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Add buyable pistol ammo and attachments to gunstores

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Right now when a pistol runs out of ammo is becomes completely useless/worthless. People just leave them laying around the map as if they are nothing. The old system made you buy an entire new pistol to refill the ammo which also isnt very realistic. Adding this would give any pistol you buy actual value. Regarding the attachments, the extended mag could be abused but flashlights, special sights, and silencers could make your pistol unique and allow more rp opportunities.

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I believe attachments don't currently sync with rage, as in, you will see a silencer on your weapon but everyone else will not. That makes them a waste of money, unless you wish to roleplay their effects for executions and the like.

However I do think that being able to buy ammo from the store would make a lot of sense.


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Thank you for your suggestion. As some time has passed, this has already been implemented, or this suggestion is no longer relevant/viable, it has been moved to our archive. We appreciate you taking the time to post a suggestion thread and encourage more posts in the future.


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