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Register player injuries and allow us to see them with a CMD

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Hey. Not sure if it's possible on GTA 5 but it was on SA-MP at least. I would like injuries (specifically, shot injuries) to be registered where they hit on a player so that players simply can use /injuries or /damages to open a list which would show them where they're injured. This avoids situations where players want to instantly RP dead to get out of negative character consequences, it'll also improve the quality of life for the medical department & LSPD who simply can roll up to a scene, type the command, see where the player is injured and perform medical attention from there.

> /damages ID/Name
> List pops up in the chatbox
(Alias) Stranger ID's active injuries:
2 Shots to the Right Arm
1 Shot to the Chest/Stomach
1 Shot to the Head
1 Shot to the Left Leg

We could also further enhance this by adding animations if you're for example shot in the leg, you could be limping (the low health animation) and if you're shot in multiple areas but not dead yet, you could add random effects like where your character falls into a fall animation and you have to get up etc. Just makes the quality of RP a little better when you're injured. Could also add a blackout effect if you're that low on health, random chance that you'll black out for x minutes or so and then be able to wake up, but if you don't get medical attention fast enough you'd blackout more often in a shorter period. (This could replicate the effects of blood loss, the greater the loss, the more severe the consequences are).

Injuries can be removed by medics or admins.

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