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Everything posted by Qiang

  1. looks like Fivem servers finishing mission to earn rewards
  2. yeah maybe for PD officers to start jumping over injured body's and just press in 1 key and full CPR RP Is written in 1 sec like wtf? most of the shoot out start by PD and to be honest getting sprayed down by heavy guns get injured and somehow people manage to do the surgery on the scene and i don't know how in a server when you are injured you can't use your radio or even you can't talk because is will be non'rp somehow you manage to survive from heavy shout gun wounds. and the new system literally remove the RNG part of the time MD drive to the scene or it is more than 1 injured body but because of the /stabilize cm they all survive
  3. hello every one manchez scout add to GTA v online yesterday and is would be nice if we have it in server . vehicle driving is very similar to BF400 but it have lot's of customization more information https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Manchez_Scout
  4. https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=641&t=70857 I didn't know about this but I am confused is this is true about gun store price 17 k for pistol 50 like WTFF
  5. this drag problem server was able to deal whit it IC for example remove it from dealerships if your drag got impounded in a PD chase or you bike use it for crime purpose your vehicle will be impounded for 5 days (IRL) and you need to pay 30k fine to return it back main issue is this classic Eclipse RP when some thing get abused by some people (group of 3 to 4 player) staff team and head admins come in and start place a punishment for every one same thing happened for human meat because group of 5 player abuse the market and start farming human meat they just remove it from the market soon as a gang start's doing unrealistic shootouts they just put a announcement gun price are change now player need to pay double of the money they payed before all of this changed simply and the reason for it can simply deal whit it IC in game soon as group of people get bored from server they just start doing unrealistic action to just force the staff team the reduce and effect other people roleplay by changing game mechanic lot's of player payed more than 2.5m to get their own drag and trust me is not a free ticket to escape after changes but right now people looking to buy one for 500k so losing assist like this is very painful when is a easy way to deal with it in game
  6. main issue is as PD officer you can do any thing you want ,house raid, pulling people over and asking them to step out or over a maybe breaking a traffic stop and search him for a firearm when they are in gang color you can do any thing you want and if you friend try to help you is will go over a OOC punishment starting a gun fight middle of the city is very unrealistic and for sure PD will win that war even if they die you still will get the charges so basically is lose situation . and if goes over a IA report you wanna ask them to punish a officer or kick him form the faction when he found a unlicense firearm on you in unrealistic way ? i don't know how some can carry criminal RP protect his family (gang) with out carrying a gun and this happened by people most of them have alt criminal character in the same scenario as criminal you can't pull a PD officer you can't bait them you can't kidnap them , you can't CK when every day they looking for you to just bait you or put you in jail because we have OOC rules about it , i know this all sound very bad over a RP server but we need same rules for official criminal faction
  7. is can be archived solution first you need to stay in the character section for 3 to 4 second then you need to click on the view (character you wanna play ) after you character load on screen press on play and you will be good to go
  8. -1 +1 sorry is seems like new place for DM( first gang claps officers and then clap Each other ) and robbing
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 12/24/2020 Character name: lina tkahashi Issue/bug you are reporting: when i log in in game i spawn in default 2 g and you will stuck there to a mod help you Expected behavior: you should log in in the last location you log out Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: this happened for me always back in 2019 but was different because when i log out inside my house or any other house this bug happend and i remember it was in a update got fixed .but right now every time i close the game in any location (not just a login/out with out closing the game) i spawn inside the 2 g Appartement Vehicle license plate number*:
  10. Qiang

    this is not fair

    no no I didn't run inside the locker room I even didn't close to the front door i saw MOD Alex behind the door standing still i even didn't get close to the computer (the one you pay your ticket) please tell me how should I manage hear some one and listen to his demand when he is not in my screen and I cant even see him or his ID and literally no OOC message about hey are you ok because we 10 gun at you and you don't give care are you ok ????? just tase me going to your keyboard type all the arresting RP in 1 sec /b hey answer RP like what ???? we are not in a drug lab they didn't even look at my record is a different between a civilian and a criminal for some is a legal citizen for 19 month IRL is not make sense to run from police demands the admin we are talking about he just told me charges is already placed so continue RP and i told him this is mistake happened by a OOC bug but who care's from that day i even make another character because I don't feel good about my character any more because she is a criminal . Even the way other police officers talk to me has changed since then. of course for most of the people look at this game as gta online server how care what gonna happens to my character life one day she get in fight with a gang and she die 10 time next day the are friend's nothing wrong with that and i agree is hard to believe some time and lot's of player lie but if the admin bother him self or even mod alex just look at my criminal record he realize this behavior dose not fit in my character . and the 2 video I record after for no reason after 2 years playing video games form no where my shadow play is off with out any one touching it and still happen after that nd every 20 minute i check it is on or off . and the 2 video I upload after i look at it i was hoping they avoid the RP because you can see the massive resync i had that day and if wearing a mask is illegal please remove it from clothing store this is very unrealistic to you can put mask on but a officer with 25k exp can decide it is legal or illegal @Jbacon it seems like you are an experienced player. is this is fair one day you logged in game like any other day for past 2 years or maybe 3 years and you are a high rank DCC driver or any other faction you have lot's of respect in server and you just drive to get tp your work and you forgot to check your shadow play if is on or off (( i mean who dose because is recording all the time you are playing for past 3 years and when you need it you just press ALT +Z and record past 5 minute )) and in your way to your Destination with your personal vehicle . you saw 3 cruiser parking in the side walk and a officer standing doing nothing like any other days you drive pass them . but this time suddenly you vehicle get spray buy PD and you get injured and in 10 sec more than 5 officer spawn in your screen one of them searching your car other one trying to stabilize you other one searching for you ID and only thing you do is /b why you shot at my vehicle and they answer sir you just ram 3 officers with your car and you /b and you will get reported and when you look over your shadow play IS OFF for some reason and . and when you report it a admin he had lot's of report in game and he is very tired ask do you have video if you don't continue RP you go to jail for maybe 3 hours you will lose you gun license you will get kicked from your faction because you commit a crime trying to kill 3 officer from that day and time you call 911 they will treat you like a criminal when come to the true or lie you will be Lier because why they believe the word coming from a criminal getting ban from server or punishment on your record all this 3 years working hard respecting others trying to be nice with other is gone
  11. Qiang

    this is not fair

    yes but the main issue is I didn't see any one only 1 officer and he was near the stairs I didn't see any one you can see on my video server had a very huge resync for me .why should ignore you demands when I have valid gun license . literally we have announcement in discord about lag and resync issue . and the weed I had it was from yesterday I crash to it in middle of the road and I pick it and I don't know why I put it inside my glovebox but because you can drop items when you are in the car I forgot about it . but the reason you guys search my car was made by a bug and i wasn't able to see or hear any one around me just got tase from no where
  12. Qiang

    this is not fair

    115 min jail around 19 k charge losing my gun license all clothes i had in my inventory
  13. Qiang

    this is not fair

    it wasn't about mask is about looking for a reason to tase people you need give demands or ask why you running this new update is worse than the old one and you need to put some realistic material to your RP for some one is a civilian for 19 IRL month and you put her in jail when she is saying i didn't see any one around me and i don't have reason to run from your when i have gun valid license it is a huge different between a civilian and a criminal
  14. Qiang

    this is not fair

    i playing this server since JUN 2019 and gameplay more than 5000 hours playing almost every day never commit any crime or any type of toxic roleplay to the community I always were a fully legal player IC and try to help every one and today I was checking the new update and I was thinking they ADD a new interior to PD (mission row) so I drive there to see what's new and after I park my car in front of the Mission row and I had a mask on (i forgot I have it on) and I see one of my friend officer Papadakis outside and another officer near the Stairs and his VoIP was on (his id was green because he was talking)but I wasn't able to hear him and when I run inside I only saw detective Jason(mod Alex) inside the locker room and when I realize is nothing new I run back to my car to drive to SD and when I go near my vehicle suddenly 6 officer spawn near my vehicle pointing a gun at me and one of them taser me and they told me why you running to your car with a mask on and they cuff me I guess they demand me before but I wasn't able to see them in my screen and when I saw them it was too late and that's the problem server is very buggy literally people travling in my screen and unfortunately my shadow play was off I don't know how because i was on yesterday and that cost me they call a admin Aios told me sorry we don't wanna avoid the RP and you going to jail I told them it was a bug I wasn't able to see anyone why should I run away when I have a valid gun license and I am not even a criminal and they just transport me to DOC put me in jail for 115 minutes revoked my gun license I use it for hunting and now I am a criminal I have a criminal record is would be living with me maybe for some players this is just game Die 11 time in a day be ok or going jail every day be ok for them but I care about my character I put more than 5000 hours into my character to make her happy but all those wishes is over I am criminal now every time a got pulled over they can treat me like a criminal like this time this 115 minute was very hard for me people calling me bitch and they all mean it OOC not iC but no way to prove it trying to avoid people by hiding in jail to they do not remember my face and after that, I am a criminal near 2 years of trying to be a civilian is over please avoid this RP and remove this charge from my record (not the money I will pay for it but please remove this charge from my MDC history because all of it was a bug I will upload a few videos massive resync I had today ) unfortunately, my shadow play is very buggy and when I realize I need to I need my video my shadow play was off I don't know how it got off by itself but this is the video I record after I turn it on make sure you watch the first video to end
  15. -1 sorry but eclipse RP dose not have any streamer . it was a few streamers with total of 3 to 5 viewer they stream Eclipse in 2019 and 2020 . but they move to other community or they don't stream any more . and if is . I don't think it is a good idea to affect more than 180 players role play for 3 streamers .
  16. the issue is only 2% of all the player play on server have that money and they already have super cars. if it was rental service it was good idea
  17. hello everyone thank you for reading this it is a lot's of new customization for both ( female , male ) body and is will be great to we have it on Eclipse RP https://imgur.com/44MuLms https://imgur.com/uDhsKzM
  18. yeah but your friend get robbed is not a valid reason to ram someone legit we had rules old days about if your friend is a under gun point (his life is in direct danger) you can ram the player who is pointing a gun at your friend they remove it you can't ram the player any more in this video your friend only getting looted still in DM rights players can't use his vehicle as a weapon to kill his victim even in the admin respond he Lets address the ramming, I dont again see a rulebreak on the ramming in this case as yes his ally was close but he did not enter the situation at a great speed, he chose a good angle to come in and make contact with his vehicle, not endangering the life of his ally he say ram was made by a mistake and it was unfortunate and he was speeding but you can see in the reported party video he say on his video [I AM RAMING THIS F........ HE JUST ROBBED le] and in the 00:04 on the video his speed is 39km and when he say [I AM RAMING THIS F........ HE JUST ROBBED le] he press on gas to gain speed to ram the other player . this is like when some one kill another player with out any reason and he is clime sorry it was miss click .but on his video saying yeah i am killing this guy
  19. yeah but we have specific rules about you are not allowed to use you vehicle as a weapon so it wasn't any reason for ram
  20. that's is not true you should be very unlucky to you table blow up (1 in 10000 )and trust me people say yeah my drug table blow up that's a lie because they wanna make it looks like yeah is not safe don't cook drug your shit will blow up. to keep the price always up i knew people made more than 2 or 3 million in 4 weeks by cooking drugs (16 table )i am not saying they don't blow up but the chance is very low . and soon as you buy a car or a house you tax bracket goes up to 25 % my self pay 35% . can't make money any more all the jobs pay very low and when you add the 35% makes it near nothing and still with VIP you pay 20 % and that's still is a lot
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