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Modifications to graphics and sound

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Today, FM announced that graphic modifications are disallowed because it provides unfair advantage to other people which makes sense for modifications like FOV but why would removing shadows be disallowed? People remove shadows for the sole reason of gaining more FPS and not for any ill intent.

I dont get how removing shadows would give me any advantage over another player that has them turned on besides FPS gain, which I need as my PC isnt that highend and same goes to a big portion of the community who have their shadows removed as well.

How does it make any sense to disallow removing shadows but keep these gunshot sound mods allowed for so long?

FOV mod was disallowed because of how it was used for PVP advantages. Why do you think people use these sound mods? Cuz I know for a fact they're not using it to call for weazel news whenever a shootout happens.

I also havent seen anyone commenting about another player having their shadows turned off but seen a hundred others comment on the gunshot sound mods being unfair yet there's nothing being done about it.

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Honestly any form of modification to the base files should be disallowed as they all give an advantage in one way or another.

  • Road modifications can provide more bumps in the road which allows cars such as the Rapid GT or Comet Retro Custom to go faster.
  • Sound modifications can allow people to hear shots/movement at further distances giving them strategical advantages in PvP.
  • Vehicle modifications can allow people to go faster and different vehicle models can cause certain areas of the car to be bullet proof. (If you have a model which has windows in a different position to the default model and the other player has the default model then the window will be marginally off, as a result making it hard for the player on default files to hit you).
  • Graphics modifications can allow people to see further in fog, see easier in the dark and see through foliage.

Any modifications to lighting, vehicle models or the map could be done server side if it suits the entire community.

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The notion that disabling shadows does not provide a competitive advantage is incredibly dishonest. It is one of the top recommendation in any sweaty game, from Escape from Tarkov to Siege. It increases visibility greatly, it's almost as if you are playing a different game.



Additionally, sound modifications being possibility allowed does not speak for shadow removal being allowed. I agree that sound mods are an issue, however just because we have a bit of a bad thing doesn't mean we need to allow all sorts of bad things.

This is a roleplay server, and for the most part, even in all parts, FPS should not be a concern. The chatbox is not affected by low fps; you can roleplay just as well with low fps as you do with high fps. The FPS only becomes a concern in shootouts or chases, which should not be the focus for playing on our server.

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1 hour ago, alexalex303 said:

This is a roleplay server, and for the most part, even in all parts, FPS should not be a concern. The chatbox is not affected by low fps; you can roleplay just as well with low fps as you do with high fps. The FPS only becomes a concern in shootouts or chases, which should not be the focus for playing on our server.

Bet, lemme just /me shoots /do hits? during shootouts cuz my frames drop in the middle of it.

And I guess I should also "ACCEPT MY FUCKIN FATE" while being chased cuz I rubberband whenever many vehicles start chasing me.

Sounds fair to me.

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1 hour ago, alexalex303 said:

The notion that disabling shadows does not provide a competitive advantage is incredibly dishonest. It is one of the top recommendation in any sweaty game, from Escape from Tarkov to Siege. It increases visibility greatly, it's almost as if you are playing a different game.



Additionally, sound modifications being possibility allowed does not speak for shadow removal being allowed. I agree that sound mods are an issue, however just because we have a bit of a bad thing doesn't mean we need to allow all sorts of bad things.

This is a roleplay server, and for the most part, even in all parts, FPS should not be a concern. The chatbox is not affected by low fps; you can roleplay just as well with low fps as you do with high fps. The FPS only becomes a concern in shootouts or chases, which should not be the focus for playing on our server.

take your pick ombre

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1 hour ago, Oli said:

Bet, lemme just /me shoots /do hits? during shootouts cuz my frames drop in the middle of it.

And I guess I should also "ACCEPT MY FUCKIN FATE" while being chased cuz I rubberband whenever many vehicles start chasing me.

Sounds fair to me.

Could avoid shootouts and focus on social roleplay, until you obtain better hardware. This game was released in 2013, it is not unreasonable to expect people to run it without messing with game files.

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bruh FPS comes into play when just walking about the city. Back when we redid the mechanic shops I would crash/get around 10 fps when coming near them. Same is said for the Drift Arena, something I still have yet to fully enjoy due to my game not running smoothly in these spots.

Increase in FPS without a doubt makes for a more enjoyable experience that I couldnt otherwise afford without upgrading my pc but maybe im crazy

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21 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

Could avoid shootouts and focus on social roleplay, until you obtain better hardware. This game was released in 2013, it is not unreasonable to expect people to run it without messing with game files.

if you don't care for winning/losing at all, then why do you care so much about having shadows off apart from that it gives you an "advantage" in shootouts? it just seems like you're being awkward for no reason in my opinion. There are much worse things that need looking at rather than some game settings in my opinion. I think that having no shadows is honestly just a preference, having shadows on gives you advantages that having shadows off doesn't (being able to see people rounding a corner you aren't focused on purely cos of their shadow). 

Edited by hrxvey
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