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Everything posted by illin

  1. not really sure as i dont have access to said warehouse anymore.
  2. they are now in the bitcoin shop
  3. make it an even 200k and we have a deal
  4. lol no, more like 220
  5. Scout Elegy Retro Custom Paragon R Kamacho Send offers to 3707153
  6. Title says it all. All vehicles listed on Highend.
  7. have you decided to lower your asking price yet?
  8. illin

    UI Bug

    Will add that UI's have been buggy even on vehicles more recently. I've noticed to get trunk UI or Vehicle side UI (for like bikes and stuff) I've had to park my cars multiple times as well. Unsure if this is related to OP's bug!
  9. what price are you offering??
  10. Date and time (provide timezone): 11/29/2023 01:30 UTC (using /time) Character name: Cameron Bridge Issue/bug you are reporting: While attempting to decorate/remodel a large warehouse (Chunder said to mention its Dimension 1). We found a bug that causes you to crash. If you log in outside the warehouse and then enter it, the entire back portion will make you instantly crash. We have been able to recreate this with at least 3 people including @GodDammitKopi. Once you load back in already in the dimension you will not crash again by going to the back row. This limits our ability to use this warehouse for planned RP scenarios which is the reason we were decorating it in the first place. Expected behavior: To be able to walk freely inside the warehouse without the unexpected crash. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Evidence Vehicle license plate number*: N/a
  11. How does having to take time to store evidence and write out paperwork "take some enjoyment out of the game" that is literally what LEO factions are supposed to do? You just want to store it in the back of your cruiser and delete it at MRPD then on to the next situation??
  12. He was comparing it to real life. I’m just stating a fact. Personally I agree with lowering the suspension from 24 hrs standard to a maximum of 24 hours depending on the severity of crime.
  13. Technically, in most if not all states you have to show a valid drivers license and proof of ownership to get a vehicle out of impound.
  14. Unfortunately, you're correct about every point you made. In reality, serving the wrong jail sentence is not ideal but that just creates more RP opportunities for your character if you truly believe you were wrongfully charged.
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