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Paige Graves

Los Santos Royals

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It was a calm night for the Royals with nothing much going on so Blaze, Brandon, Jaylen & Lilith decided to head out for a drive through the city, seeing if they could find something to get into.


It took them driving a while until they stumbled upon a man driving a white Blista Compact very suspiciously through tight alleyways before ending up outside of the Del Perro apartment complex. The 4 Royals slowed down and came to a stop. The man got out of his car, grabbed his crate and walked up to the Sultan Classic. “What is in the crate?”, Blaze asked. “Water bottles”, the man replied. Blaze, Brandon, Jaylen & Lilith all looked at each other and nodded, all four knew damn well what these water bottles were going to be used for.




After a short chat with the man, in which he mentioned that he just came back from Sea Labs, Blaze quietly whispered “We are going to watch which floor he is going to and we are going to raid him, get ready”. Backup was called and Blaze pulled the Sultan Classic around the corner, moving it closer to the entrance of the apartment complex and told Brandon to keep an eye on which floor the man was going to. After confirming the floor, Jaylen, Lilith, Easton, Tom and Jesse all got out with their .50’s in hand and joined Brandon to the floor. The 6 of them set up in the hallway of the man’s apartment, waiting for him to come back out. They didn’t have to wait for long, shortly after setting up the man came out of his apartment wearing a chemical mask.




“Hands up and get down on your knees”, Brandon shouted. The man complied with Brandon’s demands and got down on his knees. Brandon took the man’s keys to the apartment and took the man himself, Jesse, Easton and Blaze inside with him while Jaylen and Lilith kept watch outside of the apartment. The man, being constantly held at gunpoint, was taken to the office room and questioned, robbed of his phone and license and forced to give the Royals the codes to all of his safes. While Easton, Blaze and Jesse took care of the man, Brandon made sure to dismantle every single drug table and check all of the safes for valuable items, storing everything in crates and bags to take with them.




The Royals cleaned everything up and made sure to leave the man locked in his office room with no access to his keys, so that they could get away safely. Carrying and storing the heavy bags and crates into their vehicles, the Royals left Del Perro to go and store everything they got in their own storage. In the end they got a hold of multiple drug tables, multiple .50’s, a bunch of ready to be sold cocaine, a good feeling and a big smile on their faces knowing they executed all of this perfectly.


Moral of the story: Watch your mouth and don’t give people more information than they need to know.




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The Royals came up with a great idea to start hosting parties. As it was something they could be good at and hone as a part of who they are. So they decided to start small with a small party at the Richman Hotel. This would be the first iteration of the parties yet to come and the memories yet to be made. 





So the Royals revved up for a party. Getting their limo out and buying a crap ton of alcohol for the occasion and inviting crews to attend. 





The turn out was small, exactly what they had wanted, people from Salvation and Ballas turning up and coming and going. The Royals had a ton of fun however, with cocaine and alcohol in the mix anything could happen. Overall the first party was a success and the Royals came away with a good feeling about hosting a larger party in the future. Perhaps for Halloween?




To be Continued...

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It was a relaxing day for the Royals, where nothing much happened and everyone was kicking back and taking a load off at the HQ. Some people indulged in day-drinking, some went up North in their downtime, and some… had less luck. Namely, Nick Davies has managed to injure himself, specifically his head. The Royals that were on scene rushed to help him out while laughing at him, but it was soon discovered that the situation was a no-laughing matter. Nick was unresponsive, and when he was, he repeated the words said to him like a broken record, Medical Personnel was called shortly after finding out the severity of the situation. 


The Ambulance arrives and looks over Nick, not discovering much and giving him immediate treatment in the form of painkillers and an ice pack. After picking him up again from Zonah Medical Centre, the Royals were not satisfied with the fact that a member of their family did not receive the proper medical treatment he should have in that situation. They took the matter into their own hands and rushed him into Pillbox Medical Centre to look for somebody qualified to perform a proper MRI scan. To their dismay, there was nobody to be found that could help them out then and there.




But that was not about to bring Royals down from helping a family member in need, they lock picked the door leading to the MRI scan room after discovering that nobody was there. They checked the premises and proceeded into the hallway, with Nick slouched over their shoulders saying “WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO” constantly. Trying to keep quiet, they attempt to cover Nick’s mouth to stop the siren noises, but that was interrupted by Nick biting them. They rush into the MRI room and start strapping Nick down onto the bed, removing anything that can be made of metal off him. 




After which, they all entered the diagnostics room, where they found some concerning medical reports that they wish to not share, out of courtesy for Nick. After revising a plan to deal with the newly discovered issue, they still had to find out how to work the MRI scanner. None of them having any medical knowledge they proceeded to mash every single button they found, turning lights on and off, turning the bed Nick was on and many other things before finally hearing the MRI scanner starting to spin. They see Nick going slowly into it while still screaming “WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO” to himself. 




The progress bar for the scan starts going up, while the Royals are waiting patiently around the screen. Suddenly they hear an ambulance pull up to the parking lot and they rush to the window to see personnel walking into the building. Panicked, they ran back to the screens to see how much time they had left on the scan. 


97%... 98%... 99%... 100%!


They quickly print the results, only to be concerned once more about the results. It would seem that Nick’s brain is 1/4th the size of a normal brain. They stood around the screen and the printed results, checking back and forward to make sure that everything was correct. There was no time to analyze the results further however, they had to get Nick and themselves out of there as soon as possible. One of them stood watch in the hallway while the other two rushed into the MRI room to start retrieving Nick from it. They grab each of his arms over their shoulders and run out of the room. They must have hit Nick’s head on the way out as he seemed to have passed out, which resulted in slower pace back to their vehicles. 




They manage to get back out in the Lobby mere seconds before the personnel walk in, quickly moving outside to the cars and throwing Nick in the backseat. Upon arrival back to HQ, Nick has woken up and seems to be in normal condition once again, where he gets informed about the scans that the Royals saw, but he seemed to not be surprised nor concerned about that fact. He was, however, much more upset about his family members seeing the medical records that they saw.


What was seen in those medical records will be kept between them to the grave.

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Jaylen tried to get himself settled in the city. He had an easy time finding work as a freelancer. He had gotten a job servicing ATM machines throughout Los Santos. And afterwards, he found himself working for city sanitation and worked in garbage disposal. Working these jobs meant steady income but he often worked alone and wanted to work alongside others. He was recommended by a stranger to try fishing at the pier because a lot of people would go there to work and socialize. So Jaylen bought himself a fishing rod and headed to the pier.

The Rising Suns

So for some time, Jaylen would interact with whoever was up to engage in conversation while at the pier. Fishing wasn’t the highest paying work but it allowed him to check off that social aspect he desired. However the pier could be a fairly chaotic place and not always safe to be at. It would be fairly common for fights and shootouts to happen while Jaylen was there trying to fish. So wanting to find a more quiet place to fish, Jaylen left the pier and drove along the Vespucci Canal for a place where he could safely fish. He found a group of people dressed in red and white along with several other people fishing alongside the canal. He pulled up to them, asking if it was okay for him to fish alongside them. He was met with questions from a man he would come to later find out was named Damien Deuce. Damien simply asked Jaylen to check his license and asked if he was a cop or not. After confirming that Jaylen was not a cop, they gave the okay to hang out and fish with them. Jaylen came to find out the name of the group in red and white was called The Rising Suns. As he got to know them better, he got glimpses of what he thought were criminal activities that RS did besides fishing and they made it appear so lucrative. With the possible opportunities to make more money alongside people he got along with, Jaylen wanted to be a part of RS.


After hanging around RS for some time, Jaylen eventually was eventually given an opportunity to become a member. RS was going through a rebuild of sorts and so many members he had gotten to know had all left and gone on to do other things. So Jaylen officially became part of the rebuilding process for RS. During this, he met people such as Drake Hunter, who had become known for orchestrating well thought out bank heists, and people like Joshua Reese and Brandon Winters who were new to the scene like Jaylen and trying to make their mark in the city. While getting along with most of RS, Jaylen became especially good friends with Eric Simco and Kiana Adams and often spent a lot of time talking with them. 




However, aside from making friends and spending a lot of time fishing, Jaylen found himself wanting to do more. He wanted more lucrative opportunities. Any time Jaylen was awake around, he found that RS was never really up for doing much outside of fishing and socializing. People were not taking any initiative and if Jaylen had attempted to start something, people were apprehensive because of a possible police response. Jaylen found himself becoming increasingly dissatisfied with RS and felt that he had been sold on an image of RS and how it was supposed to be and he felt that the reality fell short of the expectations set for him. Jaylen had thought he would be staying with RS permanently but was beginning to see that he just didn’t see eye to eye with the crew.

Time For Change

Jaylen had discovered Drake Hunter, who had established himself as command in RS was leaving to collaboratively start a crew in the city with friends of his, calling themselves the Royals. Both Brandon and Josh had gone on to join the Royals and Jaylen was beginning to heavily consider reaching out to Drake about the possibility of joining them. He wanted to do more than just talk and fish with friendly people. One day, Jaylen had stumbled upon a man wearing a mask with the signature Royals color scheme on a Bati 801 motorbike. As they began conversation, the man revealed himself to be Drake Hunter and Jaylen expressed his interest in joining the crew. Drake said he would discuss with the other leaders and get back to him. However for one reason or another, Drake unfortunately did not reach back out with a reply. A few weeks later, Jaylen came across a woman with the Royals car color scheme and approached her about his conversation with Drake. The woman introduced herself as Opal Martinez and said she worked very closely with him. So Jaylen spoke with Opal as a follow up to his conversation with Drake.

The Royals

On a random weekend day, Jaylen found himself with RS attending a motocross event being hosted just outside the city. During that event, Jaylen found himself coming to a disagreement with how the crew should conduct itself and his previous frustrations had pushed him past the limit of his tolerance. He firmly spoke with the leader of RS, Micah Ellis and said he would be leaving the crew. And just by pure chance, along came a group of people in Royals colors pulling up to attend the event. Jaylen thought to himself that it was now or never so he approached them about the possibility of joining. All the Royals members took off their masks and it was Drake, Brandon, Joshua, and a man he was meeting for the first time by the name of Blaze Jackson. So he explained his situation and after discussing amongst themselves, they agreed to allow Jaylen into the crew on a trial basis.



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Drowning in gasoline, I woke up. My entire body was covered by the deadly liquid. I was in pure agony and pain, blinded by darkness and captivated by the horrific sounds around me. The warm blood from my cut fingers slowly dropped onto the cold and clammy concrete. The more I woke up, the greater the pain became. The more I began to realise. I struggled and screamed in discomfort. Why weren’t my legs moving?! Only at that moment did I notice the tens of small rusty nails, driven into my legs with two daggers, lunged deep into my kneecaps. Too tired and dehydrated to even cry, I scavenged around to find a saviour, a way out, one last chance at life. I pleaded and pleaded, to any voices that could hear me.

When suddenly I saw a small light emerge from what seemed to be lighter. The light got brighter to which I saw some dark black gloves and a mask which resembled a skull. Silently sat in front of me the silhouette of the devil. The frightening figure reached into his pockets and pulled out a cigarette, lighting the end. Each inhale and exhale he took felt like my last breath. He finally stood up and patted down his overcoat and fixed his crooked tie. To which he flicked the cigarette and my last ever conversation towards me. I was dead silent as I prepared for my despair. The last words I ever heard, “You look like you have seen a ghost! Drake ‘Ghost’ Hunter, pleasure to meet you. Leader of the Los Santos Royals”.


To be continued...

Edited by Umzzy
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The Royals have been known for many things, one of those things being the infamous drive of their flashy cars. So they decided to get out all the vehicles and take a drive around the beautiful city of Los Santos. They first ended up at the beach, where they took the opportunity to snap a photo of their toes in the sand and relax a bit, listening to the sounds of the waves.

They see a yacht behind them as they are taking pictures and having a conversation on the beach, as Tom looks over at everyone and says, “fuck it, I’m going swimming,” followed by Jay running to the water. As Paige and Cypress watch them jump in, Cypress sees Paige take off, running to the water, stopping at its edge, stripping down, and jumping in. They all decide to go check out this yacht and see what fun it may bring. They hop up to the yacht one by one, walking on the first part, and decide to strike a pose showing off the pride in their Royal Tattoos.




Meanwhile, Blaze and Brandon are chilling and watching all the cars and taking in the sunlight.




The sun started to go down, but the Royals most certainly were not about to let that ruin their fun. At this point, someone suggested we all go racing since we all had our nice cars out; we all said, why not let's do this!! We all made our way to the Garbage track and lined up; Cypress gets ready, making sure the cars are all correctly placed, then moves to the side to count them down and wave her arm for them to start!






They finished the race as it was all for fun. No one really cared who won at the end of the race; they all hopped out and lined back up to take another photo before winding down for the night.




We all gather in the corner of the parking lot after parking up our cars to watch the sunset and have some fun banter with our family since, at the end of the day, family is what is most important to the Royals.




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It was on a dreary night in August, I sprinted through the desolate hallways rushing towards the emergency room. As I got closer the screeching got louder and clearer, overpowering the raindrops that constantly crashed into the plastic windows. Quickly putting on my latex gloves, mask, and apron as I busted through the door. Despite the agonising screams of pain, the second my eyes set onto the lake of blood, my eyes had stolen the sound from my ears. I couldn’t hear a thing; never in my life as a doctor had I witnessed such a disturbing sight. I stood in fear of what was to come, only to finally come back into reality by the aggressive shake of a nurse. Doctor, she’s lost too much blood!”. Crying in pain and agony was a broken pregnant woman, slowly her screams began to get more and more quiet. Along with the constant beeping from the electrocardiograph getting longer and longer. Till eventually the final beep had replaced the painful screams. It was my worst nightmare as a doctor; she was gone but I was not going to rest, I grabbed the defibrillator and rested the cold metal on her chest. Each “CLEAR!” resulting in my cries getting louder. I upped the voltage and tried again. I tried and tried till I could no longer save her, she was dead. I instantly made the call to prepare for a C-Section. I couldn’t save the late mother, I had to save this innocent child. Her inanimate cold eyes, still staring at me as I inserted my scalpel into her 9-month pregnant abdomen. I felt it, the strong kicks of the angel inside her, fighting for his life. It was not over yet. After approximately an hour of trying to safely take this very much alive baby out of its coffin. There it was, the constant cries of the baby I had long waited for, he was safe and healthy. I held the baby boy and stroked the eyes of the mother close as I whispered, “I truly am sorry, rest in peace Maria”. Witnessing the death of my Godmother had startled me. I came out of the emergency room to where the family was waiting impatiently to hear about their mother and baby brother’s desperate fight for survival. I handed the child to the broken father to which the family gratefully smiled, wiping their tears of sorrow. That was until they asked me the dreadful question, “How’s Maria doing, can we see her?”. I took off my hat, gloves and apron and looked down to the ground in despair. “I am sorry, there was nothing more I could do.” The father gave his baby boy to Zero and began to weep. I heard his slight mumble of “this is all your fault”.


To be continued...

Edited by Umzzy
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While Blaze and Brandon are driving around the city having a chat, they notice a barber shop up for sale on Mad Wayne Thunder Drive. Interested in the possibilities, Blaze and Brandon park up and walk in to check out the property, discussing if potentially owning a barber shop would be profitable for them.

To get a few more opinions, Blaze calls Joshua, Nick, John and Raymond to come over on radio.




The four of them arrive and have a look around the barber shop, nodding at each other. “You know what? It’s been a while since I had a haircut, how about we check right here on the spot if we could run this business”, Raymond says. “Alright, what kind of haircut are you thinking of, Ray?”, Brandon asks him. “I want dreads”, Ray replies. Brandon and John nod at each other, immediately realizing how good of an opportunity this will be to mess around with Ray like they always do. “Please mess it up”, John quietly whispers to Brandon. Brandon nods at John and chuckles as that was exactly what he was planning on doing.




While Ray gets comfortable in the chair to get his hair washed, the rest of the guys make sure to grab all the supplies. As Blaze starts washing Ray’s hair, Ray starts demanding all sorts of food and drinks which of course he did not get as, according to the rest of the guys, it is not a damn restaurant. “It’s not a damn restaurant, Ray”, they say. Disappointed but understanding, Ray leans back to let Blaze continue washing his hair.




Blaze finishes up washing Ray’s hair and dries it. Josh hands over a pair of trimmers to Brandon after which he starts trimming Raymond’s hair. It wasn’t until later on, after Brandon had already cut off a large part of Ray’s hair, that Ray realized that his hair didn’t even need to be cut as he just wanted dreads, which actually only required some braiding to be done.


When looking in the mirror, Ray starts to realize what had been done to him and the results of that will be kept away from everyone’s eyes to see.


((Laughter-inducing content below))






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“The Nigerian Prince”


Tyreece was born on 31/10/1993 in Lagos, Nigeria, living with his mother, Father, Younger brother Brayton and his baby sister Alisha. Tyreece's parents met when his father visited London on a business trip and instantly fell in love with his future wife. Tyreece's mother moved to Nigeria with him, settling down, having three kids with her love. Tyreece and his siblings came from a well-off background. His father owned a vehicle dealership, selling sports and supercars to national and international clientele, this led to Tyreece falling in love with cars and working with his father from time to time at the dealership. Tyreece's mother owned a beauty salon, in a popular area of Lagos at which all the gossip of the city could be heard. Early life was good for Tyreece, being the only child, he got whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. All until Brayton came along. Brayton became the favorite child, getting treated how Tyreece did before Brayton's untimely arrival. After this, Tyreece's behavior went downhill. First, it was his grades at school, his parents never batted an eye. He started to fight daily at school, his parents didn't care. Tyreece realized that he could get away with literally anything, seeing as his parents were too distracted with Brayton. Tyreece hung out in the rougher parts of town, letting out his inner rage in illegal street fights for money. At this point, Tyreece's mother had sent his brother Brayton to live in Peckham with his aunt, in fear that he too would become like Tyreece. Before long, Tyreece had joined a gang called "The Nigerian Brotherhood'' and gained their trust in selling drugs for them. Before long, Tyreece had established himself as a big name in the gang, taking over their manufacturing and distribution of illegal drugs and setting up the sale of illegal, military-grade firearms to other criminal organizations. This led to Tyreece getting the street name of the Nigerian Prince.

Internal Issues

Some Time passed and Tyreece had now established himself as the head of the gang, becoming a crime lord in Lagos. Still, in contact with his parents, he met them on a fortnightly basis at a restaurant his men offered protection for. This would prove to be a mistake. Tyreece had begun to notice small inconveniences in his day-to-day life. Some of his street runners went MIA for an hour or two at a time, people's stories wouldn't match up and small amounts of money and drugs would go missing. The first time, Tyreece was naive and thought "Eh, they're partying, I'll let them have fun." After about 3 weeks, the minor inconveniences stopped and everything started running smoothly. Tyreece had received a call about an opposing gang stepping on his turf, so he and some of his right hands went to the section of turf and found two of his street runners dead, their hands and feet chopped off. A note was attached to one of the bodies. It read, " We are everywhere, we hide in the shadows, we hide in plain sight, you are safe nowhere". Tyreece looked at the bottom of the note to find the name of the location, the name of the location being " The Duke Bar and Restaurant", just below was an arrow to the back of the note, attached was a picture of Tyreece dining with his parents and younger sister Alisha at the restaurant.

Tyreece hurried himself and his right hands into their vehicle and fled the scene. Tyreece sat in his office, staring at the note left for him. Numerous thoughts racing through his mind. "What do they want from me?", "Has someone betrayed me?", "Are they going to kill my family?". With all of these thoughts going through Tyreece's mind, he was blinded by what was right in front of him. Only people in his gang knew where and when he dined with his selective family. He started doing some silent investigation work, narrowing his betrayers list down to two members of his protection service. Tyreece had them bundled into a car and taken to an abandoned warehouse on Lagos' seafront. He tied them both to a chair and sat them at a table, facing each other. Tyreece was out for answers and would do anything to get them. He crouched down at the table, looking left then right numerous times at both of his suspected traitors, speaking in a low but assertive tone "One of you is going to talk, I'm not going to stop till one of you do". Tyreece extended his right hand, having his trusted machete placed in his hand by one of his right hands. Tyreece slowly, one by one, began to remove the fingers of his two targets. Right before he was about to remove a hand, one of them spoke, muttering "It was me". These words cemented Tyreece's suspicions that he was betrayed. Using his full-body motion, he swung his blade and took his betrayer's head clean off. This sent an even clearer message to the rest of the gang, don't betray Tyreece.

Judgement Day

Things are going smoothly now for Tyreece and his gang. Gun sales were through the roof, bringing in millions of dollars per day. Drugs were being produced and sold exponentially and the gang's turf was expanding. The expansion of their turf leads to new clientele, but also new enemies. Tyreece was at his apartment, starting his day when his door was kicked in. Numerous masked men stormed his apartment, all holding Uzi's and shotguns, placing Tyreece at gunpoint. Tyreece complied and before he knew it was tied up, blindfolded, and bundled into a vehicle. After what felt like an eternity of constant left and right turns, Tyreece was bundled out of the trunk and found himself in an empty office, surrounded by even more masked men with a wide array of firearms. Tyreece waited, numerous thoughts running through his mind. Suddenly, the doors to the room opened and a man walked in with two bodyguards. The mysterious man came to a stop in front of Tyreece and crouched down, removing his sunglasses, whispering into his ear "Hello Cousin ''. Tyreece looked up to see a face, covered in burns looking directly into his eyes. "It can't be, '' Tyreece thought to himself. It was his long presumed dead cousin, Michael. The look of shock on Tyreece's face soon turned into a look of horror "You died in that fire, how are you alive?!". Michael with a smug look looked Tyreece dead in the face and said "Luck". In a state of complete shock and horror, Tyreece was unable to speak, whilst Michael proceeded to give Tyreece an almost professional speech about how he'd been watching Tyreece since his early days in the game, fighting in the streets, not missing a minor event in his criminal life, watching from the shadows. Michael went on to explain as to how he was behind the death of some of Tyreece's crew members and had paid some of his men to overthrow him, leaving the note which contained his gang's message, " We are everywhere, we hide in the shadows, we hide in plain sight, you are safe nowhere". The worst was yet to come, Michael pulled out a tablet with 4 camera displays on it. One displayed his mother's beauty salon, the other showed his father's vehicle dealership. The bottom two just displayed two empty rooms. Tyreece looked up at Michael, "What the fuck is this?!" he shouted, to which he was promptly punched in the face. Michael simply looked at him with an expressionless face saying "Watch". After he had said this, Tyreece saw both his mother and father being dragged into the empty rooms with a bag over their heads. Tyreece could do nothing but watch as his parents were brutally murdered in those

dark and dingy rooms. Michael did nothing but laugh, looking at Tyreece saying "Now for the real fun!". Tyreece looked at the CCTV footage and before he could process his parents' deaths, both his father's vehicle dealership and his mother's beauty salon exploded. Tyreece, overwhelmed with emotion leapt up at Michael screaming "You traitor", headbutting him on the nose, to which he was promptly swarmed by Michaels's group and pummeled. When Tyreece regained consciousness, he could hear the steady "beep, beep, beep" of a heart rate monitor. Tyreece steadily opened his eyes and found himself lying in a hospital bed. He looked at his chest and found a note. He slowly opened it, expecting it to be a cryptic message once more. Instead, it was a firm, direct message from Michael. It said, "You have one of two options, either I kill the rest of you, or you take yourself and Alisha and leave Lagos, never to come back. Oh, by the way, you won't be returning to your gang, they're mine now". Tyreece was filled with rage, everything he had worked so hard to achieve had been taken from his grasp, and was being forced to leave his home. Once he had recovered from his injuries, he packed his and Alisha's things and flew to Peckham. Tyreece stopped briefly at his aunt's house on a Council Estate in Peckham, leaving Alisha there, handing his aunt a bag containing roughly £150,000. He looked his auntie in the eyes and whispered softly “Look after yourself” before getting back into the taxi and leaving for London City airport with a one-way ticket to Los Santos.

A New Beginning

Tyreece got off the plane and was instantly met with the hustle and bustle of the city. He hailed for a cab, asking the taxi driver about the city and what prospect of work there was. The taxi driver told Tyreece that gang activity was high and crime was strife, this made Tyreece’s ears perk up. Tyreece began to scheme, thinking of ways to make money. After his taxi fare, Tyreece had $6000 dollars to his name, the lowest amount of money he’d had in a long time. He found a man standing in an alleyway, selling all sorts of items, including lockpicks. Tyreece bought $4500 worth of lockpicks and got to work. By the end of the day, Tyreece had turned his initial investment of $4500 into well over $30,000. Tyreece continued to do this for several weeks, massing up over $300k! Then things went downhill. Tyreece found himself constantly being caught or getting into silly chases with police. He saw an advertisement for LSC and thought “Fuck it, I’ll apply”. He got accepted and began his training, soon becoming a well-respected mechanic and friend to many. Eventually, Tyreece sought change, itching to return to his criminal ways. The following day of his initial thought of returning to crime, he handed over his badge and keycards, leaving LSC for good. Now, once again, Tyreece was all alone in the hustle and bustle of Los Santos. Tyreece had come across many criminals from all sorts of different gangs during his time at LSC. The most common being LSD. Tyreece hangs out with drift, driving round with them in his Cheetah Classic. A lot of hardship followed Tyreece, which led him to return to Peckham for a couple of months for his uncle's funeral and to see his family he left behind. When Tyreece had returned, the criminal underground of the city had changed drastically, some gangs were no more, some just established and few had taken the top of the hill. Tyreece sought out some old friends he met in prison, Deandre Boreland and Kentrell Williams. Tyreece hangs around at Grove Street, meeting new faces and doing a new array of illegal activities he would be doing for the first time like cooking, robbing stores and robbing banks. Tyreece eventually joined The Original Covenant Ballas. Tyreece’s time in Ballas was filled with highs and lows. There would be times when everything seemed to be going right for Ballas, but issues with the high command caused friction in the group, causing members to leave, including Tyreece. This, once more, left Tyreece alone. Tyreece decided to take a step back and sort some things out within himself, spending most of his days fishing at the pier, not for the money, more for the tranquility of the views. One mid-winter morning, Tyreece received a call from an unrecognized number, bringing the phone to his ear. “Hello? Who is this? '' Tyreece said in a bewildered tone, Tyreece got a single sentence in reply “It’s Tony, come by Forum Drive in an hour”. Tyreece dropped what he was doing and went to Forum Drive as quickly as he could. He came to find Tony ``Big T” Solicetto huddled around with his closest friends and family. He came up to Tyreece, simply saying “You in?”. Tyreece recognized a lot of people there from his past ventures in the city. Most notably, Caesar Ares, former ZT leader. Without thinking a “Fuck yes” came from Tyreece’s mouth, he was in Kilo Tray Disciples. Initially, things were good, the HQ was buzzing with members, jobs were going well, overall, everyone was making money and was content. This slowly started to change. There were less and less people at the HQ daily, there were small disagreements between members and ultimately, indecisiveness between high command. This culminated in former members of ZT leaving KTD and a couple other members following suit. Tyreece had enough of the miscommunication and the general stagnant vibe of KTD, that he decided to go MIA and not return.


The Princes Bounce Back


For the third time in his tenure of his stay in the vibrant city of Los Santos, Tyreece found himself alone, a somewhat common theme for him now. He got in touch with some old friends, one from Lost and one from LSD and just hung out, having a good time. This is when Tyreece was reintroduced to an old friend, Nick Davies, formerly of LSD, now a member of Royals. Tyreece contacted Nick about the possibility of being introduced to some members of Royals as Tyreece was familiar with a couple of members already. Nick got to work, contacting his high command and setting up a meeting. Tyreece had just got out of the DOC and received a text from Nick, saying that his high command was in town and wanted to meet, Tyreece agreed and waited for a pickup. Before he knew it, Tyreece had been whisked to Royals’ palace for a HQ. This was by far the most impressive thing Tyreece had seen since he came to Los Santos. Tyreece followed Nick to the garden where he met Blaze Jackson and Paige West. Before they got started, they patted Tyreece down for any wires or recording devices. Tyreece began to think to himself, “Shit, these are some serious motherfuckers''. Tyreece complied and was able to proceed speaking to his hopefully soon to be High Command. Blaze and Paige gave Tyreece a rundown of how the group operated, their morals, who they were good with, bad with etc. More members showed up, all introducing themselves to Tyreece and welcoming him as one of their own. After what seemed like an eternity and a bundle of questions, it was decided that Tyreece was to join the Royals as a Jester. Finally, Tyreece felt as if he had found a family.


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After the success of their first party, the Royals started to plan for their next shindig. They decided Halloween would be the perfect time to throw a party. They started planning and inviting as many people as they could to come attend. This would be a much larger party than the little one they threw. 




The most important thing was the party favors. They wanted to entice more people to come so they decided to make everything free for the attendees. They picked up alcohol and blunts. Afterwards they decorated the backyard of HQ to make it more Halloween themed and have an area for the DJ and places to sit. 

Then, the party kicked off. Paige was the designated DJ and had songs playing constantly. Blaze handed out the alcohol to the partygoers. Cypress handed out the blunts. And Brandon, Ray, and John went around the city handing out chocolate and inviting people to attend.




The show out was pretty good with members from Salvation, LSD, and Rooks attending as well as quite a few civilians as well. They all danced and drank and smoked and everyone seemed to have an amazing time so it was a success for the Royals

When everyone had left the Royals gathered around. They were all happy with the turn out and celebrated with the last of the alcohol and blunts. It was a good day for them and there would be many more good days to come. 



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Between a sharp pain on her shoulder and the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, Lilith stood up. Everything happened too fast and not even then, when tears of impotence and anger were caught by the bandana covering her face, the time could be wasted. Just a couple of minutes ago she was the passenger in a car driven by a friend, the tension the last couple of days was tangible between Los Santos Royals and BSB, so when a shootout started everyone was ready to roll. She got into a car with one of the members and they made their way through the highway to the entrance of the lumber yard. The positioning was good, covered by some trees but at the same time in high ground. The driver was the first one out of the car, he was faster and had a lot more experience, she followed but in that moment a black car pulled behind them. It was like a movie in slow motion; two guys got out of the vehicle dressed in dark clothes while carrying guns, her friend was a little further away, he couldn’t see the strangers approaching from his back. She took a breath to try and scream his name, but before any sound could get out of her mouth all the air exited her lungs in a moan of pain and her body was thrown against the car she was exiting, then again, a brute force made her crash into the car and finally onto the floor. There was no time to scream, to move or even to feel pain, a couple of gunshots followed but they were not for her. From the dirt she saw how those men took the life away from her friend and just as fast as they came, they left. Blood was covering her hands, her legs didn’t seem to work and she was starting to get dizzy. 


That’s when all the sound and feeling returned to her body,  police sirens getting close and the burning sensation on her shoulder, it was over, she was going to die there, or worse, get arrested. The noise of a motorcycle scared her but the next thing she heard was the voice of John Robertson asking her how she was. Her first instinct was to quickly tell him to go away, the police were already surrounding the place and he could just drive away easier alone, but he refused “Nobody stays behind”. At that moment Lilith knew she could not go against him, so she grabbed his hand and stood up feeling how all the world was spinning around her. She wasn’t able to get in the bike with him or even move that much so he left his vehicle behind and carried her into the woods. The woods around Mount Chilliad are difficult to navigate, even more while dragging an injured person and running away from a crime scene, but that didn’t matter, John was able to get her into a save spot where he took a better look at her injuries, it was bad, he helped her bandaging the open wounds and making sure she wasn’t losing too much blood. 


Thank you — She mumbled while trying to not make much noise.

Don’t worry, we’re family — an answer that was recieved with a smile. 


Lilith’s time in Los Santos Royals had always been good, but that day she was sure that she had found the right place. John ended up going back to his bike after leaving her in a safe place, ready for the paramedics to take care of her. He managed to drive away from the situation and she was picked up by an ambulance in the woods, away from all the police movement, and transported to the hospital to get a full recovery. She never knew if it was destiny or pure luck that she was alive, but she was there because John didn't leave her behind, she was there because of her family. 



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The Royals were rolling around the city looking for trouble one day. They had all overheard Nick say that he was being pulled over near the barbershop. As some of them went to see what was going on, they were shocked to see Nick standing outside the vehicle with his hands up. Jesse knew the crew couldn't save Nick at that point, but after a few minutes of watching the scene, he noticed a golden opportunity to try to make the best of a bad situation.




Except for two deputies, all of PD and SD have left the scene, leaving the Sultan on the side of the road with both deputies in their vehicles. Jesse stows his strap and asks that someone drop him off next to the car in an attempt to retrieve it.


When John pulls up next to the Sultan, Jesse jumps out and into the unlocked Sultan. The SD deputy can be heard saying, "Don't get in," but Jesse has no intention of stopping. His gaze was fixed on the road ahead. He took off with the Sultan and tried to flee; at one point, he had some distance on the Drafter and his chances of escaping looked better, until he made a fatal mistake that cost him everything.


Jesse saw the red parking garage and decided to go through it, but he hit a small bump on his way in, causing him to lose control of the vehicle, colliding with a concrete pillar and completely stalling it. Shortly after, the drafter comes to a halt and Jesse gets down on his knees in defeat.




Jesse is handcuffed and read his rights when he notices some Royals vehicles circling the area. When he looked around and saw that he still had one deputy with him, hope began to fill his eyes.


Suddenly, the Elegy that had dropped him off earlier arrives, the door opens. Jesse seizes the opportunity and rushes to the Elegy, jumping in. 




Jesse and John managed to lose the chopper after a 5-minute chase and hid in one of the airport's garages out of sight. Jesse's cuffs are unlocked by John, and he is free to go, turning on the radio and celebrating. Although Nick's Sultan was about to be impounded, Jesse wasn't too upset because he at least tried to get it back for him. He also knew it was completely totaled, which meant the officers would have to get a tow truck to impound the vehicle, adding to their difficulties.




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Blaze Jackson took out his Panto and loaded up the tent and supplies on the top of the panto. Blaze gave Brandon Winters a call to see if he would tag along on the camping trip, Brandon picked up the phone and he was 100% down to go camping. This wasn’t your ordinary camping trip Blaze explained to Brandon, so Blaze and Brandon took off from the city and headed north in the Panto, Brandon knew Blaze ain’t the boring type when it comes to activities and he started to realize Blaze’s plan. Blaze pulled into lumber and headed straight to Chiliad Drug Lab, he pulled out the tent and set up camp, Brandon laughed as he did this. Once the tent was set up Blaze and Brandon took an interest in the marijuana plants and they started picking and planting, after a cold night in the tent Blaze started packing up the tent and told Brandon we got to go to the next camping site, we got back on the road headed further north and not to Brandon’s surprise Blaze pulled into North lab and once again setup camp, this camping trip turned into a drug run. North lab and Chiliad were both quiet as we were there no one pulled up so we felt comfortable going to Bradocks and Sea labs, as Blaze pulled into Bradocks he saw a lot of people once he saw the light blue color they were wearing, he pulled on in and met WOO, they helped Blaze and Brandon find a camping ground up on the mountain so Blaze hid the panto and Brandon got out the tent and we headed up the hills on foot with the gear. WOO picked out the best spot for Blaze and Brandon to set down camp, Brandon set up the tent and Blaze kept a lookout to see what was going on down in Bradocks, Brandon and Blaze didn’t want to get in the middle of conflict if it arose. Blaze and Brandon didn’t feel too comfortable at Bradocks so they decided to cut the journey short and head to their next camping ground, Sea labs, at Sea labs there they met Pete a fellow person Blaze and Brandon raided a week prior he was chill about the situation in the past and let Blaze and Brandon setup camp for a bit. The camping trip ended up with Blaze and Brandon’s pockets filled with marijuiana plants. Blaze and Brandon packed up for the final time and hit the road home, but it wasn’t so simple. 




Blaze noticed a deputy going through the toll booths and as he went through, Blaze quickly raced to beat the barrier, not thinking about the deputy looking back and seeing it. The deputy happened to be Deputy Colin Quinn, he stopped and let Blaze and Brandon in the panto go past as they went past his lights went on and Blaze being a Royal he was not prepared to stop, Royals evade no matter what the situation even when they were in a Panto that goes 150 KM/H max. The chase began as Blaze headed into the city with Deputy Colin Quinn behind him, Blaze tried pulling off some moves to escape the Deputy, little to his surprise the Panto wasn’t fast enough to get away and the Deputy called in for backup, within minutes Blaze and Brandon had 8 cruisers behind them, but Blaze knew they were not fucked yet, he got on the radio and called for his boys to setup bikes at a drop location for a escape route, Easton and Jay came to the rescue and setup bikes. Blaze stalled the cops while they were getting set up and once he got the green light to do the plan he did it. Blaze and Brandon jumped off the ledge and onto the bikes and were gone with no cops to be seen. Blaze and Brandon were away with the plants and went straight to deposit them in the safe house.



The big mistake by SD & PD at the drop location once you jump down the wall it's not high enough to jump back up and Deputy Colin Quinn jumps down with Blaze and Brandon to then realize he can’t get back to his cruiser without running a long way down the highway. Easton and Jay who planted the bikes did not have a ride out of the location so they hid in a bush. As they saw Deputy Colin Quinn struggling to get to his cruiser and the unattended Panto, Easton and Jay went to retrieve the Panto. As Easton and Jay got to the Panto they realised they didn’t have keys so their next best bet was the SD Scout and it was in fact unlocked, so Easton and Jay took the SD Scout and fled the scene leaving Deputy Colin Quinn stranded and didn’t realise his cruiser was gone until he got back to the scene. Colin Quinn made the call on the radio his cruiser had been stolen so PD and SD went on the search for the SD Scout, after 20 minutes of looking PD stumbled across Easton and Jay in the SD Scout and it lead to a chase, instantly Blaze and Brandon said let's do the drop location again and setup the bikes in the same position. Easton and Jay got the green light from Blaze to do the drop and they successfully did it and got away on the bikes SD and PD couldn’t do anything about it, now once again it left the same problem as before Blaze and Brandon didn’t have a ride back and were hiding behind a wall, PD and SD instantly carried on trying to chase down Easton and Jay on the bikes and left the same SD Scout unattended so Blaze and Brandon was like “well looks like we got our ride home” so they jumped the wall and hopped into the same SD Scout that Easton and Jay just got out of. After a long day Blaze and Brandon decided to call it a night and left the SD Scout in a warehouse and called up Paige West to come and pick them up from the warehouse. Blaze, Brandon, Easton and Jay all met up at Royals HQ and took out a bottle of wine and laughed about the eventful night they all had. 



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Dan Stanton was born on April 20th 1997,In Stanton Texas he was born into a wealthy small town family. He was born a middle child into a large family with 5 brothers and 4 sisters. Dan had everything he ever wanted as a kid due to his family owning most of the local businesses. While he was mainly overlooked since he was the 6th child born he was always trying to get recognized by his parents and others. He decided to begin playing as many sports as he could because his father enjoyed watching them so he thought if he played those sports his dad would come to his games. Unfortunately for Dan his father was a very busy man and whatever free time he had he wanted to either travel or hangout with his friends and he didn’t want to spend time with his family. While Dan did begin to play sports because he wanted his dad’s attention he ended up using it as his escape and enjoyed it a lot. Dan began to play football in middle school but by the time he got to high school he was the star quarterback for his school and he seemed to have the perfect life. Now Dan always had all the money he wanted and all the toys but he always had this urge to do something exhilarating. This started off with him getting in police chases with the local sheriff’s department. He would also buy and sell drugs not because he needed the money but because of the thrill of getting caught by the cops. Now while Dan had a thrill of committing crime his one rule was never to hurt people this included not selling any drugs that could kill people. Now Dan was given a lot of chances throughout high school and his childhood so he has a firm belief to always give people a second chance regardless of what they have done. After graduating from high school Dan stayed around Stanton for a couple years but finally decided to go ahead and get his degree after looking at many different universities he chose the University of Los Santos. He then bought a ticket and got onto a flight to Los Santos.


After arriving at the bus depot across from Pillbox Dan walked over to the public parking and began to talk with people. He met 4 women and 3 men that had also just come into the city. After talking with them for a while the one guy with the most experience in the city talked them into hitting stores with him. That was the first time Dan met Easton. Easton had been in the city for a few months and had gotten himself settled in the city; the reason for him being at the bus depot was to pick up a friend that had never shown up. After hitting multiple stores with Easton and the others and running from PD Dan decided to head off into the city with his cut and see what he could do by himself. 




After a couple months of doing odd jobs by himself Dan was once again talking to people at public parking when he ran into a man and a woman in a very nice sports car. The man was Joseph Dredd and the woman was Paige West. After talking with them for a while Dan asked about the sports cars colors which were blue and gold, Paige then began to tell him about The Royals. After talking with Dredd and Paige for a couple hours Dan asked about how he could join The Royals. Paige explained the process to him and told him that he would have to meet one of the other leaders before he could be a Jester. That’s when Dan first met Drake Hunter, one of the other leaders of The Royals. As soon as Dan met Drake he knew that The Royals was the gang for him to join. Over the next couple days and after doing multiple banks and hitting labs with The Royals. Dan was helping out wherever he could and that's when Paige sat him down and began to talk with him and she told him that he was no longer a Jester but now he was an Archer and officially part of the family.



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Cypress POV


It was just a normal day for Cypress. She was honestly feeling quite down when she hopped in the car with her beloved boyfriend Tom to go on a ride around the city like they always did. She spent a lot of time looking out the window enjoying the sights. 

As per usual, Tom drove like an absolute maniac. Which always made them have banter between each other about how many times he would get pulled over but this time seemed a bit different. He received many phone calls during the ride from supposedly his dry cleaner “Marcus” which was an excuse they had made up once to get out of a speeding ticket so she knew he was lying and was skeptical. 

Eventually Tom made a drift right in front of a cop and spun out. Cypress hung her head in embarrassment as the cop pulled up beside them. Instead of pulling them over, he rolled down his window. 

“That was a bit silly wasn’t it,” The cop, who later on they would find out was John Styll said, shaking his head at them. “Don’t let me catch you doing it again.” And he pulled away, letting them off with a warning. Cypress let out a breath of relief, not having to deal with the cops. Tom just sped off and continued to drive like a maniac.

The two headed up north and Tom continued to get calls from an unknown caller, making Cypress even more skeptical. 



Back up a few weeks before the drive, Tom had an idea brewing in his head. He had been with Cypress for a pretty long time and they worked together very well. He wanted to propose and he needed to find a way to do it. 

He decided to ask Paige, her best friend and a friend to himself to help him with his tentative idea.

They decided that the crew would meet up somewhere and wait while Tom and Cypress went on a drive around the city. Tom thought of an absolutely stupid and yet brilliant idea to get into a chase with cops and ultimately end up there to propose. The plan hatched and finally they decided on the day.

That day he started taking Cypress on the last drive of them being in the dating stage of their relationship. Paige gathered the troops and called Tom with updates every once and a while. He decided to disguise the calls as from his pretend dry cleaner Marcus. Once they were in place, Tom set out to get pulled over. 

Ultimately he tried for about 20-30 minutes trying to get pulled over to no avail. The only cop they had run into had only given them a warning. He knew that Paige and the crew were waiting so he decided along with Paige just to send it and propose without the cop chase. 

The crew was waiting at the Sandy Shores Airfield so he made his way there. Cypress seemed to be a bit skeptical but she didn’t seem to have a suspicion fully. When arriving on the airstrip he felt his heart start beating wildly. 



Cypress POV

They were riding around in Sandy and Tom took a turn onto the Sandy Airfield which was a bit strange. They were completely quiet as he made his way down the airstrip. At the end of the airstrip, Cypress’s heart leapt as she saw all of her friends in the crew gathered with their cars positioned, waiting for them. 

Her heart was loud in her chest as Tom exited the vehicle and she followed him, about to start questioning what they were doing. 

That’s when Tom crouched down onto one knee. She covered her mouth in surprise and almost started crying right away.

Cypress, will you marry me?”

She immediately said yes and the two kissed as he slid the gorgeous ring he had picked out onto her hand. It was gold and platinum with a pink diamond in the center. Exactly how Cypress would’ve wanted it, considering she found regular diamonds lame and overrated. 

The crew erupted into cheers, some of them happy crying alongside Cypress, and surrounding the couple. 

After the initial celebration and a couple gifts the couple headed out to continue their drive now as fiances. Paige left stating that she had to go get her gift and telling them to keep the news notifications on. 



Shared POV

The two headed back into the city, smiles on both of their faces as they discussed the ring and also Tom’s original idea for the proposal. He continued to drive like a maniac like he always did. Ultimately they were pulled over, by the same cop as before!

That’s when the weasel ad came up, congratulating them on their proposal. The cop was taking their id’s and they told him that the ad was for them and they had a laugh about it. Tom even told the officer his original plan. 

The officer frowned at it and told him that he would be celebrating his proposal in jail if they had been successful. Tom and Cypress both agreed that it would’ve been worth it and the cop shook his head at them. 

He let them off with another warning as a present for them and they got his name and would remember him from then on as being a part of it. 

They continued their drive as a happy engaged couple. And started thinking about their wedding. 



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When Peter first moved to Los Santos, he had an open mindset.

He was lost in his mind, wondering about all of the different opportunities he had.

With nothing but his phone, some food, and $7,000, Peter wanted to make the most of what he had. He decided it would be worth it to try and become a Bus Driver for Los Santos Transit to make some quick cash and maybe buy his first car in Los Santos.

During Peter’s first-ever bus route, a suspicious man named “Steve” approached Peter. This man offered Peter a fast way to make cash, faster than a bus route ever could.

Peter, being interested, decided to get into Steve’s car and go with him.

Steve taught Peter how to steal and chop vehicles to make a profit!

Steve showed Peter the garbage chop and how to get lockpicks.

This was the start of Peter’s life as a criminal…




Armed and Dangerous… 


One day, Peter was out of a ride and needed something to eat.

He decided he would run to the store at lower Mirror Park. They sold some pretty affordable stuff at that store, perfect for Peter to save some paper.

A few men in a van approached Peter on his walk to the store.

They saw him walking along the street and offered him a ride.

Thankful, Peter accepted the offer, and they brought him to the store.

Unbeknownst to the ignorant Peter at the time, the men had been part of a small-time street crew called the “99%’ers”. Peter just became their newest rookie.

These men brought Peter to the store as he had asked, but they intended to rob it.

Peter stayed around with the crew, committing more robberies and aggressive felonies. Over time, the crew began to fall apart slowly, the members going silent,

and Peter was a lone wolf in a massive city once more…


The Lost MC


After the 99%’ers were a fond memory from the past, Peter didn’t do a whole lot for a long time. His criminal record started to grow a big gap as he lived a laid-back life and stopped committing crimes as he once had before. Peter lived off of income checks, not buying anything unnecessary, but only basics and essentials. One day, Peter stumbled upon a car that he quickly stole, so he brought it to Stab City to chop it. At Stab City, Peter met members of the Lost MC. They introduced themselves, and Peter became friendly with the Lost MC. After saving up some money from hunting, Peter managed to buy himself a Gargoyle and rode with the Lost MC to get into some mischief, from robbing stores to even attempting a heist on Route 68’s Fleeca Bank. After the failed attempt on the bank, Peter found himself somewhat… disappointed. It was around this time that Peter also started noticing some excellent-looking vehicles. They were dark blue with a gold shine to them. Little did Peter know that driving those vehicles would be his future family, The Royals. Peter was offered an official spot in the Lost MC as a hang-around, but Peter respectfully declined the offer. He still needed some time to think.


The Royals




After declining his offer to the Lost MC, Peter explored the city and met new people. During this period, Peter noticed many of the blue and gold vehicles racing on the city streets, and he grew a great interest to learn more about them. While parking his Sultan Classic, Peter noticed a Massacro in those unique colors. He decided to ask the driver about the colors, and he found out that the driver wasn’t even a member of The Royals. However, this man was able to provide Peter with the name of The Royals, and he finally knew who he was looking for. A few days later, Peter found a member of The Royals and asked how to join. Peter got instructed to drive to [REDACTED] and wait. After doing so, many members of The Royals pulled up to [REDACTED] where Peter was, and they took him to a [REDACTED] in the [REDACTED]. After speaking with The Royals and being allowed to start his pretrial, Peter gladly accepted the offer and was welcomed with open arms to The Los Santos Royals.




To Be Continued...

Edited by Waryerz
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Jordan Capone came to Los Santos with hopes and dreams, shortly after arriving he encountered an individual who was lost and wanted a ride to their motorcycle he introduced himself as Leo and showed Jordan the ropes within the Criminal Lifestyle. Not long after Jordan got a job within the Downtown Cab Company and met Robby Davison, but one day decided to leave and pursue his true interest within the criminal world.




Jordan went to the company and handed in his resignation notice and left the company feeling fresh. Jordan met with some old friends who were around and they showed him everything he needed to know from criminal locations to cooking Cocaine. Jordan was enjoying his time learning everything he needed to know until one day he was caught with a warrant for his arrest and decided to buck it from the LSPD but shortly he had a T20 chasing him and was taken to Bolingbroke Penitentiary. 




Once Jordan was out of prison he chilled out for a while and remained hidden until he finally showed his face again and found another old friend called Pablo Salamanca who was telling him all about La Familia Michoacana. At the time Jordan was preoccupied with money-making but eventually contacted Pablo Salamanca on his phone and arranged a meet-up to join the Familia. Once the meeting concluded they took off and got Jordan his red clothes and he felt like part of the family enjoying his time in his new life.




After about a year Jordan wasn't around as much as he flew out of the country, when he came back after his well-deserved holiday he was confused when he could not contact any of the Familia because the lines were disconnected. He drove around confused and it felt like a different city, he was chilling at Eclipse Towers when he was approached by a male who introduced himself, Jordan asked if he had a crew he could hang with then he was taken to a secluded location which remained secretive until they got into a small office. He was asked a bunch of questions but recognized Paige who was in the Familia.




Once the meeting was over he was taken to their headquarters and shown around then taken to the clothing store and took his car to be painted with fresh paint and fresh wrap. This began his new fresh journey with Los Santos Royals.

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Easton grew up in Beverly Hills' most affluent neighborhood. His parents gave him a weekly allowance of $2,000 in addition to anything he requested. Nothing ever went wrong or disappointed him in his life. That is, until his house burned down in the middle of the night. The modern mansion had turned into a ball of fire and flames. He was the only survivor, leaving behind his mother, father, and two siblings.


As a lonely adolescent, he took his wealthy parents' money and fled Beverly Hills, eventually landing in Los Santos. Easton had succumbed to depression and sadness. Over the course of a few years in Los Santos, he squandered his money on frivolous items such as hotels and gambling. Easton began to get into trouble with the law by shoplifting and carjacking in order to survive.




After being convicted of armed robbery, his bank account was depleted. When he was released from prison, the government began to crack down on people sleeping on the streets. He escaped the harsh city and headed north. Living in poverty, he came across Stab City, where he met the Lost MC. He began to spend time there and get to know the people. He was with them for a week before realizing he had hit rock bottom. He didn't want to live a life surrounded by dirt and motorcycles. Easton returned to the city, ghosting the motorcycle club.






While looking at fancy cars at high end dreaming of his past Easton came across a man with a very high class car painted deep blue and yellow. He talked to the man and shortly learned he was a part of a new gang named the Los Santos Royals.




Easton met a few members, and seeing the suits and cars lit a fire under him. Easton grew more and more fond of the Los Santos Royals with each passing day.




He started at the bottom and never looked back. Easton remained loyal to his new family despite the ups and downs. He'd be the happiest he'd been since his family had died.



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