot?
I added an enterable portacabin, some custom high end signs and a fancy billboard.
Same location, different look.

a4gEoaX.png bDa7oiN.png

Bus Stops
I have created ten bus routes, each assigned their own colour with an assigned bus stop that serve the entire state. 
Whether those are city routes, county routes or the big routes that serve the entire state.
The bus stops have the stops on them, so you will know which buses go where. Additionally, a little bus stop sign per route too.
If we add coloured buses on the GPS, it's basically bus simulator. Like 2020 ECRP all over again, minus the global pandemic.

4ILmgzu.png MC7uysW.png

City Hall, Delivery Lockers and Governor Election Posters
I've removed the obnoxious amount of bollards surrounding the City Hall like it's the Iranian Embassy.
In addition, to meme the lack of true democracy, I've created posters around the state for a fictional governor race in 2024.
Finally, we have a number of GoPostal and PostOP delivery lockers around the state for further expansion down the line.

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Red Light District
I undertook extensive research on a number of occasions for the inspiration for this idea. kidding, im an eclipse modder, i don't have to pay for it.

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Blaine County

Hunting Areas
To make allowances for the upcoming shotgun licenses and also, to point out the areas for hunting a little more, we have supporting props! Little hunting hides and shotgun signs in the areas.

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Mine Lights
The mine was always dark, but dark to the point where you couldn't see what you were doing.
Now, you can see reasonably well in the daytime but at night, the mine is lit by the lights overhead which looks pretty cool, I think.

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Bolingbroke Prison
Most of the changes were covered in Showcase but recently, I've added a DOC seal to the front of the building.
Also, I've changed the lighting in the cell block so that things are somewhat visible no matter the time of day. In the screenshot, that is 4am I believe.
Made the bunks into singles as well.
I've also remade the benches to allow for people to sit at them in the cell block and fixed that bugged cell door in the corner.

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Paleto Bay Medical Center
Moving the "hospital" from the Fire Station to the Bay Medical Center.
This would provide LSEMS with a secondary faction location, as well as an area for plastic surgery, body drop off and the coroner job to be relocated at.
Added a helipad, accessible by a elevator inside and ultimately, it just makes more sense.

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aJ9jrF9.png DNxLEF4.png

Lucky Plucker Drive Thru
Think, Burger Shot, if they did Chicken.
Occurred to me that up north, Bayview is a bit of a hot spot and given that there are always people there, they'd get hungry right?
The difference between this and Burger Shot is, that while you could go into the place and order, you could just use the drive thru at the side adding new RP opportunities to Paleto Bay.
Also, worth mentioning, added electric charging points to all gas station locations on the map, which you can see here, for future expansion.

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phkT13B.png LUX8r6D.png

Osvaldon and Paul's Farm
We named these farms after the owners, so figure perhaps it might incentive them to push these changes if I appealed to any possible vanity. 😄

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Lost MC Stab City
A mixture of their mapping requests and some of my own flavour, giving them a little clubhouse compound.

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hhASir7.png buB966C.png

Braddock Tunnel
New Jersey Turnpike type sign above the tunnel and some barriers to discourage booth bypassing.

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Rotating Lab Locations
Everyone loves the old classics but there are a number of potential areas that could rotate out every few months to keep things fresh.

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ewvUo8f.png GKmKaZU.png

Faction Spray Tags
A way of expressing that a faction controls an area, besides just an NPC would be the placement of faction specific spraytags. I have 3 slots for 10 factions currently, with just some examples made for the Rooks. Faction Management / Staff could place them around the map, through RP, like admin spawned furniture. To change the sprays, it would just require a transparent spray paint message to be added to the mod, which is straightforward.

DJGXiiA.png O6AJjvF.png


Edited by Bala
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