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Ability to mute weazel news

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Title is pretty self explanatory. Please add possibility to not see weazel news feed. 

Cmd like /toggle news can be utilized, and once activated, player don't see any news from weazle either until next login,  or until he toggles it back. With recent spam amounts of unnecessary distractions, I believe many players would acknowledge chance to mute it. 

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9 minutes ago, Victor Einhart said:

Isn't spam adverts an IC problem?

yes, but how can you ICly mute them without script support? Or mute Weazel as such (not seeing ANY of their adverts)? uzvSo5U.png

Mod in game Tito or TOTO on my report said that it will not be "useless feature" and i should post it here, so much for encouragement...

Edited by Antonio_Colombo
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I don't think that one such silly feature can "kill" weazil news. They should not be afraid of this, because they have superior standards for making news, articles, adds. Right? 

Right. So there is no logic in that, because most people will not turn it off, only those who just simply likes to not see ads they are not interested or asked for. Besides, in certain situations, it is beneficial to turn off distractions like colorful rgb pattern of ads that flashes between your eyes and is a high-seizure risk, why would anyone want for some poor kiddo to have seizure and die in front of their monitar?

At least it should be in a way, that if you toggle your phone off, you don't receive any ads, because your phone is turned offSimple logic, right?

When you turn it on back, you then can see ads by weazel, if they happen to have posted any at the time your phone is on.

Edited by Antonio_Colombo
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22 minutes ago, Antonio_Colombo said:

it is beneficial to turn off distractions like colorful rgb pattern of ads that flashes between your eyes and is a high-seizure risk, why would anyone want for some poor kiddo to have seizure and die in front of their monitar?

Lets just focus on that for a second.

Anyways, there are IC and OOC restrictions already in place to avoid spam.

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On 2/16/2023 at 11:16 AM, Hanro said:

Lets just focus on that for a second.

Anyways, there are IC and OOC restrictions already in place to avoid spam.

It is cool and all that, but by spam I meant, like, any message from weazel. Spam as an unnecessary information that I don't want to see. Especially with idea that might be able to turn off my phone so I don't see what I don't want to see. 

Edited by Antonio_Colombo
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-1 to the original suggestion, as others have alluded, this would finish Weazel who are for the most part an ad company now.

That said, we have a limited amount of lines in the chat box and it’s easy for it to become clogged with unnecessary shit. 

So I think either we need to look at an expanded chat box or find another way to display the Weazel stuff, perhaps as a horizontal ticker along the bottom of the screen or something. 

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The initial suggestion I disagree with. However like you pointed out in a comment, I think it would make sense ICly, and also cover your concerns too, if you could only see ads while your phone is on.

If you think about it, how does your character 'see' ads? I'd imagine through notifications on your phone. So turning your phone off will eliminate that. When you turn it back on, the stream of ads would resume. 

As a side thing, Weazel have IC policies regarding how many ads can be run, which allows a quality of life for players so it doesn't spam your chatbox!

Edited by Purely
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17 minutes ago, Purely said:


The initial suggestion I disagree with. However like you pointed out in a comment, I think it would make sense ICly, and also cover your concerns too, if you could only see ads while your phone is on.

If you think about it, how does your character 'see' ads? I'd imagine through notifications on your phone. So turning your phone off will eliminate that. When you turn it back on, the stream of ads would resume. 

As a side thing, Weazel have IC policies regarding how many ads can be run, which allows a quality of life for players so it doesn't spam your chatbox!

With the amount people turn off their phones to avoid tracing, crims would never see any adverts 😄

I'm not fond of weazel posts being any less visible than they are currently, it's hard enough for them as is but i'm sure there's some other way other than the chatbox.

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14 hours ago, Bala said:

With the amount people turn off their phones to avoid tracing, crims would never see any adverts 😄

I'm not fond of weazel posts being any less visible than they are currently, it's hard enough for them as is but i'm sure there's some other way other than the chatbox.

Potato pot-A-to case... Let's say people turn off their phones to not see ads or news, I think that is best of opportunity Weazel can have to prove people otherwise! If they make content that has high added value and quality, people will not turn it off that much. Because as of now, it is stale in means of, that Weazel do not have to compete for audition of viewers for their news. People see their ads on default, no matter if they want it or no. This is definition of monopoly, and under such conditions, it is rarity that any positive growth happen. On the other hand, one can argue that Weazel put a lot of work to be where they are now, however this discussion is not about this, but rather just one simple (and more than logical) mechanic, that you don't see ads while phone is turned off. 

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Definitely never bothered me however I think a better alternative to toggling them off would be to move them all to an phone app that you need to pull up to see the advertisements however that type of scripting would be extremely low on the priority list, a more immediate solution would be to take it ICly, right now they're allowed to post 3 ads every 5 minutes as far as the ones that are on standby to constantly be ran. Your character can always track down the powers that be and start a petition, get the government involved to up the 5 minute mark to something higher like 7 or 10 or something... Lots of options, but I if you're waiting for something to be scripted you're going to be waiting for a looooong time. 

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3 hours ago, Antonio_Colombo said:

No point in making suggestions if they never get implemented. Ill devote my time and energy elsewhere.

I for one really appreciate all your ideas Antonio, I dont agree with all of them but I appreciate you looking to improve all our experiences.

I dont know how development works and how ideas go from here to scripts but I'm sure the devs keep an eye on this and they created this forum so they could see what the general opinion on an idea is before they start working on it.

Dont get demotivated by opposite opinions, keep it up.

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To be honest, all these advertisements are forced upon us even if we like it or not, even if you have not a single electronic device you'll see advertisements like there's a fucking ad chip in your brain. It's one of the worst features in the server and it should change. I don't care if it will affect Weazel news or not. And no, you can't take it up IC because for some magic reason, even if you have no electronic devices on you and you're stranded on an island, you'll see advertisements, which is the most unimmersive thing. Even if you take up ICly, and say "I do not wish to see your advertisements anymore"  There's nothing they can do.

Advertisements should be togglable. Simple as that.

Edited by GR_Seb
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I honestly really like @Balas Idea of having a ticker play ads in the corner or top/bottom of the screen seperate to the chatbox.

I understand Weazel needs to get those Ads out there but there are times where youre engaged in text heavy roleplay and suddenly a wall of advertisement bursts into the middle of it and it can get quite confusing. Seperating them out would eliminate the main issue.

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If we're not going to add anything new, like updating the Toys R Us phone with adverts or ticker tape then please;

  • Remove the rule reminders for all those that are not new players. 
  • Increase the amount of time between Weazel adverts.
  • Get Weazel to go easier on the colours, perhaps even sticking to specific colours to designate something is an advert.
  • When someone puts up a new backup call/panic alarm, make it refresh their active backup call if they have one active so it doesn't create more.
  • Add a shortcut to respond to the latest 911 call for emergency factions.
  • Change the panic alarm text color to red.
  • Reset 911 call numbers at 00:00 in game.
  • Change the Impound Notification to be like the lottery, above the GPS, with the location of which impound it is.
  • Add the option to toggle /b, unless an admin is talking to you. 
  • Add "adblocker" as a feature for VIP, with only the community events exempt from the block. 
    I don't need to know if you selling your property, if I don't want to buy one.
Edited by Bala
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