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Gas Stations and Gun Stores Tweaks.

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 Gas Stations


Currently in order to fuel your car u must have ur engine off and hold the O key, while this sounds fine and normal its super annoying due to some players doing other actions that stop the fueling such as: using chat, sending texts on the phone, Alt+tabbing and ETC.

I belive this needs to change, my suggestion for this would be to have a command that players can use to set amount of gas they want to fuel in their vehicle, an example of this would be as following: /fuelgas 50. This would still require the car to have its engine off and while fueling the car cant be turned on. It would still take time for fuel to go up and at any point a player can do a command to stop this such as: /stopfueling. 

This can let players do other tasks meanwhile and just avoid the usless time spent holding the O key.


My other suggestion for Gas Stations is to have the ability to select the amount of fuel a gas can would have. They would be more expensive than fueling gas normally (owners can set the price) and players would be able to select how much gas they want to put in them.

An example would be as following: if I want to buy a gas can with 50% fuel and the normal fuel price would be 10$ per gallon I would pay 15$ per gallon (owners can set their own prices) yet it would be stored up in the gas can and can be used later at any place or time.



Gun Shops

My gun shops suggestion is less than a tweak and more of an added feature.

My idea is to add "Weapon Tints" which are already available in GTA V story mode and GTA Online.

The weapon tints could be easily bought and installed on pistols in gun shops for prices the owners will decide. It doesn't have to be custom tints either and a small selection of the original weapon tints is enough.


For heavier weapons my idea is that when buying multiple tints players would have the ability to merge (for example) 5 normal blue pistol tints into one blue ak tint. Further more u can add a crafting system that will allow multiple tints to form into one tint if the colors match and make sense (especially the tints from the Doomsday DLC for GTA V Online).


Please leave ur thoughts about this with a +1 meaning u want this to happen and a -1 if u disapprove of this. Also please let me know why u are against it if u decide to reply with a -1.

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