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OBESE last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. No I havent! Will be there in 10min!
  2. House will be listed on the door!
  3. Would you meet me in the middle and go with 700?
  4. Still for sale, looking for a new owner!
  5. I am pleased to offer this amazing, refurbished, 1G located in North Archer Ave 10, only a block from Pawn Shop, Bank and LSC! The property is listed for the 270k on the door or nearest offer! Property has: -Secluded (not locked) building parking -Little area outside to use as your own -Two 200vol. safes Here are some pictures of the property:
  6. The house is circled in the original sales thread on the map. It's on the main street - /setgps 18 El Rancho Blvd This is the house:
  7. If interested for that price, I still can sell it! The same building has another house on the other side, so there is a possibility to technically get a very cheap 4g if other side is bought.
  8. Dang, that rooster list looks impressive due to the number...I dont think I've ever seen any organisation starting with such numbers from the get go! As you said you're heavy RP group, I expect good things from you! See ya around and good luck!
  9. Very nice place, very well organised and loved it so much that we even had to be the last people being kicked out haha (not really kicked out).
  10. OBESE


    Selling my 2G in El Burro Heights! Price is 800k Location: HERE Grab it while it is still there!
  11. The location of the 24/7 on Havic Ave is taken as a property already...government would have to do some seizing or buyout
  12. Read through majority of the comments under this thread and to be fair it seemed that the only people that think that public labs "bring" more RP are those who prefer aggressive aka clapping RP, because for them it brings the experience, the interactions that they strive for, what brings them the most fun from being on the server, so I can totally understand how last couple of years have not been the greatest for these people as the amount of people cooking in public labs, compared to the amount back in 2019 and 2020 is non-existent. I've always hated wars and shootouts and and all that non-sense, but I still tried to work around the "meta" and find ways how I can fulfil my wishes and get the experience I personally strive for, but the how the server was built and the environment that it had created was never in favour of that. When the private labs were introduced they finally gave me an option to be able to sustain myself financially and on top of that have rest of the time to roleplay and create the RP environment that satisfies me. If I have to spend 3hrs in a locked lab and then have 3-4hrs open for a good RP that I and others can enjoy, because we choose to make that RP, then I will always choose it over spending those 6-7hrs on my knees, or being humiliated, laughed on, pushed to do RP I dislike, deal with kids that should not be on the server, people that knows 100% how to ruleplay, but have no idea how to roleplay. A good system was made for private labs as you needed a lot of safety additions to be able to cook unnoticed. When people figured out how everything works then it became a safe environment, same as any other workplace that follows some health and safety rules in order to not have accidents. If you feel that there really is a massive problem with private labs then just limit the cooking times in private labs and in that way you will limit the money "printing" and time spend behind locked doors. By simply adding that after X amount of hours cooking the building would start to smell and would need proper ventilation. For example if your lab is fit with vents then you could cook for 3hours in total (timer would hit as soon as first drug is put in to cook and add up even if you do 3x1h cooking) after what you would have to wait 20hours for the building to be fully ventilated or PD would be notified by neighbours or people around. Without vents it could be done only for 1-1.5hrs + the smoke coming from the building which would be a good indicator for PD. Those who enjoy public labs, go do public labs and rob, clap each other until you sick of it. But don't push people into RP they don't want to do. I believe my suggestion of how to balance the use of private labs to still allow people to have access to different type of RP while still limiting the low risk benefits.
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