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Everything posted by freshprinceIE

  1. Yes good discussion. +1 from me.
  2. To be fair, traffic laws aren't really enforced on the server, so I get his frustration there!
  3. I don't believe this bug is that they are talking on the radio. I believe it shows that the person is speaking on the radio when they are speaking in local VOIP (pressing n).
  4. There is IC regulations for criminals operating the toll booth. I've seen it been used multiple times by crims to help their friends evade police, and I have never seen one report come out of it.
  5. -1 It's not some sexist plot men use to shame women in game. It's usually done by men on other men. It's a part of almost every criminals story. You seem to think it's ok to go into a drug lab frequented by serial robbers and murderers, unarmed nonetheless, and think that all you will lose is 3 weed plants. You seem to think that it's NRP to shave someone's head after robbing them, but having absolutely no value for your life in a drug lab isn't? Personally, my character was robbed and had his hair cut. I was bald for a long time and it became part of my characters personality, I played him differently when bald. Haven't been robbed and had my haircut in months, I learned my lesson.
  6. Why does it break your immersion to see cops in supers but a person with 200 felonies and 30mil in illegal money driving a super does not? What alternative does PD have? The regular cruisers max out around 220 on the highway (except for certain spots), and the handling is dogshit. I was driving my elegy retro and lost every cruiser multiple times, only the super could keep up. Any decent vehicle will easily lose the regular cruisers. Besides, pre drag nerf, everyone just drove drags. Nothing is keeping up with them, a super or else another drag is there best bet. TLDR: criminals will always drive OP vehicle and play at 420p to get max FPS, what alternatives does SD/PD have?
  7. +1 But with a limitation that it just repairs the vehicle to 300 and no more. This will allow you to get to a mechanic and get a full repair, but any further crashes will result in perma stalling again.
  8. I mean the situation before was 50+ heavily armed criminals fighting PD/SD to the point where the national guard was called in. It seems pretty obvious that a .50 cal should be deployed. A realistic force for an unrealistic action. IRL you would never have 50 gang members setting up to kill cops. Edit: just realizrd someone responded about that lmao.
  9. I'm a Crim main btw. Although I've played a little bit less recently (the battlebus got boring), and have played a bit more LEO. If your reaction is just that crims are always perfect and are not willing to reconsider and think more about a scenario, then I don't know what to say. I know you ICly, I knew your name before I even met you. You've a lot of time on this server as a Crim, and a high level one too. You should know better than just saying that most cops just want to ruin others RP.
  10. And that's it though? Once your out of the car they can't search you or your vehicle. They can only act if they see a gun hanging off your hip, or if there was a prior RP scenario that granted them IC reason to search you. I had the same mindset as some of the people in this thread (although not as bad) until I joined an LEO faction. Both PD/SD have a huge amount of IC restrictions based off of IRL laws that dictate what they can do to you. I seen people on this thread saying that they can just house raid as they want, which is just false. Even if a drug table explodes in a house, there is still RP involved to gain permission to access that house. If PD does break the law by getting you out of a vehicle and searching you, then you can actually solve this ICly, just like IRL where a case might get thrown out. I did my first IA report against PD this week from my crim, and within 12 hours it was resolved in my favour. Most people in PD/SD do want to RP as realistic as possible. Majority of the time you are thinking that they have no reason to stop you, but maybe you were spotted leaving the scene of a shootout, maybe a store was robbed right beside you that you didn't know. There is always RP going on, and it may of led to you becoming a suspect. I think that the majority of experienced crims know a lot of these IC protocols, and know not to be stupid. If your a convicted felon, guess what, we know that you don't have a gun license so don't walk around with it exposed. Majority of crims bring on things themselves. The ones who complain the most are the ones who do the most shit. I've had people piss on my cruiser, kick it, stick dildos on it and then complain in /b when they get arrested calling it unrealistic...
  11. I've been in this boat where I joke about my IC opponents reporting everything. But I've also seen some petty reports from my side too. It's no joke that every situation ends in "Save POV". I have said it quite a lot myself, but I usually review the footage and see that the rulebreak was minor, or not a rulebreak in my opinion. Reports and logs do serve a purpose. You will not get banned for 1 DM punishment, or even 2 logs. You need to be continously breaking rules. Staff made a good change recently in trying to clamp down on petty reports, or even ruleplaying ones. I have tried to resolve reports OOCly, or even just not reported some minor ones. I solved one last week where someone DM'd me, then come forward to this week and his faction has had a report accepted against a friend of mine, where no attempt was made to resolve. If I resolve OOCly, admins never got notified to be on the lookout for this behaviour and he may continue to repeat it. This will just encourage further reporting, where now a person in my position may think "Why should I resolve, when they just made a friend of mine one step closer to a ban". It fosters this revenge report attitude. One suggestion may be to have another field on columns to show severity. E.g 1, 2 3. 1 being relatively minor, e.g shooting too soon after demands, or 3 being worse like just straight up DM. Admins can then take that into account before issuing a ban. But like I said earlier, you don't get banned for 1 infraction, you need to show consistent rule breaking.
  12. I don't feel that this part is 100% true. Each faction should have their own goals which reflect their lores. No group should have the goal to own every turf and run the whole city. An example of this is lore friendly turds. FSO, an asian faction, should try to own turfs in Asian districts. Why should they run Stab City? Same goes for the Lost. They should run stab, but a biker group should not have influence in an asian district. This is similar to IRL. Gangs claim streets, hoods whatever but not usually a huge space. There is nothing wrong with having an allied gang, when you can both say this is my turf, thats yours. For unofficial factions, they have no choice but to cosy up to an official faction. Why wouldn't I be actively on a freq with Gang A, providing them backup, chops, drugs since in return they may provide me access to guns, and other illegal items at large discounts. What bugs me is alliances with no real RP reason. You have gangs that were enemies for months, suddenly become allies on a joint freq 24/7. I've literally seen 1 of the current largest factions, fighting another(now disbanded) gang and then 1 week later they were allies going after other gangs together. Criminal RP is pretty much ruined by other criminals. The usual thing is conflict escalates, a big fight happens, and the conflict is NLR'd. 1 side goes to the pier and shit talks for the rest of the day, until someone purposely baits another esclation so that they can fight again.
  13. It's the same for me. Having my salary cut or raised in SD wouldn't effect my RP a whole lot. I am in SD for the RP that comes from it, not the financial gain. The money I gain is just spent on other RP with friends off duty which honestly doesn't cost a lot. I don't need to worry about guns, fines etc. I will just passively make more money while having a good RP experience on duty. This is different on my Crim character tho, since money is needed for almost any form of Crim RP. If I was working as a mechanic and my wages got cut, it would definitely hurt me a lot more.
  14. This is true that those companies would make more IRL, but in ECRP both are government owned, if that was the case IRL they would be paid considerably less.
  15. PD/SD salaries start off at the same as all other jobs, but jump up a lot faster. I did a post explaining this a bit before, but I will talk a bit more again. I have worked in SD and Bayview so I use them as comparison. For SD, salaries start at 5k then jump up to 6.25k after the first rankup. You can gain this rank in as little as 1 week. Bayview, wages start at 5k, and after 3 weeks (min) jump up to 5.5k. Another 3 weeks (min) to get to 6k, which is still slightly lower than SD. All LEO jobs are more fun than any civilian jobs, you are almost constantly engaged in RP as opposed to standing AFK. For most LEO, being on duty is the main part of their RP. It's easy to work up large hours, since you are having fun and the majority of their RP is being a cop/deputy. In a civillian job, for a lot of them, that job is just one part of their RP. Some are criminals, or have other jobs or other things to do. For LEO, we are almost always on duty making money, we drive company cars that have free fuel, our guns are free. The only thing we need to buy is food, and then we can just make up money while we are working, as opposed to grinding in other jobs. Anyway, I have waffled a bit. Basically, my opinion is that every other job needs to be buffed apart from PD/SD (maybe DOC). Buffing peoples wages will effect the economy though, so maybe all other jobs such as money truckers etc should get a buff too, but then prices will just inflate.
  16. Thanks Xoza! Prices are already adaptive based on turn-in. E.g if you come to a buyer and hes offering 500 for 1 coke. You can sell a chunk of another drug to bring up the price for coke, but like a poster mentioned below you, it's not really worth the profit to cook those drugs. Honestly that system is mostly fine. It means that if an official faction are trying to cap a turf, they get less money since they get a reward from it (e.g imports). Really the base prices need to come up. Tables in labs ARE much faster. I believe it's 3 minutes to make 1 coke in a lab.
  17. The simplest and most cost effective is cocaine. To begin, we require a location to cook, such as an apartment so that ranges from 600k+ at current times. You can also use an RV but face way more risk from other criminals. 1 Table is around 15k street price, and 1 vent is around 65k street price. Obviously official gangs get them cheaper and choose their own prices. You also need clothing so as not to get burnt while cooling the table and a gas mask for when they eventually explode which is a near guarantee. For 1 Coke, you need 2 ingredients from a certain "store", total cost $200 . You also need a weed plant which we all know has risks assosciated with getting them. In 66 minutes, you can make 6 coke. The very most that you can sell it for will be $600 but this fluctuates and is generally a bit lower. But let's assume $600. 600 - 200 (ingredients cost) = $400 per coke 400 x 6 = $2466 per 1 table per 66 minutes The total "profit" for one table is $2466, but this doesn't factor in costs of fuel and time. You have to drive to the area to get ingredients as well as potentially risk getting robbed to get plants in a lab. You also have a high amount of risk during the whole process, you must actively stay at the tables cooling them every few minutes. Most criminals will cook with more tables. It's been awhile but I think that I had 6 tables to 1 vent. Tables also explode randomly. I have had cold tables blow up on me, and I've seen experienced members of the community have this happen to them too. I even responded to an explosion on my SD char, where the guys tables were all just warm and his blew up. (I don't believe that tables passively cool, at least they didn't at one point, which is why I added this) The risk vs reward does not match. The time vs reward also does not, since you must have significent investment, collect the ingredients from the store, collect the plants from the labs, actively cook and cool them (this is good tho, since we dont want to AFK it), and then finally bring them and sell them. It is 100% safer and a lot more efficient to just go mine some oil.
  18. Is it feasible to be fully complient with every Twitch TOS? Don't people get banned/punished for seemingly minor things on Twitch? I don't think that a RP server and the relatively highly controlled safe space of twitch are super compatible. Even things such as people playing copyrighted music at Pier have the potential to get you punished. I think some more control over the use of the n-word would be good though. People throw it out there to shock people. I don't think twitch would approve of the way the typical ECRP gangster goes aroung saying "nigga" every 20 seconds, and all the other terms that people use. It would get to the point where we have to regulate which insults and slurs can actually be used. It would probably just get in the way of RP at that point.
  19. I think this could be improved by having the drug creation process to be staged. Instead of just placing items on a table and cooling, you would have to do seperate tasks like mixing, grinding ingredients etc. Obviously this can be more detailed, but can also effect the quality of the drug, with higher quality drugs selling for more. In general drug tables need to be worked on. The chance of an explosion needs to be lowered, especially when taking precautions. There is no way a cold table should explode during non volatile drug cooking.
  20. I believe the command is /splitground. This should allow you to pick it up.
  21. I've had this happen to me a few times. One time that stands out is that I tried to login for the first time one day, but it said that I was already logged in, so I closed the game and restarted and ended up in an apartment with a broken elevator. Also happened mutliple times when I crashed on duty at Bayview, except those times I could leave the apartment. Not sure how much this helps...
  22. I don't think that's 100% accurate. For example, Bayview and SD start off at the same wage. In SD, you can get promoted in 1 week and now earn 1.25k extra per hour than Bayview. The first rank in Bayview will take a minimum of 3 weeks, and another 3 weeks for the next rank. In this time you could of already of been promoted twice within SD (theoretically), and still be on a lot more money than Bayview. It's easier to hit management level in normal civillian jobs, but it is a lot more boring and involves a lot of standing still at a bench. Like the other poster said, SD will be way more fun and you will make a lot more money. I've worked a couple of months in Bayview and could only manage a max of around 17 in one week. Most people working as a mechanic have other RP to do, e.g as a criminal whereas Police will mostly roleplay as Police, where they make money and do not have to spend for fuel, weapons etc (which is acceptable, just mentioning for the cost factor).
  23. Lots of this would be complicated to develop. One thing I didn't see noted was viewing the car from the front. The front windscreen is never tinted, so viewing the vehicle from the front should show the IDs inside. Could add another layer of complexity by having dynamic ID availability of the people in the rear seats. If you can physically see them, you should see the ID.
  24. You either need to frisk him, kill him, or RP taking the gun and he moves it into his pocket.
  25. That's untrue. With the last update to tables, tables now blow up a lot more easily. Cool tables can now also blow up, which then alerts PD to come raid you. To begin with proper cooking, you need an apartment or a house, so around 400k for that, plus tables and vents. You also need to risk going to drug labs to get ingredients. You also need a ton of breifcases, water bottles, hazmat suit etc. And then after all that setup, you could be on your second drug and cool the table only for it to instantly blow up. Remember cooling a table only lowers the chance of it blowing up, it will still blow. And with all this going, you need to be actively at your lab, cooling your tables every couple of minutes, only for around $400 profit per weed plant.
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