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Why are the fines so hefty when going to prison?

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So today I got sent to prison and when I found out they took 16k from me, I couldn’t believe how anti-player that was. I spent 2 hours grinding the garbage collecting job and money transporting job today just to have all that money taken away. I mean I get I did some robberies and successfuly got away then getting a warrant, but that’s all an IC and RP matter. Yet it feels like an OOC punishment for RPing. It’s punishment enough getting sentenced for 2 real hours, hell I wouldn’t have been mad to RP and have fun in prison, but taking 16k? What’s the point? I could have done something better today for 2 hours and it’s just shitty knowing I wasted that time grinding. The fines definitely need to be scaled down because I don’t want to RP a criminal if this is the price I have to pay with real time.

Edited by VodkaAndAK47
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5 minutes ago, SkylineGT said:

imo the fines are somewhat legit(I got 5k fine for evading the police reckless driving maybe some more shit but thats pretty much it) but getting 2 hours jail time regardless of what you do is a problem imo

The prison/jail hours are completly balanced, otherwise the server would be full of criminals that are back doin their stuff after a couple of minutes which is more than unnecessary. It would also turn the server into a bigger clown fiesta than leauge of legends.

A. Johnson

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2 minutes ago, Adrian Johnson said:

The prison/jail hours are completly balanced, otherwise the server would be full of criminals that are back doin their stuff after a couple of minutes which is more than unnecessary. It would also turn the server into a bigger clown fiesta than leauge of legends.

A. Johnson

In which sense? I got the same time(two hours) for A: Reckless driving, evading the police and B: Evading the police, robbery, possesion of ilegal firearm, attempted murder of the police officer? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I wanted to be in jail 10 hours for B but it doesn't make any sense imo

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14 minutes ago, SkylineGT said:

In which sense? I got the same time(two hours) for A: Reckless driving, evading the police and B: Evading the police, robbery, possesion of ilegal firearm, attempted murder of the police officer? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I wanted to be in jail 10 hours for B but it doesn't make any sense imo

120 (2h) minutes is the maximum the police is allowed to put you in jail/prison if i am not wrong, i've done much illegal shit on my alt and yeah i also recieved 2 hours for your A example, i mean like you said reckless driving and evading police... thats not a minor offense. Your B example should give in my opinion atleast 4 hours but like i said due to i believe the maximum you can get is 2 hours in prison there is nothing wrong about it, i understand that you gave 2 example's where one seems like "minor" and the second one more like major. 

However reckless driving and evading the police should be more like something in the middle of those two so why you got 2 hours? I dont really know, all i know is am 110% sure someone mentioned that you can max recieve 2 hours.

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I mean just think about it, what would you recieve IRL if you do reckless driving and evading police? I am sure you go behind bars for a long time.
Now imagine your B example where you say killing, robbing, police evading etc. I am also sure you get put behind bars for a loooong time, i would even say you'll never get out again.

So i think they try to make it atleast a bit realistic and you recieve max sentence ingame which is 2 hours for something that would get you behind bars for a long time.

@F@therOsborn I hope its fine that i tag you, you work for the PD right? Could you explain to him maybe?

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5 hours ago, Adrian Johnson said:

120 (2h) minutes is the maximum the police is allowed to put you in jail/prison if i am not wrong, i've done much illegal shit on my alt and yeah i also recieved 2 hours for your A example, i mean like you said reckless driving and evading police... thats not a minor offense. Your B example should give in my opinion atleast 4 hours but like i said due to i believe the maximum you can get is 2 hours in prison there is nothing wrong about it, i understand that you gave 2 example's where one seems like "minor" and the second one more like major. 

However reckless driving and evading the police should be more like something in the middle of those two so why you got 2 hours? I dont really know, all i know is am 110% sure someone mentioned that you can max recieve 2 hours.

yes I am aware of that however reckless driving speeding etc is actually a minor offensive, and lets be serious if you get 2 hours for everything... what's the point of jail and offenses anyway when you could receive like 20min or 30min

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5 hours ago, Adrian Johnson said:

I mean just think about it, what would you recieve IRL if you do reckless driving and evading police? I am sure you go behind bars for a long time.
Now imagine your B example where you say killing, robbing, police evading etc. I am also sure you get put behind bars for a loooong time, i would even say you'll never get out again.

So i think they try to make it atleast a bit realistic and you recieve max sentence ingame which is 2 hours for something that would get you behind bars for a long time.

@F@therOsborn I hope its fine that i tag you, you work for the PD right? Could you explain to him maybe?

I was on ngg since 2012 so I know how they work don't worry.. but in real life I just speed by pd like 30kph over the limit sometimes even cutting the full line they dont give a fuck..  and you need to understand this is a game you can't put someone in jail for 8 hours because he killed a person, in real life you have inmates in jail, police judge etc. here jails are empty when it comes to the police, you're not allowed to riot for I dont know which reason and there're no judges in the game(yet there're miranda rights...)

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1 minute ago, SkylineGT said:

yes I am aware of that however reckless driving speeding etc is actually a minor offensive, and lets be serious if you get 2 hours for everything... what's the point of jail and offenses anyway when you could receive like 20min or 30min

I can agree to one thing and that is that there is alot of crime that gives you instantly 2h even minor crimes, i think i was in jail 2-3 where i did not get 2h prison sentence. But yeah in my opinion a higher up in PD should give a short explanation.

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10 hours ago, SkylineGT said:

imo the fines are somewhat legit(I got 5k fine for evading the police reckless driving maybe some more shit but thats pretty much it) but getting 2 hours jail time regardless of what you do is a problem imo

120 minutes is max time. The calculator we use actually goes way beyond 120 minutes but 120 is max for the server.

9 hours ago, SkylineGT said:

In which sense? I got the same time(two hours) for A: Reckless driving, evading the police and B: Evading the police, robbery, possesion of ilegal firearm, attempted murder of the police officer? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I wanted to be in jail 10 hours for B but it doesn't make any sense imo

That's because of max time.

8 hours ago, Murdoch said:

Maybe balance it out abit through XP.

I agree in a way, but person with 1000xp gets same fine as person with 100000xp

This is not the way to go... people would just create multiple alts. 

3 hours ago, Adrian Johnson said:

There should be implemented a Lawyer/Court system, it would help out.

Not enough players and imagine even longer police times because they have to talk to a lawyer that knows nothing about the laws...

3 hours ago, Adrian Johnson said:

I can agree to one thing and that is that there is alot of crime that gives you instantly 2h even minor crimes, i think i was in jail 2-3 where i did not get 2h prison sentence. But yeah in my opinion a higher up in PD should give a short explanation.

It's not instant two hours. If you commit multiple crimes in one situation (Rob a shop... flee... drive recklessly... shoot at a cop) that'll give you over 120 minutes but because max is 120 minutes you get that. 

2 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

I think the police department needs to look at their jail times. No matter what you do, when you get arrested you get 2 hours. There needs to be 30 mins, 1 hour, 1 hour 30 and so on.

If you get charged for 2 hours every time, it makes no sense.

There are plenty of charges that are less... take a look here: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=6467

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1 hour ago, Denni said:

120 minutes is max time. The calculator we use actually goes way beyond 120 minutes but 120 is max for the server.

That's because of max time.

This is not the way to go... people would just create multiple alts. 

Not enough players and imagine even longer police times because they have to talk to a lawyer that knows nothing about the laws...

It's not instant two hours. If you commit multiple crimes in one situation (Rob a shop... flee... drive recklessly... shoot at a cop) that'll give you over 120 minutes but because max is 120 minutes you get that. 

There are plenty of charges that are less... take a look here: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=6467

Thanks for the answers, denni.

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5 hours ago, DeanThompson said:

16k does seem high - Tell me your character name and Ill look into it for you.

With that said though...16k isnt too hard to make if you chop cars - Just dont get caught 🙂

The question is where you find the chop shop... and where do they change?(and its ic thing only so ppl can't really tell you)

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19 hours ago, DeanThompson said:

16k does seem high - Tell me your character name and Ill look into it for you.

With that said though...16k isnt too hard to make if you chop cars - Just dont get caught 🙂

I’d be appreciative if you do, my name ingame is Kenji_Yamazaki


Edited by VodkaAndAK47
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