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Map: Show True NCZ Reach

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I see this come up in reports pretty frequently: that a player was attacked, robbed, killed, etc. in an NCZ, and then people justifying that it wasn't an NCZ because 'the script doesn't say so.'

The script is there to stop cars from being broken into.

As a veteran RPer, I know to observe certain things. If my screen doesn't say NCZ, then I'm going to assume I'm not in an NCZ. However: if I can see the bank (for example) from where I'm standing, then it stands to reason that they (and their security cameras) can see me. As a result, I won't do anything related to crime because I'll still assume I'm in the NCZ even though the script doesn't say I am.

And this seems to be an idea that's enforced by the admins, as it pretty routinely comes up in forum reports.

Newer role players will see that the NCZ script no longer applies, then immediately rob or otherwise attack a player simply because the rule no longer applies - even if they're right in front of the Hospital, or the Bank, or Tequi-la-la, or otherwise right in front of a location that is established as being an NCZ.

For the sake of visuals, I feel like the NCZ areas in the game should have a square or circle on the map around them to indicate what is the true NCZ - even if the script doesn't apply in the areas that are highlighted on the map. With that in place, everyone (new and old) will know where the True NCZ applies and not just where the anti-car theft script applies.

Edited by Kaizure
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On 12/27/2018 at 12:44 PM, Flucifial said:

Players shouldn't need a script to know that they are breaking rules in a community where they are expected to know and understand every single rule, rules overrule script, that's the bottom line. 

Yeah... but player expectations can bite you sometimes. Case in point: all the Deathmatch reports you see in the 'Player Reports' section on the forum. Players are expected to know and understand every single rule, but this is very rarely the case.

There's a lot of players who come onto the server and do the bare minimum RP and rely almost entirely on server commands to do everything. Instead of RPing searching your character and removing things from their pocket, they will just use /frisk and command you to accept the frisk. Instead of RPing that they approach the downed person in the street and checking their pockets and giving them a chance to react, they simply see someone in a downed state and rob them without any RP and continue on their way. And of course, there's the players who rely on voice chat because it's so accessible, but they forget to type because they think everyone can hear them... so when people can't hear them, the first thought that comes to their mind isn't "hey, maybe they can't hear me." It's "they're not complying, so I'm shooting them."

These are the same players who are going to see that an NCZ script no longer applies, which makes the area fair game for robberies, shootouts, etc. RPers who are here for an actual RP experience and treat it like a real life scenario are going to know that standing across the street from a bank means it'd be stupid to rob someone, especially in broad daylight. Or that approaching someone who's hurt on the street and trying to rob them, they're going to fight back and try to keep your hands out of their pockets. 

It's a nice idea to hope that all players will read and understand the rules and won't rely entirely on scripts... but that's not the reality. There will always be players who make decisions based purely on what they see in the game.

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9 minutes ago, Kaizure said:

Yeah... but player expectations can bite you sometimes. Case in point: all the Deathmatch reports you see in the 'Player Reports' section on the forum. Players are expected to know and understand every single rule, but this is very rarely the case.

There's a lot of players who come onto the server and do the bare minimum RP and rely almost entirely on server commands to do everything. Instead of RPing searching your character and removing things from their pocket, they will just use /frisk and command you to accept the frisk. Instead of RPing that they approach the downed person in the street and checking their pockets and giving them a chance to react, they simply see someone in a downed state and rob them without any RP and continue on their way. And of course, there's the players who rely on voice chat because it's so accessible, but they forget to type because they think everyone can hear them... so when people can't hear them, the first thought that comes to their mind isn't "hey, maybe they can't hear me." It's "they're not complying, so I'm shooting them."

These are the same players who are going to see that an NCZ script no longer applies, which makes the area fair game for robberies, shootouts, etc. RPers who are here for an actual RP experience and treat it like a real life scenario are going to know that standing across the street from a bank means it'd be stupid to rob someone, especially in broad daylight. Or that approaching someone who's hurt on the street and trying to rob them, they're going to fight back and try to keep your hands out of their pockets. 

It's a nice idea to hope that all players will read and understand the rules and won't rely entirely on scripts... but that's not the reality. There will always be players who make decisions based purely on what they see in the game.

Very well said, and I completely agree with you. The script could use some work, and possibly an announcement on the forums or the discord just relaying the message that rules will always override a script, when it comes to the No Crime Zone rule. 

+1 from me on the suggestion, and I also think a small announcement wouldn't hurt. 

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3 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

The rules don't say the entire block, also, the whole NCZ areas are scripted now, it's not an NCZ outside the scripted area.

Well if that's the case @MusketDeezNuts can you remove the warning from my record as it seems you added it in error as I was outside the scripted NCZ as I said. 

This is a perfect example of the confusion that could be resolved by a simple top down map. 


This is the report I am referring to


Edited by Phil McGee
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14 minutes ago, Osvaldon said:

The rules don't say the entire block, also, the whole NCZ areas are scripted now, it's not an NCZ outside the scripted area.

I just went to the bank to verify this. The NCZ still applies to the center of the road around the bank, but not anywhere across the street.

Is this the way it's supposed to be? If so, I need clarification on what is and is not considered an NCZ. The reports involving NCZ activity often state that if it's in view of the bank, the bar, the hospital, whatever, then it's considered part of the NCZ because you can see crime activity from that location.

So are areas across the street considered free game and can't be moderated, or are they considered part of the NCZ?

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