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Everything posted by BFortier

  1. Not to be that guy, but I think it would be better if we merged this topic with this one: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/threads/what-are-you-listening-to-right-now.896/ Just post what you're listening to and rate the previous song.
  2. Stop. You're making me blush.
  3. This is a great idea. I think that such a thing could be done using the CEF. I'm not dev though. Also, this is the incorrect forum. Suggestions go here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forums/server-suggestions.24/
  4. Is that a three year old picture or are the dates (and the location) on your fridge wrong?
  5. The port changed to 7001 a few days ago if that's what you're referring to. If you're doing that and still not able to connect, it's been up and down for the past 3 days.
  6. ...The help you need cannot be found here.
  7. BFortier


    I agree with you opinion about the RP, but I don't agree with your demanding demeanor and impatience.
  8. OOC section. Here for character stories: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forums/character-stories.89/ Here if you want to RP like a Facebook group message or something: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forums/roleplay.112/ Welcome regardless.
  9. Nope, only 4 times. I was able to find them all pretty easily o_O
  10. BFortier

    Grove St.

    I'm surprised that, being in such close quarters with CAC and being so 'bloodthirsty', you two formed an alliance. I like it though. There's more RP that way.
  11. His business and a fishing script
  12. BFortier


    That's absolutely the worst thing to do. That'll just wind up getting you banned.
  13. BFortier


    Thats happened to me many times before. Some people just don't understand the concept of a Roleplay Server. They think it's an RPG. Some people just act punchdrunk stupid at the cargo loads during peak times. I had a guy try to ram me out the way to hit the cp. When he ran into my truck I started to RP it and he got scared and ran away. The red lights aren't synced on most servers. Which means that it may appear red to you and green to somebody else. That why we stop at all intersection and stop line per the law. It was in the driving test.
  14. I think a lot of people here came from NGG. It's where I started myself. Welcome to the server and the forums.
  15. Is it the courier service? I thought trucking had it beat, though I haven't had the chance take a stop watch and timed anything.
  16. You can spend money on clothes, cars, houses, and items at the convenient store. Try out the different jobs if you're getting bored with the Money Transporter. The different jobs are listed on the map, though the best paying jobs are through factions which you need to apply for on the forums. When you get tired of working, it's always good to enjoy some RP with other players. The only way to really do that at the moment is to make some friends and create some scenarios, but once some businesses open up that'll help you find RP a lot easier.
  17. You can wait for the bug to be addressed. It's already been posted, so I'm sure the devs know about it.
  18. Having "talking" or "typing" over another persons head is displeasing to the eyes on an RP server. Maybe a simple "..." would do like they have in iMessage.
  19. You should clean up your desk. It's disgusting. On a serious note, that is possibly the most aesthetically pleasing setup I've seen.
  20. There needs to be a section to post them in first. Support this feature.
  21. The only way is the plastic surgery system, though that's pretty expensive. Maybe you can get a stipend for it via an admin but I'm not sure what systems are in place to request such a thing.
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