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Everything posted by BFortier

  1. [media] [/media] Shoutout to @BallinByNature for the cruiser delivery.
  2. This looks like an interesting idea. I like the the fact there's gonna be Some RP out in the county.
  3. You look like the type of guy who would backpack to the top of Mt. Everest, smoke a bowl, run back down, cut down an oak tree, whittle a bow and arrows out of the wood, and slay a bear with it.
  4. Well.. it was better than the videos that just have extended clips of you walking around the docks and LS.
  5. Here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/threads/how-to-not-timeout.1150/ Do that and the timeouts stop.
  6. Yeah, it's gotta be something with that Luxembourg server that hits the sweet spot and lets you stay on. I tried connecting to all the Amsterdam servers on my regular VPN and it wan't working out for me. As soo as I tried the windscribe it was working fine.
  7. You certainly don't look like the typical person who would be in love with cats...
  8. I didn't know such a thing existed. If it's stable it weould be neat to have.
  9. Lmao. I think I'm more impressed that you did all that without crashing.
  10. Good to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here.
  11. Jesus, that's a lot. Good work everyone that had a hand in this. Beautiful.
  12. You're lucky that you were able to play long enough without a timeout to do a stream
  13. I unfortunately won't be able to make it. I have to work an overtime shift tomorrow.
  14. Welcome aboard. If you need any help getting into the swing of things feel free to hit me up. I'm not too shit when it comes to RP
  15. BFortier

    Grove St.

    Maybe he meant more like he wants to RP the neighborhood elder or something. Like if they're hungry and can't afford food, or they need some clothes, or a place to lie low for a little while. You know, gangs originally started out as a neighborhood security force because police didn't care enough to help out the African American populous. But if he means like, "call me up as an extra gun" then yeah. Plus if they actually did it would be MG, sooo...
  16. May as well hit him up with that powergaming complaint too.
  17. If anything I would say that factions pay out too much and the non-faction jobs pay about the right amount.
  18. Hmm. Looks like a normal 60fps clip to me. Try it on your phone and tell me if it looks any different.
  19. Sorry, but I'm confused. How is it not fair to the new players? Are you saying that the non-faction jobs don't pay out enough?
  20. (( Well, I wasn't even referring to you, but seeing as you decided to jump on in, welcome aboard buddy! I don't feel like it was a waste of time. I was curious and thus I asked. I mean, you're so clearly an excellent roleplayer, so I shouldn't feel the need to explain this to you, but you understand an IC forum remains IC, and in most circumstances an in-character exchange of words is performed via an in-character platform of communitcation. Be it social networking, a phone call, or face to face. Fuck, unless there's some new form of telepathic communication that I missed out on. The tone of the communication makes me believe that it was a form of online communication. Simply because if you were face to face, one of you would likely rip the other's head off and, to be honest, I don't see either of you having the other person's phone number readily available. So, simply stated, mobsters don't hop on facebook to antagonize one another and discuss murders. Can't get any more simple that that. I'm not here to tell you how to RP. It's just an observation and some constructive criticism. Take it with a grain of salt if you wish, or maybe think on it and learn something that might improve your roleplay. ))
  21. (( What kind of exchange is this? And on what platform? Because mobsters always post on the internet giving out info on murders and broadcasting their plans to murder. ))
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