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About ComradeCorbyn

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  1. Player(s) being reported: Jake Sogliss (21), ID 61 Date of interaction reported: 24/APR/2024. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1713927669 Your character name: Wiley Reno Other player(s) involved: George Hill, Marlon Baker Specific rule(s) broken: Fear RP - Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Metagaming - Metagaming is the act of relaying In-Character (IC) information through any method not considered IC which has the potential to change the current or future roleplay scenarios, or for the potential for the information to be used. Powergaming - Powergaming is defined as inserting unrealistic actions into a character's actions that would otherwise not be possible in real life, providing non-factual statements in /do, or not allowing other players a chance to roleplay responses and their own actions to your roleplay. How did the player break the rule(s)? (300 words maximum) After seeing a stolen cruiser from the window of Sandy Station, I began pursuing Jake_Sogliss (21) until he was finally pushed offroad and into a pole, crashing. Upon getting out of the vehicle, I pointed my gun at him and gave him commands to get on the ground. He refused to do so and it took about another minute before Marlon Baker (the officer in the footage below) to arrive to the scene and help me. Once Marlon arrived, the guy began walking around Marlon attempting to stall and dodge Fear RP. He was clearly stalling, but being that he did not have a radio and was not one the phone at all during the pursuit, I didn't think anything of it. That was until the blue car pulled up and clearly attempted to pick him up. I got in the blue car, and put the driver under gunpoint, telling him to exit the vehicle. Unfortunately, the driver decided to use a command to remove me from the vehicle without any roleplay or chance for me to react through the script (this specific command does not have script support, it can be purely used to remove someone from a vehicle). After this happened, I went back to Jake and tried again to stop him, but he continued to run. Finally, the guy wrapped back around and ran over Marlon, then drove off and sent the car into the Alamo Sea. Throughout all of this, the two players never communicated ICly, yet they were highly coordinated. Lastly, when we finally caught Jake he smoked a blunt through the script and immediately tossed it to attempt to avoid the charges. The player seemed highly experienced in his actions, which makes his actions and experience on the specific character very odd. Evidence of rule breach
  2. I mean it's not a universally inappropriate clothing choice. There are plenty of real gangs that "run colors", but they are far from the type of gang that many gangs attempt to portray themselves as.
  3. Nobody in organized crime, even Italian-American organized crime, dresses like this. If you want to roleplay a crime family from 70 years ago, that's fine but there's plenty of clothing to roleplay a modern crime family, people just opt for gang colors due to poor standards.
  4. this u? Allow me to reiterate; We only remove or deny TRULY hateful players from the faction.
  5. To be honest, I think your comments are coming from a place of extreme anti-woke sentiment instead of actual validity. You should know as well as anyone as a former member of the faction that we have plenty of people just like you who don't mind gay people and are tolerant of them, but are slightly off put by the excess of pride or the "forceful" nature of some pride demonstrations. Many of our faction members from Eastern Europe, from Eastern Asia, from Africa all share this sentiment, and it would be ridiculous if we were to wage war on members who simply aren't as used to western, progressive sentiments like this. You should know that the only players being targeted are those who are truly hateful, not just random members of the faction or applicants who have expressed slight discomfort with the progressive nature of our expression. You're really expressing a non-problem here. People who hold views like you are not being walked around being called homophobes, people who hold these views actively in our faction are not being suppressed, you're just wrong. Your sentiments are coming more from a reactionary view of our policy rather than any actual "discrimination" or labeling of people with your viewpoint. If you can give me a point where someone from our faction called one of the many people with your viewpoints homophobic for your views, I'd be happy to hear it, but you're really just making something bigger out of a non-issue.
  6. For clarity, I was not referring to your comment. I am aware of plenty of "John from Texas" in our faction, and they are generally quite accommodating and tolerant, I can assure you that our faction only denies and removes truly intolerant individuals.
  7. I find the constant comments about "Freedom of Speech" to be quite misguided. No one will argue that anyone can say almost anything within reason about their opinions on the LGBT movement, but the second someone faces consequences for their speech, freedom of speech is being violated? Would you, for example, take issue with someone being laid off from their job due to making their colleagues uncomfortable with their speech? Freedom of speech is universal, if you think that your rights are being infringed upon because of removal or denial from a faction, you have a very warped view of what freedom of speech means. As the person in charge of SD's recruitment, I have, with the support of my command, a responsibility to maintain the faction as a comfortable and enjoyable environment for all members. I have no interest in people with certain warped viewpoints of gay rights joining the faction and feeling uncomfortable with our progressive attitude on the situation, and furthermore would not want to see these individuals making our faction members uncomfortable. Individuals and players in this community are free to hold whichever viewpoints they feel proper, and furthermore express those viewpoints with those speech, I think this is undeniable. What is also undeniable, though, is that as an independent faction, we have the right (and responsibility in my view) to restrict our private faction to only those we see fit. Just as you would see a consequence for not meeting other fitness requirements such as being OOCly toxic on forums or discord, an accepting and tolerant view is also a requirement for admission to our faction.
  8. Hey, I sent you a message. It’s been a few days, please look at it ASAP. It’s here on the forums.

  9. These restrictions wouldn't be necessary at all if most people in the server used realistic language in their roleplay. I honestly would not care if individuals used extremely disgusting language in roleplay, including "KYS", or other slurs. I can only speak for myself, but I would have no issue if appropriate gangs used the F slur and N word in (preferably text) roleplay. It's an uncomfortable part of roleplay. The issue I have is that most of the players who use this language are not using it in good roleplay. Using the N word casually in speech is ENTIRELY different than downing someone after a shootout and calling them an F slur or walking up to them and saying "KYS" before killing them. If these players with incredibly poor language roleplay, who might I add are very vocal in this thread, decided to use this language only when appropriate I would see no problem not restricting it. That being said, many of you cannot control yourself from sounding like you're playing league of legends in a roleplay game, so these restrictions seem necessary. If these players could control themselves and use such language responsibly, this would be an entirely different discussion. Sorry you want to call people the F slur after downing them in labs!
  10. I completely agree with your opinion for a few reasons. Although I do agree that this language can and will affect others on an out-of-character level, and that often times individuals use this language in-character to get a rise out of someone out-of-character, the most convincing argument that I can make for this is how lacking of immersion this language is. Much of the language used in the community (often in text chat) comes off as unrealistic entirely and demonstrates poor roleplay standards. There are countless instances where I am roleplaying my character and endlessly faced with language which makes me feel like I'm playing in a CS:GO lobby. Whether it be hearing "get clapped retard" after a shootout, or even common mixing such as players saying that certain groups are "driving people out of the city", it's clear that many players use niche gamer language in-character incessantly, creating what is, in my opinion, an incredibly demotivating roleplay experience. I enjoy roleplaying with characters who I feel interact with the world as real people, but the unfortunate fact is that I'm often demotivated to roleplay with players that I do not know, as they are often bad roleplay experiences due to this. Whether it be the lack of ability to roleplay a character who interacts with the world as one would in real life, or the prior inability to interact with people in real life, many characters which I interact with on a day-to-day basis do not reciprocate realistic vocabulary in their roleplay. I'm not advocating for players to in some way be penalized for using unrealistic language in roleplay, but I believe what you are suggesting is powerful in targeting particularly harmful unrealistic language, and for that reason is entirely justified. As for those arguments that the server is going "too soft", I agree. The server is not nearly hard enough on the roleplay standards of countless players with no regards for high-quality roleplay. One of the reasons I have been so secluded to singular communities in my roleplay is that I find most factions currently have not a care in the world for using realistic language in their roleplay, and often create environments which encourage highly unrealistic and often times toxic gamer language in-character. Thank you for this thread, Dezzy!
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