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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. Being an ex-Royal and in CSB right now, I can confirm I did shoot cops after analyzing the situation and determining that the reward is higher than the risk - before I shoot cops, i must ensure that 1) It's worth it. 2) I must have good numbers and we outnumber the cops heavily; I'd say ratio of 1:4. (That's the only way to win the fight) Also, don't shoot cops lmao bad idea bad idea, the consequences are severe even though you think it's over after killing everyone, it's not LMAO.
  2. It would be nice to give crims 150AP and 200AP. The government can import such equipment and so the Cartel. Everything comes with a price anyways..
  3. I don't know why anyone would care about what somebody else does, stupid or not, they choose their own playstyle at the end of the day. I don't think we should dictate how a player must play on the server. In terms of consequences, they are still there. I'm not saying remove the license suspension, no, keep it. The length of it shouldn't be a concern for LEOs. (3-6 hours) or 1 hour after getting released from DOC is my proposal. I don't understand why the punishment has to be so severe.
  4. My personal opinion - I think it would be cool if the suspension is lowered to 3-6 hours, 24 hours is too much; or, make it so your license is suspended for 1 hour after getting released from DOC. I don't see how that would affect anyone negatively.
  5. I'll keep it simple. If someone lockpicks a car at Mission Row, arrest them. Or, find an alternative to counter the car theft, which as far as I know, has already been done and implemented. You have a building next to Mission Row that is exclusively used by cops as a parking garage, use it. If two people fight at Pillbox and one ends up killing the other, arrest them. Or don't. It's your choice at the end of the day. If a gang engages with another at pillbox for a legitimate reason, then let them be. Let RP flow. IC actions, IC consequences, remember? Also, it seems that this suggestion is being brought up due to the inconveniences this rule change might cause to cops. Good thing you can easily remove yourself from the situation and you don't have to deal with anyone! Bullshit meme behaviour though goes against that. -1
  6. Maxed Drauger on city high end for 600k. 3075957
  7. Hello, As you might know, we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to ban evasion, and unfortunately, you did not respect the ban appeal process we have in place which made things worse. I suggest submitting a ban appeal in a couple of months to see if the stance has changed. Further, if you end up submitting a ban appeal in the future, you should reconsider this line "I provided a lot of fun to the community" - you certainly did not. Locked and archived.
  8. This was implemented at some point - players had to press left ALT to show player IDs. This didn't last as it caused issues, mainly with player reports, so the alternative was to decrease the ID/alias opacity.
  9. @BlueFlame You're saying PD/SD are rolling labs without any reason. Where is your POV? I don't see anything regarding this topic in that forum report you linked...
  10. it has been listed there for 920k.
  11. Sorry was handling some business. It will be listed on HE in less than an hour. I'll shoot you a text when its listed if you want, just give me your phone number.
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