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Everything posted by Andor

  1. Andor

    Speed cameras

    Its a leading question though, do you guys want speed cameras, yes or no. Not yes but not now, yes now, yes but only if you fix the bugs first, no never, no but maybe if the rp standard improves and so on. Because if we vote yes the devs can say well we worked on speed cameras because you wanted it instead of working on other things.
  2. Andor

    Speed cameras

    First point: Lets make a seperate discussion and keep it out of here, we already annoyed the lovely liz Second point, I suggest a few things in this very topic to why I think speed cameras shoudnt be worked on before we tackle them. But if you want me to make a list of suggestions, and all of them. I can always make a other thread and give you a cheeky tag to talk about them
  3. Andor

    Speed cameras

    I live in the netherlands, and I live in a very lawfull part of it. So that doesnt really hold up. Im just saying people hate those things and blow them up all the time I agree it shoudnt be just about me, but I think I brought up valid points that I feel there should be other things implemented before we put in speed cameras because currently we arent on the level of RP that would justify those things.
  4. Andor

    Speed cameras

    Its a video game, so then we should make everything more realistic. Have a court system so you can defend yourself against charges, I have had times when I was charged thought I should defend myself, spoke to a officer and he said: make a IA report but you are going to jail. Make cops fear for their lifes when outnumbered, not rely on uber armor. Have criminals not go into a shootout for fun every day. Make when people die they respawn 30 minutes later because it would be weird if they are out instantly. So many things are arcady and could be more realistic before this should be thought about in my humble opinion
  5. Andor

    Speed cameras

    People destroy speed cameras all the time where I live, hell they blow them up, drill a hole in the side and fill it up with expanding foam crushing everything inside, sawing the entire thing in half, putting oil on the lens so they cant take pictures properly, hell i saw videos of 12 year olds using baseball bats to beat the shit out of it for a afternoon. About cops not being overpowered. Well, normally cops are not going to go into a party with armed criminals with 4 normal on duty officers and try to arrest people. That alone should proof they are over powered. If you want to go into detail lets not do it here
  6. Andor

    Speed cameras

    In real life we dont go around shooting eachother because we are in a argument. So just because it happens in real life doesnt really hold up here. When thinking of a new game mechanic you have to think about the follow things. Are there more important things you need to focus on? If no, will it be fun? If yes, will it have counter play? If yes, sure go ahead
  7. Andor

    Speed cameras

    i vote no, because there is currently no counter play to the police scanning a license plate and arresting you ( Besides not seeing a police officer ) for me the PD already has a lot of tools to combat all kinds of small crimes like speeding and illegal parking and by giving the public ( criminal law breaking scum ) no counter play to these tools it tips the balance even further towards the already overpowered PD. If there would be things like license plate changing, blowing up speed cameras ( with costs to the PD to replace them ) or other simular things it will be okay. But speed camaras as a stand alone thing. No
  8. oopz my bad, I told a customer the exact same thing picking her up from the exact same place so I assumed it was me( I asked to speed due to being the only one on duty ). Also good video, you should make more
  9. SHeeeeeeet I didnt know you were recording Totally never do that im not allowed to speed, please delete video. XD
  10. Specially around you When near stephine, be careful of getting shot in the back
  11. Andor

    2018 in eclipse

    Its a meme and we love it
  12. Fuck that, I want to buy a blimp and be a pimp And I want the flash in the game, they can nerf it anyway like they do with all cars ( supers going 200kph while a 4x4 truck goes the same speed )
  13. Andor


    Thank fucking god
  14. As long as you are not from brazil we are good We still have flashbacks from the invasion
  15. Andor

    2018 in eclipse

    Hi everyone, first of all happy holidays and I hope you had a great year and may the next be even better. I was wondering something, how do people feel about their last year ( or less if you joined during the year ) of playing on eclipse. Did you do all the things you wanted to do, did you get that new car/house you wanted, did you get the street rep you wanted, how do you feel the server being developed around you both RP and script wise. I shall hit it off. My main character Andor Rootman, well he is at the peak of what he can do, former Weazel news owner, former owner of HeavyFlow, been involved in management of two other goverment factions, rich to the point he doesnt know what he should do with his cash. I basically let Andor go off the rails, being rich doesnt make you happy ( let that be a lesson for life ). I enjoyed the development of my character that I have played for a long time. On the other hand my joke alt Bob Bobsen, the man that can only grunt and talk jibberish is fun but I realised I cant really take him places ( even though Leron tried by making him fight people for his amusement ) so I basically wrote him off. Probably going to CK him and remake him into something new, feel free to give advise. Then there is Sam Onella, my part time criminal character, I like playing on him a lot but as most people know is that andor is a borderline ( of not a full fledged ) criminal already so unless I am going to put a lot of time in him and join the gang life I feel like I am not going to play on him a lot. But I like the state he is in, developed as a character, having a good understanding of his motivations. What I want for next year for my characters, well both sam and andor probably going to stay, Bob going to be remade into something I havent tried yet, maybe even be a officer or MD ( since they need people ). Specially with andor who has a few things coming up I am wondering where it goes from here. The server, well thats a love hate relationship I have with it as a whole. I love certain changes improvements made, and hate others, but thats normal I feel. No one can be completly satisfied, but I hope there will be a flow chart or a plan published so we can see what the plan is for the server as a whole. I remember the hype for the "criminal update" after months of rumors, the countdown in discord with the final countdown being played in the voice channel. That was the most excited I have been on the server since I joined, sadly it wasnt what we wanted due to multiple reasons but it clearly is the basis of where the server is now, ever improving. Something I hate ( besides the snow ) is the problem we have with the viop, how it suddenly just stops working 50% of the time ( anyone able to tell me why that is ) the feeling that the PD has a unfair adventage over the rest of us with them able to use teamspeak ( yes I know the button for TS is the same as for ingame, but ts works 100% of the time and ingame not so much ). There are always other things that I feel are unbalanced in the server but are bound to change. Though when I look back over the entire year, I cant remember how I was able to play ( due to tech issues server side and client side ), the amount of crashes which went down by a shit ton I can only imagine what will happen next year. And guys, we all know that some people are unhappy with admins or the owners, but lets make this thread about yourself and not about them. And let us look at the future with hope. Mucho lovo from the old man and a happy new year for everyone, except @Femo , because everyone hates him
  16. The rewards vary. From extra car slots, first dibs on houses, exclusive admin cars ( like for example only admins can have a sultan RS ) stuff like that. Or ingame credits or tax breaks.
  17. Admin duty is a chore but it has rewards ( you get credits I believe ) or other things that can be handed out to make it worth while. And I agree admins get shit talked a lot but that doesnt mean they shoudnt be open to critique when its given in a respectfull way which at the moment, just as the PD is a point that needs massive improvemen
  18. The problem is with the system in place is that admins who are dealing with RP have to break off RP or ignore a report for a bit to do continue the RP. This adds extra time to the whole situation
  19. No I have played and was a mod on serveral SAMP servers where a RP character isnt allowed to go on admin duty at all. The system was. Admin rank 1 to 6, 1 you need to be in admin duty 3 hours each week ( it was tracked ) and it went up with rank. The highest being 6 I believe. This is a seperate character slot you were gifted once you got added into the admin team.
  20. Honestly the problem is that the majority of the admin team is in the PD and that the server allows people to play on their "admin" characters. A admin character imo should be seperated from the RP character. This will stop people like travis palmer ( god rest his beautiful soul ) who over a long period of PD chief used his admin powers to pause RP where the PD was losing or not following PD standards. It was a long time before anything was done to stop this. Secondly I feel the PD always wants to win. 5 cops later 7 ( I believe ) go to a party with known criminal activity to arrest a criminal, this is clearly thinking they are not going to be harmed and the shootout that followed where around 30 people got mowed down by machine gun fire was the result. The list is endless and for people who have a PD character with a criminal alt that dissagree with the things being said in this thread AND my post I tell you this: Its easier to look from inside the PD to the outside and have a side character which is just a I am just using to kill the time then the other way around. I also told people that I feel the PD culture as a whole is bad, very very bad. Its modeled IMO after nazi germany, where everyone is on edge and reporting everyone else for the smallest thing. ( hitler made everyone fight everyone for his approval, I am not saying the PD are nazi's ) This made people who have a more relaxed mood to leave PD and only leaving the people are strickt as fuck and have no chill pill. There are a few exceptions but they only prove the rule as a whole. The other thing is that there are no no go zones for the PD in this city at all. Meaning dangerous zones where criminals are semi in control, where normal patrol cars dont go for the fear of getting shot. Then there is the problem with the KOS rule, in gang wars or criminals doing criminal shit with a lot to lose KOS should be allowed up to a degree. ( if reported they need to provide proof of the things they were about to lose ). Completly killing KOS makes the PD have a other advantage for surprise attacks can be the differnce between life and death for a criminal faction.
  21. Or or, hear me out, have car be awarded in a event. For example have people do a admin run lottery all putting in 500k and getting a one of a kind exclusive super car.
  22. Update 3: I fixed the issue by selling it to a friend and buying it back
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