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Everything posted by MrDisciple

  1. I hope the developers and head admins read this as everyone would love this implemented.
  2. Increase vehicle volumes for larger vehicles. Currently, a dirt bike has the same interior vol as a sports car which has the same interior vol as a 4 door SUV. I believe bikes are correctly balanced but cars not. (See images.) -> -> Take an item such as a bag, (10 volume). Why can't you place a bag on each seat of the car or the floor? Same with fish or weaponry. Realistically you can cram a whole bunch of stuff into a car but I'm not asking for 100 vol interior, just that slight bit more. My suggestion is... Per each seat the vehicle should add an additional 5 volume to the 10 volume already there. Vehicles all used to be 15 volume but I feel the change was made because players were whipping AKs out their drags. RPly the storage doesn't need to be on your empty seats, it can be floor, door compartment ext... 2 Door - 15 VOL 4 Door - 25 VOL (I'm open to further improvements on this idea. If you are severely against the idea then feel free to comment, but if your battling it for the sake of it then don't.)
  3. Basically they were just my suggestions to occupy PD/SD time as a solution to many PD turning up to traffic stops because there's nothing else to do. Thanks for your reply, you make alot of sense. Although, I put a lot of hours into PD, I hardly did or had even heard of some of what I suggested. I think there's a clique with high command where they have a lot of internal RP but lower ranks don't. Also, it's not about forcing the RP like you said. It's about facilitating it, recommending it and pushing for it to happen more. For example, set up a therapy circle every week and recommend it all the officers. I never was given that opertunity and neither were all my other mates in the lower ranks. Lastly, I've been playing for years and never known their to be regular PR events / community talks. Maybe try bringing it back? and heavily enforce the law. Give them disturbing the peice (whatever its called) and triple the time. If gangs turn up to cause trouble, give them all unlawful assembly and search and impound the cars they came in. Players will soon learn. This past year or so Eclipse has been pushing for Civ RP so maybe it'll work better now. But yeah, hope your not offended or anything. I'm just giving a few ideas some might not work, some hopefully will.
  4. -1 Taze them and type roleplay before it ends. Simple Enough? Even if they had some sort of temporary slow walk, it still doesn't stop them from ignoring you and your RP then just stumbling away instead of running. Good suggestion though.
  5. @Jett_J Your missing my point to focus on the negative, dismiss anything good. All for the purpose of an argument to try do a cops vs crims. Its not that so leave it g The gym was just one of several ideas, if you don't like RP try GTAV Online.
  6. @Jett_J I completely agree with your points. Although, you can't state you do "Tons of internal rp" then later say "most nights [you] drive around - for a few hours". My point your disagreeing to is to implement more internal RP. Which means you don't need to drive around for a few hours doing nothing. I was a cop, I know there isn't enough internal RP to prevent the issues raised in this thread. I think there are two solutions for this suggestion. Relax player theft rules as per THIS old thread I made, this would allow more street crime therefore more 911 calls and activity on the streets. OR create more cop internal RP. Obviously this internal RP is suggested for when there is nothing going on. Internal RP suggestions (Requiring no script): Catch Up / DAILY brief done in your individual precincts before/during every shift. (Maybe 4 times a day so everyone has a chance to join one). PR events such as frequent visits to city hot spots to offer out information to public. Weekly press release events, open for public audience and questioning. Required on duty group therapy sessions for officers involved in shootings. A laundry center that cops bring their uniforms too, to be washed. Car wash that cops bring their cars too. (Many officers take pride in appearance and are attached to their designated cruiser!) A private PD gym that everyone attends often, like real life : ) Way more interrogations with multiple suspects. Line ups and witness testimonies. Court system should be used continuously everyday with the amount of charge's criminals disagree with. Police should continuously be going there to give statements. Make the IA more in game then out. Statements could be in person rather than E Mail. Parole type systems for EVERY criminal who leaves DOC that was arrested for extreme crimes. Example, they check in with low ranking PD / SD officers and also get advice counseling. FYI, this list is what I came up with in like 15 minuets. There's probably loads more RP ops that are easy to do.
  7. The problem Is... majority of PD roleplay is a reaction of what criminals create. Example, a criminal speed's therefore PD chase. When I was in PD, a lot of the time nothing would happen. So, when something does happen you want to get involved. In your scenario, nothing obviously had been going on for a while so people want to get involved with the traffic stop. It's that or do nothing. What's the fix? I think PD need to implement more internal RP. There's loads of fun RP they could explore but choose not too. If they had more RP opertunitys outside of waiting for criminals to start the RP then not every cop would want to respond to that Traffic Stop. Restricting players in PD from engaging in the only RP they get is not the way!
  8. Big +1 Heavy weapon damage needs to be improved. A .50 costing 5k and a Micro costing 35k makes no sense when the .50 is practically as good due to damage. Or just revert prices back before it tripled.
  9. Honestly I can say each member of this faction invests so much into creating an immersive roleplay experience and every interaction with this gang is always fun! Goodluck with it all!! + the thread looks fuckin dope!
  10. You can RP swinging the bag round your neck and opening it up, but scriptly just drop it. No big deal. But, I do think that hand guns should be concealed and not just magically held on the outside of your clothes. Would be more realistic and fair for criminals.
  11. Wow all these posts are amazing! The consistent formatting as well makes it so sick! You guys deserve official!
  12. Always good to see another street gang to help populate the hood!! Wishing you all the best with this set of Bloods!
  13. So hyped!! Love to this thread expand and see what RP you'll be bringing! Goodluck Boreland!!
  14. Will this be the day we'll start to see lower class gangs fight with fists and bats instead of guns!!! Can't wait to see how you guys interact with Ballas! Exciting times!
  15. The RP level of this faction is insane!! I miss this so much! Great posts as always@Checkky @HeyRavyn !!
  16. 1) if your vehicle blocks the drop spot, it spawns under the vehicle in the floor. Your drop is just in the ground, possibly to far down to reach. Solution) Don't park directly on drop spot. Secondly, you claim you comped a drop and it didn't show up. Clearly they got their before you. You might of been told about it being comped and it could have dropped 1 second later.
  17. It's not a bug. You lost your aim on them, the teller ducked and hit the panic button. There is also a rare chance alarm does go off anyway and has been like for a long time now.
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