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The Bridge Street Brotherhood

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The bigger they are... the harder they fall.

Get out of town now and don't contact anyone else until I say so. Lay low… they are everywhere, and they are watching” 

Harry placed his phone back on the table after hitting send, his eyes rising to meet those sitting across him. “My apologies” he murmured, his heart racing as he excused himself from the meeting, not caring whether BSB’s foreign business partners would be offended by his abruptness. 15 minutes ago he had received news that his friends, his family, everything he cared about in this world was being hunted down by LSPD’s “finest”, and he had spent every second since trying to reach out to whoever he could. Harry was painfully aware that there was no room for error, that larger organisations of the past had been brought to their knees by weaker RICO cases. His organisation needed him back yesterday, and so the BSB leader found his way on the next flight to Los Santos, tirelessly plotting the next steps of the Brotherhood


Every TV screen at Los Santos International Airport served as a painful reminder, but Harry had no time to mourn. After making sure everyone that could get out of town was out, he reached out to BSB’s suppliers, only to find every single line had gone dead. The Russians had disbanded, and other supply lines had gone…sour. With most of the core members of BSB being forced to leave the city, the remaining heads were vulnerable and on their own. Old enemies, coming out of hiding, took the opportunity to join the hunt alongside PD who had seized all BSB assets. As much as it hurt, Harry reluctantly gave the order. It was the only way to survive.  

“Hang up the masks for now. We’ll be back.”

With all houses and stashes on Bridge Street seized, it was time to find a new temporary HQ. As he looked over the iconic street one last time, his mind was filled not with nostalgia, but with bitter memories of how the rich, the upper class, had discarded him and his family. They couldn’t accept that BSB had made it out of the hood to rival their bank accounts, couldn’t accept the presence of BSB in an affluent neighbourhood. Although he couldn’t prove it yet, he knew the rich organisations who hated BSB and were known to work with the government had a hand in the RICO case. Harry contemplated moving back to the hood, to reconnect with the streets but knew in his heart that they too would not accept BSB. It was time to find a new home, one far away from the busy roads and hunting eyes yet close enough to stay informed. After a few days of searching around [REDACTED], he had found the perfect location. Harry reached out to the remaining BSB members and gave them each a few different tasks, all designed to gain information about the corrupt organisations running rampant in Los Santos. There is honour amongst thieves, and working with PD was not something that would be tolerated.


He waited patiently, looking over the calm water as his people approached him, one by one.

 “...they stripped him naked, Harry. They humiliated him. They cut and tried to make him eat his own hair. And then they made him jump into the ocean, shooting at him while he swam for his life. He barely made it. This is what they told him:



 Others have also been disrespecting us, Harry…

 "Why the fuck are you hanging out with him, he’s ex BSB. F*ck BSB”


"I don't ever wanna see you working with green again, especially not a f*cking Valentino"

The highlights they brought back filled Harry with a quiet fury. A vow was made that night. Not only was BSB going to carry on helping the poor, getting people out of poverty and giving them a place to belong but their mission had now expanded. Enough was enough. The rich and corrupt were going to be burned to the ground, one way or the other. And those who thought they were safe, safe enough to come crawling out of the shadows and disrespect BSB would be buried with them.


Edited by HarryValentino
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New Beginnings (Part One)

Lexi was a giddy, happy go lucky girl, in a family that she felt she didn't belong to.  She felt like she was the only person in a room full of people.  She was told she was part of the family by LSD but she felt far from it.  She felt out of place for months until one day, fate brought Lexi and her long time friend back together.

Lexi immediately knew who it was just by her voice and grew ever so excited.  She ran up to Opal and hugged her, both rambling about how much they missed one another.  After catching each other up with what was new, Opal invited Lexi to go for a ride on her Drag.  Lexi happily accepted this request and hopped on. 



They immediately started speeding around the city, laughing with their playful banter and drastic humor.  That is when a gray Scout pulls up to them and talks only to Opal.  They start talking to each other about things that are related to BSB.  That is when Lexi discovered that the person's name inside the Scout is no other than Jay Valentino and that they were both in BSB.   


While the three of them were hanging out outside of Eclipse, there was a man in a green car being very disrespectful and saying hateful things about BSB and then snitching to the police, that was the final straw.  Opal offered to let Lexi off her bike but Lexi refused saying “I can help”. 


A chase was initiated so they followed the man through southern Los Santos towards the arena.  That's where this genius crashed his car, and was immediately surrounded by BSB. Trapped in a corner, with flight not an option, the men chose to fight. “SHOTS FIRED” was the call, as Koda fell backwards silently, his body slumping from the impact of two .50 bullets embedding themselves in his torso

The consequences of their actions were swift and unforgiving, as every single BSB member raised their arm in unison.  The execution lasted a second, but the shots would ring in Lexi’s ear for the next few days to come.  Through the panic Lexi noticed that Koda needed to be assisted into the back of a car to get some medical attention.  Lexi helped Koda to his feet and got him into Jay's Scout, closing the trunk as he sped away.  The members of BSB worked fast at cleaning up the scene where Lexi then offered to bring the car to one of LSD’s chops, they were on the fence as at the time BSB and LSD were not on the best of terms but they agreed


Over the next few months Jay and Lexi would hang out here and there which allowed her to find out what BSB was really about and what LSD wasn't telling her.  Jay offered a spot for Lexi to join BSB when they returned but was hesitant about it as the only people she knew were him and Opal.  As the days went on in LSD she continued to feel outcasted by the people who claim to be her “family”, when she received a call from the LSD leader telling her to stop hanging around with Jay and Opal as they were the “enemies” even though multiple peace attempts were being made by BSB.



Just days later, Lexi received a message that she was no longer wanted in LSD.  The LSD leader didn't want her around anymore because Lexi chose to hang out with members of BSB, her own “family” disowned her.  She was so distraught she started drinking herself away, losing herself in the blur of the night.  Hours passed and many drunk texts later, Jay found Lexi drunk sitting in an alley no longer the joyful girl he knew, bawling her eyes out.  He sat down next to her softly saying "Oh Lexi.... What’s happened to you..." 


The next day Lexi had put a lot of thought as to where she was at in life.  That was the day she realized that BSB has been there for her more than LSD ever has.  She immediately called Jay and said "I want in... I want to join BSB..."  That was it.  It was official.  When BSB made their return, she would finally be a part of a true family.


To Be Continued...

Edited by Kasey Lovejoy
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New Beginnings (Part Two)

A few weeks have passed when Jay called Lexi, in a very serious tone, he said "It's time.  It's time for your first meeting in BSB.  I'll be around your place in 15 minutes to pick you up."  When she arrived, she saw all the boys lined up, waiting for Harry, Jay, and Bruce to start speaking.  She just quietly waited next to Jay's car as she was unsure of her place in BSB.  




Just a few moments later, Harry looked over at her and said "Why are you standing over there?"  Lexi responded, "I just didn't know if I was allowed to listen in on the meeting..."  Harry quickly snapped back, "Are you wearing green?"  She nervously answered, "...Yes sir..."  Almost before she could even finish speaking he said, "Then you're one of us!  Get in line."  This was the moment that Lexi truly knew that she belonged



A day or so passed and word traveled quickly.  The infamous Christopher Bridge was back in the city.  All members were called to a meeting spot where Chris, Harry, Jay, Bruce, and many other members were waiting.  Lexi just thought to herself, this is it.  Is this the official return of the notorious BSB. Nervous throughout the meeting, they finally got to the ranks, and they started announcing who the current and incoming Prospects were.  That is when Lexi heard her name.  She knew it was coming but she was still shocked when she heard her name thinking, "That is it.  I am an official Prospect of BSB.  It's time to make my mark." 




The next day Lexi was cruising around on her Shinobi trying to sort the thoughts in her head when she heard over the radio “I need back up at airport scrap, Royal’s are scouting the area, I’m chopping their bike.”  She burns rubber going straight for Eclipse Tower to get her strap where she sees Jay and Opal in his Kamacho.  She quickly hops in and they get going.  When they were about a mile out, Jay turns back to them and says “Put your masks on and be ready.”




  Just as the words leave his lips, you hear shouting over the radio “SHOTS! SHOTS!”  A shiver shoots down Lexi’s spine and her body begins to fill with adrenaline. It is like she snapped back into reality and knew exactly what to do.  She loaded the clip into her .50 and cocked her gun.  She holds it firmly in her hand and once they arrive, she swings her car door open and starts sprinting, her heart beating out of her chest.




She spots her first target, gets behind the only cover she could get to, and started letting off shots, pulling her finger back with determination every time to take the man in blue down.  That is when two more of them come out from behind cover and she hears Jay behind her scream “PULL BACK!  PULL BACK!”  Lexi runs back to cover where Opal and Barker are.  The four of them now regrouped push up together laying lead into their victims




Moments later over the radio you hear a voice anxiously say “COPS! COPS! COPS!”  Jay quickly responds, “Leave them! Get back to the vehicles! Go go go!”  Lexi uses all the power in her body and sprints back to the Kamacho, as she can hear the shots wizz past her.  They quickly check the area for any of their injured before they zoom off, after a brief chase with PD they head down route 68, Lexi thinks, if any PD is coming, they could be coming up this road.  She quickly tells Jay “Turn off here toward the oil fields.”  Just moments after they turn off, you can see three cruisers in the rearview mirror heading in the direction they came from.




They finally arrive back at Eclipse where they change vehicles.  They say their parting words to each other and go their separate ways.  Lexi heads up to her apartment and takes a seat on her couch just letting all of the emotions absorb her.  She falls into deep thought about the day she had seen Opal again.  Their laughter together and the shared memories.  If only Lexi knew the significance this one interaction would have and how it would impact her life to come



Edited by Kasey Lovejoy
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DOC Speed Dating


It was a day like any other, Anakin was on his way to DOC as usual but this time for killing a snitch who ratted to the police.


He sat in DOC for three years growing more lonely as the days dragged on, when one day he saw Geraldo, one of his brothers, being dragged into DOC by Kevin Shard. Anakin being Anakin kept trying to sneak through the gate as Geraldo was being dragged into the cell block, this was something he usually did just to piss off the officers. ‘BANG’ Anakin gets smacked in the head with a nightstick by Kevin Shard. Still trying to get his senses together, he begins attacking Kevin for hitting him and Geraldo immediately jumps in and helps his brother without hesitation. A few moments later they are both standing over Kevins bloody and bruised body. Geraldo searches Kevin for anything they could use, Geraldo finds his .50 tucked into Kevins waistband from when he arrested him. Geraldo hastily grabbed the .50 and attempted to stash it before any guards saw him with it. 


As some time went by a guard eventually found Kevin laying on the floor beaten half to death. As they dragged Kevins limp body out the cell block he whispered to one of the guards his gun was stolen. The cell block immediately went into lockdown, prisoners were being thrown into cells, Anakin quickly ran to Geraldo's cell where Kourtney was distracted on her tablet looking over the CCTV footage. “Geraldo, Where is it”, he yells. Geraldo’s reply is was instant; "the second to last cell on this side”, Anakin quickly ran to the cell and searched for the .50, his original plan was to find a better stash location for it before a guard found it, however the second he tucked it into his waistband Kourtney walks up to Anakin observing him tucking something into his waistband. Before she could react Anakin instinctively pulled the .50 out and demanded Kourtney not to move.



Sweat dripped down Anakin's face, his arm around Kourtney's neck and the .50 pressed against her temple. Anakin stood there running options in his head as more and more guards rushed into the cell block. “Stay the fuck back” the officers slowly moving away, Anakin dragged Kourtney along the catwalk and down the stairs lowly edging towards the exit when SED burst through the main door. “LOWER YOUR GUNS OR SHE'S EATING LEAD”. Anakin sees he was trapped with no way out, he drags Kourtney to a corner where he cant be shot and realises his only solution is to negotiate his way out. Talks begin with a man named Noah Carlile. “I want $75,000, no additional jail time, and a…. date with Kourtney”, he demanded the deputy. He responds with “Okay, give us time to get the money, we won't give you any additional charges, however I cannot let you have that last part”.  Anakin, sitting in prison for so long, had grown an attachment to Kourtney and longed for nothing more than a date with her. He wasn’t about to stop fighting now.



After some back and forth Yuki Nakamura steps up as the new negotiator, he restates his demands but with some slight changes. “I want $75,000, no additional charges and for Kourtney to get a bottle of wine…  and I want… I want my MSI profile archived.”  A couple minutes pass and they state his MSI profile has been archived, he instructs Kourtney to pull her phone out and show him proof, she slowly pulls it out and opens up the email from Yuki, confirming the archived profile. He nods and all that is needed now is that $75,000 dollars. After apologizing to Kourtney for the inconvenience and telling her “I hope you enjoy your wine” to which she replies “I'm gonna need it.” He instructs Kourtney to open the bank app and log in to see if the money has been transferred over yet, as he looks over the app he sees the money has been sent. He nods once more, he slowly removes the .50 from Kourtney's temple allowing her to move away. He drops to his knees and drops the .50 as it rattles on the ground. He is immediately put into a headlock and cuffed “Was it worth it?” asked one of the officers and “Are you ready for the consequences?” 



He is rushed to solitary, where he is placed for an additional year, as he sits there thinking about his time with Kourtney he is informed he will be receiving more charges, they went back on their word… he was about to be stacked with charges that would add up to an additional 8 extra years in DOC, as well as the police putting Anakin $75,000 dollars in debt. As Anakin sits in solitary he thinks to himself about how they went back on their word with all his demands and how next time he will get his freedom. 


He’ll make sure Kourtney will get her wine in the end. 



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Manic. That wasn’t a word that many today would use to describe Kat, but it was something that was true. Manic was a trait that she held during many of the months during her time in Zetas. Manic was how she was when she found herself falling into a friend’s group that was more or less around doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted… manic was however, not something that she was before she moved to Los Santos. 

She had dreams, she was going to be a doctor. She had dreams that she was going to finish her residency, get a nice job house and eventually have kids. She had a dream, but dreams rarely become reality. 

That was before the boy. That was before the cop… that was before the charges. 

Life changed after that… it had to change - but the events that followed that: those were the events that changed her. They took a sweet small town girl, and broke something inside of her. Whatever kept her stable, whatever thin line there was, well it is now gone. Something she’ll never get back, and something she no longer tries.

When her time in Zetas came to an end, over a boy none-the-less, and her time with Lucy and Herbert slowed down to a stop, she didn’t know what to do. She was lost. The excitement which fueled her for so long was gone. The drive to do anything was gone - and she was no longer manic, instead she was far from it. Living a life that she felt like she was just an empty shell in. Moving through the motions day to day… and trying to figure out what in life she was, who she was, and more so what she was supposed to do.

So… with the lack of doing anything she found herself in a situation where she once again could try and live a normal life. A life with a 9-5. A life where she could end up with a nice house, nice kids and a husband to suit. There was a chance of that. So, well, she went for it. She got the job at LSEMS, she put in the hours, and ultimately she ended up doing what she thought was what she wanted to spend her life doing: a doctor. Not only was she a doctor, but she was certified up to a surgeon, and found herself still feeling like she was living in a void… something was wrong, something was missing, and unfortunately she didn’t know what it was so she put in her resignation and went back to that feeling of nothingness. 

Months… months went by with nothing. With feeling like she was watching her life go on without her a part of it. Driving around aimlessly, forgetting what street she was on from time to time because she wasn’t really there - just aimlessly wandering down the street, and really it turned out to be exactly what was meant to happen.

Sitting there, her eyes on the steering wheel as she found herself no longer moving down the street she didn’t know what she was doing anymore. She didn’t know what to do anymore, and that was when she heard it. A distinct “who’re you”, but formed by aggression as if she was somewhere out of place. It brought back an old instinct, fight or flight - where being in Zetas, well, it was always fight.


The back and forth continued, only to find out that he thought she was a part of a rival gang because of the old colors she still wore. However, that was quickly squashed leaving the conversation to slowly become light heartened. Telling stories of the past, explaining her time in the city, and before long finding herself a quick friend who explained he was a part of a family - a gang yes, but a family at heart. 

The conversation, and close proximity to their HQ, Kat decided that she was going to hang around, asked if she wanted to be recruited, but declined because that wasn’t the way that she wanted to join another. Why join when you didn’t even know the people around you? So she decided to get to know them by experience, not because of words she had heard on the street. 

That was quickly put to the test during her first ride around with the group, it was reported that there was a rival gang at a location that she knew all too well - Braddocks. Upon driving in they were spotted in the weed farm, demands given, and shortly after shots began to fly. She knew what she had to do as the adrenaline took over, her weapon in her hand firing back to not only preserve her own life but the life of the friends she was quickly making… but like all fights - this one won - it had to be interrupted by the familiar sound of sirens blasting through the dirt path to the lab. 


If the kamacho they drove wasn’t blocking the bridge it was certain they all would have been arrested, but thankfully they were not able to blast in as quickly as they wanted.
However, with the adrenaline still rushing she didn’t notice just how much she was bleeding until she went to drop her gun - not wanting to get caught with it on her - noticing her hand was covered in blood everything began to come down. There was panic on her face as she held the wound on her leg hobbling up the hill having no way to get out on her own. 

However, she wasn’t able to make it far, the blood loss making it hard to focus. She had to do the only thing she could think of. There was a tree, a rock, and a bush planted just up the hill and before anyone could notice she crawled in, sitting down and holding pressure onto her leg as best she could. Deputies ran past, her breath caught in her throat as she tried her best not to make a noise even though every part of her wanted to cry out in pain… but she had been here before. This wasn’t the first time she had been shot, but it was the first time in a long time. 


She knew she had to get the bleeding under control so she took the bandana that was around her face, rolling it up and tying it around her wound tight enough to help slow the bleeding but not tight enough to cut off circulation. She knew the difference, she was a doctor after all. 

It felt like hours passed sitting in that bush. Her head on her knees knowing the moment she moved that they could see her, so she didn’t. Eventually the last siren faded off, the last rustling of bushes, and the hills fell silent. That was the moment she slowly peaked out of the brush, looking down at the lab not seeing a single soul - this was her chance. She quickly crawled out of the bush, covered in blood and began to limp up the mountain, crouching down behind a tree turning on the radio back hoping that someone was still on freq.

It was silent, not wanting to say much as she began to walk towards Grapeseed, wanting to get as far as possible away from the situation as she could, that was when she heard her saving grace, a soft whisper over the radio asking if anyone was there. A quick text later she was on the new frequency, and she could do nothing but laugh at the fact that everything that happened just worked in a way that she never expected. 

It was moments later that she was picked up from Grapeseed and whisked back to the city to treat her wounds properly, and ironically, in something as simple as getting shot - with seeing how they did their best to not leave a single person behind - she felt a familiarity in something she had missed for so long. The missing piece that was bringing her back into living her own life instead of spectating it. Family. She knew that then, this was something she wanted to be a part of, but she didn’t say it right away, but she knew… that was all that mattered at the end of that day.

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The Renewal

Alvin had been trying to lay low for the past four years. Liberty City had been turned upside down in a violent clash between the Families of The Commission and the seeds of discord sewn deeply into the roots of the Triad organisation. Prodding two bullet wounds in his shoulder he recalled ' the incident' for the millionth time in his mind. Tony, Giuseppe and Vinny screaming, his fellow soldiers and foes falling around him in a hail of gun fire as Jimmy Capbra shouted for him to escape. His eyes snapped back open as he started at the unfamiliar face in the mirror. The eyes were too tired, the hair on his head too long and his stubble was unkept. "Gotta play the part." he thought to himself. He got up off the foot of his bed and strolled over to his closet and began getting changed for work. "Another day another dollar..." he grumbled to himself, stumbling as he tried to get his leg into his pants.
Alvin left his motel room and got into the front seat of his warrener before turning the ignition over and seeing he was running on empty. Before heading to the lumber yard in Paleto Bay he decided he'd better fill up on gas and grab a continental breakfast from the gas station. After exchanging a few words with the kid behind the counter regarding the expired cream and lack of sugar at the coffee stand, he threw the chubby kid behind the counter some change and walked out the front of the Mirror Park Gas station just as a dark green Kamacho drove past and around the bend. Alvin reversed out of his parking space and edged up to the corner of Bridge Street where he saw four men exit the vehicle and walk into a house on the western side of the block. The lawn was adorned by a beautiful cherry blossom tree which was surrounded by men and women dressed in green... all of them strapped.

Alvin took a sip of his sugarless, black coffee and spit it out of the driver side window, tossing the cheap paper cup along with the rest of its contents. "Sorry Jimmy," he muttered to himself "...its been four years too long and I'm not cut out for this shit." He switched his turn signal from a right to a left and made his way up the block before being approached by a man wearing a shirt wrapped around his face. "Who's this Bozo?" the man asked. Alvin removed his mask, revealing a smirk at the man's all-too-familiar greeting. "Alvin," he replied "I'm looking for work. Something that pays well." The man narrowed his eyes at Alvin before nodding slowly and replying "....Cameron Fade. Nice to meet you Alvin. Chris and Harry are wrapping something up with Jay and Ty real quick. Come wait with me on the roof." Alvin pulled his warrener up to the curb before hopping out and returning nods with a few of the men and women chatting amongst themselves on the lawn of the residence. After being taken through a side gate and being led up a set of stairs attached to the back side of the home, he was told to sit and wait patiently on a white sofa strewn with the petals of the cherry blossom tree that had been blown off in the wind.

A moment passed before four men tread their way up the stairs before stopping beside Cameron. "Who's this Bozo?" the man in the black overcoat asked through a green bandana. "Alvin." replied Cameron. The four men began removing their masks and introduced themselves accordingly as Christopher Bridge, Harry Valentino, Jay Valentino and Ty Shipley. Chris, Jay and Ty pressed Alvin on his past history and he did his best to suppress what he could about the incident four years ago and his ties to Jimmy Capbra but did reveal to them that he was an ex-soldato for the expired Messina Family back in Liberty City. Harry stepped forward and began asking Alvin more philosophical questions about things like 'What the meaning of family is?' and 'How far would you go to save the ones you care about?' "Psych-profiling..." Alvin thought to himself as he sat nervously, cherry blossom petals falling around them. "...this one's smart." The interrogation concluded and command members seemed satisfied with Alvin's answers. He was notified on what would be expected of him in the following weeks and what would need to be done in order to secure himself a spot amongst the small syndicate that had begun to grow.

"Black Kamacho, four occupants entering Sealab." was the callout that came buzzing over Alvin's radio. "I'm nearby, eta 40 seconds." Alvin replied. "Stop at the Bridge and I'll be there in a second to back you up." came a reply from Jack Bridge over Alvin's ear piece. He stopped his Specter at the bridge before noticing his friend Zelijah roll up on his bike. "Two of our boys are dead. I never got a good look at the shooters. Spotted the black Kamacho fleeing the scene over the hills towards Humane though." Alvin relayed Zelijah's information over BSB's frequency and Christopher Bridge told everyone to rally up at the chemical plant. When Alvin pulled around the bend he spotted his boss engaged in a conversation with four well-dressed men in a black Kamacho. The driver seemed to be wincing and favouring the side of his abdomen throughout the conversation. Alvin recognized the man's voice from a few days back in Paleto Bay. He was certain it was one of the numerous men who gunned down one of his brothers on the highway while three BSB members watched on, unable to respond to the murder after they were notified to stand down from High Command. "Yes..." Alvin thought to himself as he rolled by the Kamacho positioning his vehicle tactically. "...that was the one speaking for [redacted] on the beach at the meeting that same day." Alvin was sure of it. The interrogation was getting lengthy and Alvin could feel the tension beginning to grow.
"Say Bananas, if you want me to pull Chris." Carl radioed. With that Alvin could see his brothers around him begin to move in anticipation. "This shit is bananas...: Chris replied to the driver with his finger down on the button of his radio. Immediately Alvin hopped out of the driver seat of his Specter and pulled his .50, dumping rounds through the back window of the fleeing Kamacho as the rest of his brothers rained hell on the vehicle. When the Kamacho finally slowed to a halt the four occupants were dragged from their seats, identified and then disposed of. Jack Bridge checked their weapons and noted the ammo used against their fallen brothers matched the weapony found on the slain men before them. Ty Shipley checked the trunk of the Kamacho and found no sight of the chemicals the men had just claimed they had purchased. With that the Brotherhood cleaned up what they could in a hurry and fled from the area. Alvin went back to his motel, took a hot shower and laid his head down on his pillow. He slept peacefully that night... until he heard the sirens
Edited by TheOwl
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It was a challenge. The entire night was a challenge set upon them by their leader to find out who in the group was actually the best criminal - fun right? That was what she thought when they were standing around in the lounge while Harry assigned the teams, quickly feeling more excited when she knew she was working with Bruce - how could this go wrong, even better when they gave them an extra member mixing in Roxanne to the team.

They had a list, a list of tasks that needed to be completed in an hour to show which of them was actually the best at what they did. The tasks were simple, well, simple if you knew what you were doing. None of it something that everyone in the trio wasn’t willing to do - or in the case of being a criminal, going to jail for. So that just meant, the group piled into the Issi and started on their mission because they knew at the end of this day it would be an easy win for them, or so they thought.


The first task was simple. They stopped at a store, bought a few cans of green spray paint knowing that they were going to need them tonight, and headed over to the courthouse. They were masked, car parked around the corner, and they easily - and quickly - tagged BSB on the side of the courthouse before piling back into the car speeding away not wanting to be there to be tied to the scene and headed up north.


Whipping the Issi into Braddocks they hopped out of the car crouching in front of the weed plants taking a picture before they knew they needed to keep going - there was no time to waste after all. So they headed down to the Grapeseed store to get the next supplies they needed, and to mess around a bit in the store completing another challenge. 

Pulling out front, the trio jumped out of the car running inside where Roxanne and Bruce began knocking down shelves while she held a knife to the shop keeper’s throat. They quickly busted out the cameras, stole a bit of cash, and left the store in a complete chaos - taking a few snacks as a consolation prize. 

That’s where their night began to take a turn for the worse. They were on a high from the laughs and destruction that they were causing, when they pulled out in front of another store to buy some whiskey to drop off to the mechanic in Stab City, when lights and sirens pulled up behind the car while it was parked out front. 


Kat slid back into the passenger seat as Pierce Hardy and his partner got out of the car walking up to inform Bruce that he had been driving recklessly. They were not pleased about Roxanne being in the trunk, even though she said over and over she was in no direct harm, but Hardy being Hardy, he didn’t take that as an answer. He pulled Bruce out of the car, followed by the others where he began to search and detain the trio. 

She had nothing on her, so overall she wasn’t worried unless they saw them fleeing from the store robbery in Grapeseed. The group was placed in different cruisers and questioned about the events that had preceded their stop at the store. It was a joke, if anything, because Hardy was known for being overly harsh on gang members, definitely those who got smart with him, and everyone knows Bruce. He couldn’t help himself from insulting the deputy, sheriff actually, numerous times during their conversation which did lead to a few laughs from the girls, but clearly Hardy was not entertained.


After his so-called investigation between the group it was decided that he had nothing to hold her on. So after uncuffing Kat from the back of the cruiser, he handed her back her knife, and went into his cruiser and pulled off. With the knife in hand, Kat walked up to where Bruce was being detained. She gave him a simple look, a sly smirk on her face as she asked a simple question “should I do it?”. Bruce, well, being Bruce, gave her a simple look, and she turned on her heels walking back to the cruiser she was previously detained in. 

It was like something came over her, she couldn’t contain herself as she flipped the knife in her hand, holding it so the butt was facing the window. Her arm reared back and without second guessing her actions she smashed the knife into the window shattering it into hundreds of tiny pieces that fell inside of the cruiser scattering across the seat. Once the window was busted, she leaned down flipping the knife around once more, stabbing it and ripping upwards in the back rear tire of the cruiser. She mentally ticked off another challenge from the list, a satisfied smirk greeting the cop as he made his way to investigate the sudden noise. 


The poor deputy didn’t even know how to react, as he walked around the cruiser, but by that time the knife was already on the ground and she was standing with her hands above her head, a menacing laugh passing through her lips as she smiled over at the deputy. She was quickly put back in cuffs and slid into the same seat that was covered with glass as the deputies decided on what charges that she should be placed with. She sat there, small shards cutting into her legs as they drove back to the station, where they, after some time, realized they couldn’t even detain her because vandalism wasn’t even a jail sentence. So they treated her wounds, uncuffed her, and once again, let her walk.

She escaped a prison sentence, twice, within 30 minutes - which in her eyes made her one pretty good criminal. 

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Seeing Poverty

A cool breeze came off ocean as the waves clashed into the side of the docks Christopher sitting on the ledge looking over the horizon. He got into his vehicle and started to cruise around the city. The alarming amount of homeless people in need of help was something Christopher took heavy notice to. He brought it to Harrys attention and they both set on helping the homeless as well as making sure everyone of their members prioritized helping people in need over helping themselves and padding their pockets.

Finding a Supplier

Harry was the one who was going to find a supplier for the food and was going to plan how it would be distributed. He knew exactly who he needed to call REDACTED a contract was made with the individual to buy a bulk some of Tacos for a great deal all for the cause of helping the homeless. Whilst Christopher was setting up an area to house the people in need. He looked over the eastern side of the city as that's where he was comfortable. Christopher easily found a place where he was going to start a RV camp along with a building to store and distribute food. So Christopher began working on acquiring RV's to put into the camp and begin the start of the camp.


Setting Up The Taco Joint

Jay Valentino has owned the Hearty Taco for quite some time and this was the perfect time to put it to use. Future use was the plan for the taco joint until the construction was full finished and all business licensing was completed and the establishment was ready to be fully functional. Until then the Brotherhood would send out their taco trucks and distribute tacos out to the people of Los Santos 


Mobile Distribution

The day came for the Brotherhood to do their thing. Harry tasked every member in town to give at least 5 different people a taco and feed them for the day. Everyone spread out and gave tacos to countless people throughout the city feeding hundreds of people in need and making the difference for the those in need to not give up and keep pushing. After giving out tacos the group reconvened and all spoke about the good they just did. Smiles grew across the faces of all the members in the brotherhood and they all felt they had achieved something great and looked forward to more.




Edited by Chris_
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Stock Down Bad

After sitting down inside HQ and logging onto the computer Christopher opened the Stock spreadsheet of their warehouses noticing an alarmingly low amount of parts in stock. Christopher began typing frantically into the PC looking to see if there was a typo or mistake on the document but after investigating there was no mistake in what he had seen. Christopher needed to refill the warehouses with parts for their mechanics and workers around the city ASAP and he knew exactly who was gonna help fulfill the task. His newest recruits, JJ, Smokes & Jay Wess.




Tasking The Prospects

With Barker behind him Christopher called JJ and Jay into the HQ and sat down at the computer he told them all to gather around. He pulled up the spreadsheet and points out the low numbers of stock and says something must be done immediately and he is trusting them to get this job done. “I’ve created a document which locations will be our primary focus and what parts we are looking for. Follow the directions specifically and call me when you wrap up I will instruct you on where to bring the goods.” The prospects nodded and instantly got to work figuring out how they were going to acquire the parts as well as how they were going to transport them efficiently without too many trips back and forth.




Waiting At The Warehouse

Christopher sent the Prospects off and gave Barker a ride home before heading to the Warehouse located in the Railyard. Once he arrived he spoke to Pablo, the current warehouse worker on duty who would be helping intake the salvaged parts as they arrived. Christopher and Pablo got some dolly's lined up at the entrance to the warehouse in preparation of the delivery. Christopher then leaned back and lit a cigarette. After a long drag he took a deep breath and waited for the arrival of the prospects.



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Acquiring a Task

As the day went on JJ and Jay were hanging out around the docks meeting members of the brotherhood getting numbers and just helping out around the place. When Chris and Barker called them inside a building to handle something for them. Before they could get down to business they noticed that there was some water on the floor. As the group looked around the corner to see water leaking out the sink. Quickly thinking JJ and Jay start working on fixing the issue. Finding out that it was clogged. JJ and Jay understood the task and put some gloves on and started moving dishes from the sink to the table so they could reach the bottom of the sink, and digging out all of the trash. With that done they moved on to the task at hand. As Chris starts typing away on the computer he would hand JJ and Jay 4 flash drives with information on them about chop shops and parts that are in need around town. Chris would let them both know that they need parts for their warehouse. After receiving his task JJ and the crew realized they are going to need a truck to do these runs. So, what better for the job than a Kamacho. As the crew hops into their whips quickly driving to get the truck for the task at hand. Stacking up three deep they would pull into CITY SCRAPYARD. Jay quickly got to work looking around for any parts he could find laying around. When he came across a sealed box that looked like it might have some nice parts inside of the box. Jay grabbed his knife off his waistband. Slicing open the straps he would be amazed that he would find two catalytic converters that would be in mint condition. Moving the two catalytic converters into a bag that he would place in the back of the Kamacho. Whilst Jay did that JJ and Smokes were taking note of different vehicles around the scrap and inspecting them to see if they can find any parts that could be taken off with some tools. Not coming completely prepared they had an idea to go to the carpet factory in the back of the SCRAP YARD.


Acquiring Parts & Dropping Off   

After looking around for a bit JJ would find someone who looked like a mechanic where he would ask if he “may have any tools for sale”. The man quickly replied with “I have anything you need if you have the cash for it.” JJ brought some parts that the guy would say cost 500$. JJ would quickly look in his wallet realizing that he has 1000$ in his wallet. Knowing that this man is that well off working at a SCRAP YARD JJ decided to give the man an extra 500$ to help the man. With the new tools he got JJ and Smokes took some time going back around to the cars they inspected taking some of the rims and drum brakes. When JJ would spot six tires that didn't look too bad. JJ and the crew loaded all the parts they have not loaded in yet and left the SCRAP YARD quickly. As they could hear bike engines all round them and the trunk was basically full. Once they met up with Chris out near the bus station in a warehouse. They would meet up with someone who seems to be a friend of Chris named Pablo. He didn’t talk much but seemed pretty good at his job, moving parts from the truck and putting them where they needed to go. As JJ took stock of what they put into the warehouse.


Chris would be happy with what they brought back to him, but he needed more parts. So the crew went to a second location known as Juans or Alley chop. After the scrap yard the crew was hungry so before they went there they went to a small taco business and got some taco to fill them up before getting into anymore work and moving heavy items.


Drop Off Pt. 2

After they were done eating they decided no time better than now to go in and look around as no one was coming in and out as they were watching across the street. The crew pulls in and starts to check all the boxes around for parts. They would have very good luck with one of the boxes having some very high quality parts in it. When JJ went around back and found a Tire. Smokes would Jokingly call JJ “The Tire King” because of the 7 tires he had found. It took all three men's strength to move all the parts to the trunk of the Kamacho. After they loaded up the Kamacho they drove back to the warehouse where Chris would help them move the heavy box. Once everything was moved everyone got into their vehicles and they saw a postal truck. The postal truck had someone who looked like he hadn't got new clothes in years and didn't smell too good. With Chris and the crew seeing they know that he isn't paid well they paid him 1000$ for just 2 boxes just to help the man get off the streets.


The crew, feeling good about helping the man, would go to get a drink with JJ taking one for the team and not drinking. JJ would drop off everyone before making his way home for the night tired and ready to sleep after kicking off his sneakers he had deemed the day a success.



Edited by Not The Glizzy
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Cooling Off

After returning to Los Santos and weeks of constant surveillance and unrelenting pursuit by the police, things had finally begun to quiet down. PD had started spending more of their time investigating other organizations and no longer saw the purpose in devoting resources to continue investigations on the Brotherhood. Organizations like Rooks and Royals were acting more carelessly then they ever had before, gaining the focus of police during the process. PD executed Multiple raids and busts during a short span of a few weeks. The Brotherhood saw this opportunity and took the time to rebuild, becoming stronger than ever before, all while in the shadows.


The Cue

Christopher sat inside the new building he claimed as his "Temporary HQ" anxiously thinking to himself "When will it be time?" Moments after that thought, a vibration from his pocket caught his attention. He shot up from his chair and busted out the door, tuning into his radio with urgency, he alerted everyone on the frequency come to HQ. "It's time." After everyone arrived, the news was announced "We are going home!" Every member smiled and looked at each other all with the same devilish look. They knew what the future was going to hold. Everyone loaded into cars and headed to Mirror Park, where they were filled in on future plans for the organization as well as familiarizing themselves with the newest operations.


The Hearty Taco

Needless to say, The Brotherhood lacked a business they owned and operated legally. During the downtime of BSB, Jay Valentino acquired the business property where they can do legal business along with giving back to those in need. Whilst opening other revenue streams for illegal activities upstairs covered by both of the legitimate operations downstairs. All operations were in the interests of BSB. As Christopher twisted the key on the door, it popped open and everyone filled into the building. Christopher said with a smirk on his face. "This is our new legal front, Tacos won't be the only thing we cook and sell out of here." Everyone smiled and laughed before exploring the building and familiarizing themselves with its layout.



The day had come, it was time for the return to Bridge Street. They hoped this would be the last time, they were here to stay. Christopher rolled the grill down to the bottom of the driveway. Other members moved the couch moved down onto the infamous sidewalk. As the seconds ticked away, the time for the block party came closer and closer with more and more guests arriving, greeting the Brotherhood with smiles on their faces. "Good to have you boys back." After some delicious food, drinks, plenty of laughs and memories shared, the group moved the crowd of guests towards the Hearty Taco to introduce the grand opening of the new front. Once the music quieted down, the grill shut down, and guests slowly departed one by one, eventually everyone cleared from the block leaving only the members of the Brotherhood. They gathered around and shared a moment, a feeling of success, but also the acknowledgement of their presence. Everyone shared the same thought.

"We're here and nothing will ever get rid of us"




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