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Enable Weapon Modification Imports Again

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The title is pretty self-explanatory. The ability to import illegal weapon attachments was removed September 4th, 2022. This was in preparation for a weapon update that was supposed to be done in the near future. This obviously has not happened yet. It has been 6 months since weapon attachments have been "disabled" and we have yet to see any progress or updates on the gun update. The last update we received was in the start of January where it was said the gun update would be done by the end of the month. This obviously has not happened yet either.

What I propose is that weapon attachments are re-enabled. There is already the /refundattachments command that can be used. I'm pretty sure I speak for most of the crim population in saying we all want attachments back. It is so annoying and painful to have other gangs/cops show up to shootouts because everyones shooting unsuppressed. I genuinely don't see why weapon attachments can't be re-enabled until the new update is released, then people just /refundattachments once it's released. 

Give me your thoughts on what you think below.

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1 hour ago, GregoV1 said:

I think we should give it more time and wait for the weapon update to see what that brings us.

With all respect my man, we've been waiting long enough. We were told soon in September of last year, then at the start of 2023 we were told by the end of January. It's practically April and we still have yet to see ANY updates on it, no sneak peak pictures, no "hey we're having some development issues with it", nothing. The ability to import attachments was removed for  a gun update that was supposed to come out "soon". We clearly don't have the gun update and it doesn't look like we're going to for a while so let us import attachments then just /refundattachments them when/if the update is ever released

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