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Everything posted by dominykas

  1. dominykas


    Short, but to the point! Nevertheless I'm very interested where this will lead further. Best of luck
  2. True, but I feel like the notes app on your phone is used for everyday reminders like taking out the trash, clean something up, take care of business something of that sort. You are entitled to your opinion, but I feel like it would be more convenient. Thanks for your feedback!
  3. Always a pleasure to read this great writing! Love the RP you guys bring to the server, nothing but quality
  4. Well organized thread, great posts! Best of luck moving forward
  5. Interesting style! Best of luck in the future
  6. Burner phones. Content: 1. Function; 2. How it would affect the average players experience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1. Whilst using these burner phones law enforcement wouldn't be able to trace your phone if you're wanted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. If this suggestion were to be implemented I believe it would change the average players experience for the better. Especially for average unexperienced criminals. It would add variety to how law enforcement go about tracing you down if you were to use this burner phone. It would set more of a challenge for law enforcement which I believe at the moment they do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. New UI for changing seats whilst inside of a car. Content: 1. Explanation; 2. Command example; 3. How it would affect roleplay scenarios; 4. UI example; 5. Summary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1. What I propose is that a UI or command be implemented that allows individuals to change seats while inside a car. You must choose an empty vehicle seat to change into. I also recommend adding a slight delay between switching seats so that this newly implemented feature cannot be misused. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. So, if this feature were to be implemented as a command rather than a UI, I would recommend a simple command. Lowering your window would be comparable to this command. If you wanted to reduce your window in-game at the time, you could use the command ((/window 0-4)). ((/changeseat 0-4)) would be a good example of this command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. If this command or UI were to be implemented, and average players were given the ability to change their seat, many roleplay scenarios may be altered. If the average player wanted to change seats during a stressful roleplay scenario, he would usually either jump out of his car and take a seat in his preferred seat, or he might roleplay it and step out of character and, as previously said, choose his preferred seat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1. Most people have noted that there is a UI for changing your seat in other popular servers, as mentioned in this suggestion. To get to this UI, I recommend creating a key bind that will allow you to change your current seat. Under this recommendation, I'll provide an example. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1. To summarize, I would love to see something like this to be implemented. The rationale for this is that it would change and provide variation to numerous roleplaying scenarios. Please leave a remark if you have anything to suggest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Flipping your car Content: 1. Explanation; 2. Affect it would have for regular mechanics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1. The reason I believe this suggestion should be implemented is due to the lack of mechanics and availability. So if you desired to flip your car back onto it's right side by yourself you would need to have at least two people. If you were by yourself this function wouldn't work as it would be unrealistic. If it were to be implemented it should be accessible through the Ctrl+X menu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. For mechanics this would have a negative affect on their business as they would lose most customers. There would still receive customers due to people usually driving around by themselves. For mechanics getting mechanic requests about flipped cars are unusual and rarely happen so I wouldn't believe they would mind if this were to be implemented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Command that would specify which houses, apartments and properties you have access for. Content: 1. Explanation; 2. How it would affect the average players experience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1. This new type of command would show and specify which houses, apartments and properties you have permissions and ability to access. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. I believe this command would command would alter the average players experience for the better. Instead of having to remember which house, apartments and properties you have access to you could simply use this command and make it more efficient. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Full Outifts Context: 1. Explanation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 My suggestion is to implement full outfits at a reduced cost. I think these outfits should be at a reduced cost due to them acting as a sort of bundle. The reason behind suggesting such a feature due to the fact that most suits don't have corresponding undershirt that would be identical. Usually you would have to buy a suit, buy a different piece of clothing then proceed with checking if that piece of clothing has undershirts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. +1 The down side if this were to take affect is that the Weazel News blip system would lose half of it's customers.
  12. Very well written thread! Finally someone bringing life back to Grapeseed
  13. Thread looks great, very well written. Good to see the dedication. Good luck in the future, hope you make it far!
  14. Well written as always. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you guys
  15. This statement should only apply if there was proper roleplay escalation and deathmatching rights to give demands in the first place. From my understanding demands do not grant deathmatching rights. Also you should only be allowed to give demands from a motorcycle at logical speeds. It wouldn't make sense for a passenger on a motorcycle going 100 km/h to give demands to another.
  16. +1 They would need to implement it in a way that normal civilians or new players can't change the video. If this would be the case where civilians would be able to play their own videos via links there would be a major risk of offensive material being played.
  17. +1 I've heard about these tress and although some footage of people crashing into them are quite funny they should definitely be removed or altered to assure they render in properly.
  18. I definitely agree with this statement as it would quite interesting to see a different variety of gas that could potentially harm your engine or make the oil level decay over time. About the original statement about octane fuels possibly enhancing the performance of your vehicle I would have to disagree as I feel it would just be to complicated and confuse players who have just started playing. Also these octane fuels as mentioned could ensure many bugs that could alter roleplay scenarios to benefit the player abusing said bugs.
  19. Encounter with Goblins at Sandy Airfield Hanger Dominic had just gotten out of bed, he did what he did every morning. He brushed his teeth, shaved his face, got dressed and went outside. Dominic went down to the garage level of his apartment requesting to take out his matte black Contender. After taking out his Contender and stepping inside of it he turned on the ignition and opened up the glove box. He took his Pistol .50 putting in his jeans and his radio which he put over his ear. Moments after whilst driving around the city he heard of the radio frequency that some people wearing goblin masks were chasing one of his allies. Hearing this he suggested to set-up an ambush where these people would least expect it. After moments of thinking of a location nothing came to mind. Time wasn’t in Daichead Gadai’s favor and they were running out of time. The masked men’s numbers began to multiply. Daichead Gadai didn’t understand where they were coming from. It was like they were appearing out of the air. After some time of one of Dominic’s allies he finally thought of a location where these goblins wouldn’t expect to be ambushed. Dominic shouted over the frequency “We should do it at the Sandy Airfield Hangar”. Everyone agreed and everyone started to make their way to the agreed upon location. Dominic didn’t expect a situation like this, this early on in the morning. Being in the city Dominic quickly drove to his one garage house in Vespucci where he had all of his heavy weaponry. He brought a Micro SMG with around four, thirty round clips. Dominic thought to himself that this would surely be enough. The goblins began shooting at Dominic’s allies tires and one of them eventually popped. Everyone was set-up and waiting for his arrival, suddenly you could hear the gunshots approaching and, in the distance, you could see around five dark brown colored cars and one green car coming towards the hanger. The green car drove around the hanger as everyone was set-up on the roof, as the dark brown cars drove past everyone started shooting at them. This showed them that they weren’t messing around and that if they even tried to mess with Daichead Gadai in any way they would have to put up a huge fight. There was quiet and peace for a moment after the dark brown cars drove off after being shot at, but then everyone turned around and noticed the same cars behind them. Everyone was panicking over frequency, but the high command quickly reassured them of who they were and that they shouldn’t be afraid of some people wearing goblin masks. Everyone got ready and began firing as soon as they stepped out of their cars. The men in goblin masks thought they were out-smarting Daichead Gadai by flanking them, but what they didn’t realize is that they were about to have a rude awakening. Daichead Gadai had even more people positioned on the opposite side of the hanger, which the Goblins didn’t realize. After the Goblins ran in deeper into our ambush it was said over frequency to the small group to flank the Goblins and pinch them from both. Both gangs received heavy gun fire. Some Daichead Gadai members were injured and were pulled away into safety applying tourniquets and bandages onto their wounds. The gun fire had suddenly stopped and all you could see over the horizon was the color green stepping over the dark brown colored men who were laying in the sand without a movement in sight. Daichead Gadai quickly gathered everything they had put them into their vehicles as well as their injured members. They were quickly escorted to the hospital where they received medical treatment. The small group who has initially flanked the left-over Goblin members stayed behind to assure nobody was left. After the remaining members reassured no members of the opposing gang weren’t left, they heard sirens. They weren’t just any sirens; they were police sirens. This information was quickly passed over the radio frequency and everyone fled the scene. Dominic had escaped without any injuries afflicted. Among the dark brown bodies there was unfortunately some green also. Everyone was devastated about the fact that they had lost some of their brothers, but Dominic reassured them that without sacrifice there can be no victory, and not to be sad, but to celebrate as it was a victory well fought for.
  20. Vacation This Summer Dominic decided to go on vacation. Dominic had a lot rushing through his mind about a destination. He decided he would like to go back to his home tome of Moscow to re-visit his old life as well as his parents. Another reason for this decision was that his father had fallen ill and his mother didn’t have enough money to pay his medical bills. Dominic with a few of his newly acquired friends chartered him a boat to go from Los Santos to Cayo Perico where a plane would be waiting for him. The plane would bring him all the way to Belarus where he would pass the border by bus. After passing the Belarussian border he had finally arrived back in his home town of Moscow. Dominic had to keep a low profile due to the police and local gangs looking around for him. His father was being keep in the Moscow Central Hospital. Before visiting him, he would need to find out what room he was in as well as if any of the local gangs knew about Dominic’s father suddenly becoming ill. He rung up and old contact from back in the day and informed him that there is a high police presence inside of the hospital and it would be almost impossible to pass by. Dominic was quite persistent and decided he would go visit his ill father anyhow. To do so he would need a disguise. He decided he would go in as a janitor and eventually make his way to his father’s room. The only problem was to pass through the hospital’s security he would need a form of identification which he did not have. He knew just the person to contact for such a job. He contacted his old primary school friend who was known in the community for forging identification cards as well as Janitorial ID. Now Dominic’s plan would have three main steps and if they were in any way improvised the plan wouldn’t work. Step 1 he would need to enter from the hospital’s back entrance where one security guard would be stationed. He would then flash his Janitorial ID to the security by passing him and gaining access into the hospital. Step 2 he would then make his way into to the janitor staff only locker room where he would change into his disguise. He would then proceed to grab a bucket as well as a mop. Step 3 this is where he would have to be most careful. Dominic made sure to wear to hat to cover his face as well as any facial features that could identify him. He would then slowly make his way to his father's room where he would leave the bucket and mop outside the door. Surprisingly upon entering his father's room, he was met upon his mother looking over him. Dominic didn’t receive any news but his father had fallen into a coma which he most likely wouldn’t wake up or recover from. Dominic was devastated by the news whilst giving his mother a warm hug and kiss. He eventually made his way towards his father's bed telling him that everything would be alright and that he was all good and well. He told him about his time in Los Santos and that he missed him a lot. Dominic teared up and knowing he didn’t have much time left he said his final goodbyes and leaving the room. Dominic eventually made his way outside of the hospital and continued towards his childhood home where he would leave a briefcase filled with cash in his mother’s room. It was unfortunate the ways things turned out for Dominic but he was also relieved knowing his father would soon be in a better place. Dominic had, had enough of his hometown for the few days he had been there. He eventually decided to forget about his hometown and only look forward from then on. After arriving at the Elysian Island docks of Los Santos Dominic received a phone call which he answered to. Dominic was met with a phone call from the Daichead Gadai High command. After politely greeting him, Dominic received some shocking news that would turn his world upside down. To be continued...
  21. Continuation After being accepted into Daichead Gadai as a pre-trial member Dominic has been hard at work trying to gain their trust as well as climb their ranks. Dominic has been hard at work cooking lysergic as much as he possibly can to please the High Command of Daichead Gadai so he can pass the pre-trial phase which made Dominic very nervous. Even though Dominic had left The Russian Mob peacefully he wouldn’t be allowed back in if he didn’t pass the pre-trial initiation. Sometime has passed since Dominic had first been accepted as a pre-trial in Daichead Gadai and he has been getting to know the members better and better. He felt like he belonged and that Daichead Gadai would have his back in times of need. Dominic became rather close with another member of Daichead Gadai named Lewis Kipp. Dominic, Lewis and Edgar his cooking partner decided to refurnish their laboratory by deciding to purchase even more workbenches. In doing so they all three people provided plenty of LSD to Daichead Gadai allowing them to take over the LSD drug trade in Los Santos. At this time Edgar Jimenez represented the Russian Mob. Where we last left off, he was a hang around and eventually gained their trust and became a member of their family. The problem was that Edgar felt that he didn’t belong and the Russian Mob didn’t accept him as kindly as Dominic once said they would. Later on, that same day Dominic decided to speak to Sean Moore, Daichead Gadai’s lead recruiter about possibly granting him a position in their ranks. Sean agreed in giving him a chance, but it was on him to show his worth. I agreed with Sean and some after phoned Edgar telling him the great news. He was excited but equally nervous I told him to meet Sean at Steamboat Beers for his recruitment interview. All went well an Edgar Jimenez became a proud member of Daichead Gadai. Around a month has passed since Dominic had joined Daichead Gadai. That same day the Daichead Gadai High Command decided to make a meeting for promotions as well as plans for the future. Dominic and the rest of the Daichead Gadai members arrive at their headquarters awaiting the arrival of the High Command and Boss of the organization. After their arrival the Boss announced that Dominic had passed the pre-trial initiation and had become a full-time member of Daichead Gadai. Dominic was estatic and ready to show what he was actually capable of. Later on, Dominic and Daichead Gadai decided that they wanted to do something action packed full of adrenaline and they knew just the thing, a Bank Heist. Now a bank heist had to be carefully planned and executed very well for it to work so they decided to call up an allied gang who could help with planning and also executing it. They decided to call The Rooks. The plan was simple, beforehand everyone would have their motorcycles set up behind the bank, after they were set up, they would go into the banks vault area. They would stay there for a few minutes insuring that nobody would come in. Then in a separate car 4 people would come in speeding fast. Two of them would hold up the tellers. The other two will bolt cut the door to later knock both tellers out and the other would drill the vault door as fast as possible. The only problem they had was the CCTV server box. Which they wouldn’t know the location of until they went into the bank itself. Now this was the most important step to ensure that they didn’t get caught even if it failed The day of the heist everyone was nervous on the edge of their seat waiting for the green light. It was given by the two scouts patrolling the west and east side of the bank. Everyone who was grabbing cash and pick locking the deposit boxes set up their bikes and went inside. They all looked around unsuspiciously and noticed that the CCTV server box was inside the area where the tellers were. This was perfect for them. The second green light was given for the pointers, bolt cutter and driller. They came storming in holding the place up. No alarms were sounded yet which was good for the team. The tellers were scared for their lives. After they finished bolt cutting, with the butt of his pistol, he knocked both tellers out. Everything was going perfect for them. After knocking out the tellers the other man started to drill the vault door. After a few minutes of silence, callouts were given from the scouts in their positions that there were no cops whatsoever. The vault door opened. They all stormed into the vault room grabbing as much money as their bags and pockets could hold. The others went for the deposit boxes which could hold even better valuables then the table money itself. The scout's callouts were still clear whilst grabbing so they kept on grabbing and grabbing until they couldn’t possibly carry anymore. One of the scouts signaled that a lot of cops were coming from the east side of the bank. Everyone was then told to leave the bank as soon as possible getting to their bikes and then to scatter around the city. Everything was perfectly executed they got out in time, CCTV server box was broken, they got an even bigger haul than expected due to the deposit boxes and lived to see another day.
  22. Backstory Dominic Santiago was born in 1998 in Russia, Moscow. His father was a steel worker and well known and respected in the community. His mother was originally from Ireland and her family had deep roots within the Russian Mafia. She would often stay home and take care of him. His father was originally from Russia and he was a very hard-working man, working everyday just to pass by. Dominic would constantly skip school and hang out with his friends disobeying his father's wishes to make a better life for himself. Growing up he fell in with the wrong crowd. He dropped out of college and spent all of his time on the streets hustling for money to help his family. Dominic fell into some trouble with police and was facing some heavy time in prison. Instead, Dominic fled Russia and moved to Los Santos for a new beginning. Dominic was devastated leaving his parents back in Russia but he just simply wasn’t ready for prison since he made some enemies in high places. For Dominic this was a big change. He just barely knew how to speak English and without any papers or documentation. One day Dominic met a man at the Del Piero Pier named Dimitri Mandojev. Dimitri represented the Russian Mob he was dressed well and was kind to Dominic and took him under his wing. After some time, he saw that Dominic had some potential in him. So, the next day he met up with Dimitri and asked if he could take it to the next level. Dimitri accepted him with open arms and gave him the rank Shpana and made him a part of the organization. Dominic was pleased with Dimitri’s decision and had only a week to prove his worth to Dimitri and the organization. After Dominic got enough money and got onto his feet after a long time of not having enough money he finally saved up for his own place. Dominic started to look for apartments in the Los Santos area and he found an apartment on Integrity Street. After a while of living in his new apartment Dominic had an idea that could make him a lot of money, drug production. To prepare for this Dominic would need a partner for cooking to manage the production while he would be away and he had the perfect candidate for such a task. His name was Edgar Jimenez and he had some experience in the drug-running business. After Edgar decided to roll with the Russian Mob as a hang around. After a while Dominic and Edgar became close friends. So, a while later Dominic decided to make him his cooking partner. Since Edgar and Dominic set up their lab, drug production has been going steady and they have been making quite a lot of money. Enough for houses, new cars, imported weapons, attachments and ventilation systems built for labs that were highly illegal in the streets. Drug production has been going very well and they have made quite a good life for themselves. They have provided a lot of their drugs to The Russian Mob and in return they would import them special chemicals designed for cooking LSD. The drug production starts with gathering all the ingredients up and neatly sorting them out. You first start by pouring the Lysergic acid into a bucket bringing it up to a boil. Once it’s warm you add phosphorus stirring it up. After a few minutes it should become a type of orange colored liquid. When the solution becomes an orange color you start to mix ammonia little by little into the solution. Due to the ammonia it starts to have a type of chemical reaction making it into a solid. But before that can happen you need to cool it off at the perfect time when it is a dust type material. Once this happens you grab some empty pill capsules, then put the dust like material that has been made into the empty capsule. Then you seal it putting it aside for later. Marketing, after you’re done cooking up your ingredients making them into drugs then comes the hard part, marketing. Around the city in the poor parts of town there are people on street corners dealing drugs and other items such as drills, crowbars, bolt cutters and pick locks. Most of these wouldn't sell for you, for a good price due to the lack of trust, but The Russian Mob have their own dealers that trust all the members of the family. Due to this the people who are cooking the drugs can make a hefty profit in a safe way. Dominic became a Doverenny after much hard work and dedication and he has gained The Russian Mob's trust and has brought quite a couple of people into the Mob. Giving people opportunities and chances that would change a person's life like what the Russian Mob was for Dominic. The Russian Mob was more than just a group of likeminded people or just organized crime. For Dominic it was his new family who gave him work, opportunities and many chances when other people neglected and ignored him. People looked at him like an outsider and complete stranger. But The Russian Mob brought him in with open arms they didn't care about his past or where he came from. For this reason, Dominic stuck with them and would never betray them he would fight to the death for The Russian Mob. After a small falling-out with the Russians, Dominic decided that he had, had enough. He made contact with George Moore a member in Daichead Gadai better known as the Irish about a position in their family. After a few days of back-and-forth chatter George and Dominic decided to set up a meeting with a lead recruiter called Sean Moore, George’s brother. After a few days they met at the agreed upon meeting location and started talking about the future for Dominic and what they thought of him. After some talk and getting to know each other, they told Dominic that they would have to consult with the High Command of The Irish to see if they could accept or even consider him into their family. After two days Sean finally reached back to Dominic. He was quite nervous when they told him to meet up with them at their own family’s pub called Steamboat Beers. They met around back and there standing were three intimidating people. Dominic went up to them. There were some unrecognized faces with George and Sean so Dominic told them his story and they told him to give them a few minutes to consult with each other if they should even give Dominic a chance. After they were finished talking to each other to decided that they would bring him into their family as a pre-trial member. On the inside Dominic was relieved that they had accepted him into their family. He was happy that he was once more a part of a family that would care for him and would have his back no matter what. After Daichead Gadai had officially accepted Dominic into their family Dominic needed to clear the air with some old comrades of his. He set up a meeting with them explaining the reasoning for this decision and why so soon. They completely understood him as they were only growing at the time. With a sigh of relief, he said his final goodbyes, there were no hard feelings left with them and he had left on good terms. After saying goodbye to his old family, he spread his arms out to his new family Daichead Gadai.
  23. dominykas

    Russian Mob

    The Continuation of Dominic Santiago's Story Up to this time everything has been going good for Dominic. After joining the Russian Mob Dominic needed to find his own place. Luckily a man named Franky Gee took him in. He also was about the lifestyle. Dominic and Franky Gee would constantly link up spending a lot of time together. Franky Gee would also let Dominic stash all of his belongings such as guns, drugs etc. in his apartment. They soon became very close friends and even roommates. After Dominic got enough money and got onto his feet after a long time of not having enough money he finally saved up for his own place. Dominic started to look for apartments in the Los Santos area and he found the most perfect apartment on Integrity Street. After a while of living in his new apartment Dominic had an idea that could make him a lot of money, drug production. To prepare for this Dominic would need a partner for cooking to manage the tables while he would be away and he had the perfect candidate for it. His name is Edgar and he has been in the city for a while he originally rolled with Franky Gee and a gang named Los Santos Bloods. After Edgar was left LSB he decided to roll with the Russian Mob as a hang around. After a while Dominic and Edgar became close friends. So a while later Dominic decided to make him his cooking partner. From where we last left off Dominic was just recruited and was a Shpana now he is a Doverenny and he has gained The Russian Mob's trust and has brought quite a couple of people into the Mob. Giving people opportunities and chances that would change a persons life like what the Russian Mob was for Dominic. The Russian Mob was more than just a group of likeminded people or just organized crime. For Dominic it was his new family who gave him work, opportunities and many chances when other people neglected and ignored him. People looked at him like an outsider and complete stranger. But The Russian Mob brought him in with open arms they didn't care whether or not he was a different skin color or orientation. For this reason Dominic stuck with them and would never betray them he would fight to the death for The Russian Mob. All for one and one for all The Russian Mob worked like a well oiled machine, when they came together they became one huge fist and took care of anyone in their way and for this reason Dominic would have to die first before he would leave the Russian Mob.
  24. dominykas

    Russian Mob

    The Origin Story of: Dominic Santiago Dominic Santiago was born in 1998 in Russia, Moscow his father was a steel worker and his mother was Irish and would stay at home and take care of him. His father was originally from Russia and he was a very hard-working man, working everyday just to pass by. Dominic would constantly skip school and hang out with his friends disobeying his father's wishes to make a better life for himself. Growing up he fell in with the wrong crowd. He dropped out of college and spent all of his time on the streets hustling for money to help his family. Dominic fell into some trouble with police and was facing some heavy time in prison. Instead, Dominic fled Russia and moved to Los Santos for a new beginning a fresh start. Dominic was devastated leaving his parents back in Russia but he just simply wasn’t ready for prison since he made some enemies along the way. For Dominic this was a big life change. He barely knew to speak English and was illegally in America without any papers or documentation. Dominic had 160$ to his name so he needed to find some work. He didn’t care what he had to do he just needed enough money to scrape by. One day Dominic met a man at the Del Piero Pier named Airis Willey. Airis was a part of the Russian Mob dressed well and was kind to Dominic and took him under his wing. After some time, he saw that Dominic had some potential in him. He started off by giving him small jobs like delivering packages and if he wouldn’t look inside of the package and if it was successfully delivered Airis would give Dominic some cash. From this and other varies jobs such as gun dealing Dominic saved up and bought himself a small place in Downtown Los Santos. Dominic thought to himself whilst laying in his bed that he could make a good living out of this. So, the next day he met up with Airis and asked if he could take it to the next level. Airis agreed and set up a meeting with the man in black, the head of the organization Dimitri. Once they met up at the location given a black old school Mercedes pulled up and out of the car came the one and only Dimitri. Dimitri took a shine to Dominic as he had quite some experience from when he was back in Russia. Dimitri accepted him with open arms and gave him the rank Shpana and made him a part of the organization. Dominic was pleased with Dimitri’s decision and had only a week to prove his worth to Dimitri and the organization. -A Russian Mob Story By Dominic Santiago
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