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Xylum last won the day on September 12 2017

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118 Excellent


About Xylum

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  1. Xylum

    Login failed

    This is a new security feature we have added. As the message states, go to https://panel.eclipse-rp.net/ and verify your email address. Use the same details as you use to log into the game.
  2. Our database, servers and web systems are secure and have not been compromised. However, you must use the same password for Eclipse as you do on other communities that have been leaked previously which has easily led to your account being accessed. I'm afraid this is no fault but your own.Recover your account and verify that you are the owner and we will look into trying to recover stolen goods.
  3. Its a known bug and will be fixed, instead of pressing Enter to submit your verification code, click the Submit button.
  4. Xylum

    Login failed

    Post a screenshot of the screen you are seeing please.
  5. Xylum

    "Coma" system

    + Will ensure NLR isn't broken and will add some fear to "death".
  6. Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's appreciated. Changes are being made to support your suggestions.
  7. Xylum

    AFK script

    The AFK script has been disabled for the next update. Instead, after X minutes of inactivity, you will not gain duty points, welfare or experience.
  8. 20 tickets later, you have fines of over $100k, no problem with that?
  9. Ok so now say I really don't like you, what happens when I steal your car and spend the next 30 minutes doing laps in your car racking up speeding fines?
  10. What happens when someone is driving somebody else's car though? Who gets the ticket? How do we know it wasn't the person driving?
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