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   Tsukuyomi married his sister Amaterasu, and ruled as her consort. Uke Mochi, the goddess of food, held a great feast. Though she was invited, Amaterasu was unable to attend and thus sent her consort, Tsukuyomi, in her stead. He watched as Uke Mochi began to create the feast, but found her methods to be incredibly repulsive. She spit fish, rice, and deer from her mouth before pulling food out of her other orifices. Tsukuyomi was so horrified by her actions that he killed her then and there.

When word reached Amaterasu, she was horrified and labeled her husband an evil kami, unworthy of returning to the Heavens. This separation of Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu was the origin of day and night. For all eternity, Tsukuyomi will continue to pursue Amaterasu across the night sky without ever reaching her; even during an eclipse, the sun will run from the moon.

Izanagi, having failed to return his wife from Yomi, the Land of the Dead, placed a boulder at its entrance to prevent her escape. Soaked in the impurities of Yomi, Izanagi sought to purify himself at a nearby hot spring. As he washed his eyes and nose, three kami were born: Amaterasu from his left eye, Tsukuyomi from his right, and Susanoo from his nose. Izanagi labeled these three gods among the most important of the kami, and decreed that they would rule the Heavens.

Together, the siblings climbed the Heavenly Pillar and ruled the Heavens. 






Founded by the Religion of Shinto, also known as kami-no-michi. Shinto revolves around the kami (“gods or spirits”), being known as animistic and pantheistic, the kami are believed to inhabit all things. Fast-forwarding through the ages, following Japan’s defeat in World War II, Shinto was formally separated from the state.

In 1996, a Japanese Organization known as Tsukuyomi was passed down to Izanagi Shiki, a destined child, almost as if he was reborn from the past,  meant to lead Tsukuyomi to wealth, power, and respect. 

Tsukuyomi was founded upon these beliefs, following the devotion of which the religion stood for. These beliefs derived from Shinto, fed into Tsukuyomi’s code of ethics.




Beautiful and serene, Tsukuyomi believes in order and etiquette and enforces them whenever they can. Tsukuyomi’s enforcement of such ideals extends to the point that they are willing to kill to maintain order, despite killing their own being a breach of etiquette in the heavenly court. Thus, there is irony in Tsukuyomi’s strict adherence to etiquette: to enforce it, they are willing to break it. Tsukuyomi moves in the night.











Oyabun is the absolute head of the family



The Wakagashira is the Oyabun's second in command, his right hand if you want. It is the Wakagashira's job to make sure that the Oyabun’s orders are followed out by the lower-ranking members



Saiko-Komon is the senior advisor to Oyabun. He is the leader of a council that assists the Oyabun in matters of business, diplomacy and war.



Shateigashira is the leader(s) of the Kyodai (The Big Brothers). They make sure that the Kyodai does their duties for the family.



Kyodai (The Big Brothers) are high ranking in the family, they answer to the Shateigashira.


Shatei (The Little Brothers) are the lower ranking members in the family, they answer to the Kyodai (The Big Brothers), but in the end, it is still the word of the Oyabun that is final.


The Shingiin is a specialist law advisor


Kaikei is the family’s accountant



Obtain a Headquarters/Dojo

Become noticed positively by others in Los Santos

Ally with some of the current primary gangs

Maintain a surplus of gang funds

Make connections with weapon suppliers

Become an Official Gang recognized by the cartel

Purchase a warehouse and property




Activity is mandatory. Inactivity of 3 days will result in a removal unless a High Command approved of an LOA.

Follow ECRP Server Rules - Punishments given accordingly

Respect and Maturity is expected.

Report all issues and punishments to High Command for documentation

Be willing to learn and accept criticism to better your knowledge about RP

Provide exceptional RP value for the faction.




((Thank you for reading! We look forward to RPing and creating relationships in the future!))



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After weeks of seeking out the perfect Headquarters, their calling was answered. Koi's Dojo had opened up to be used. Izanagi's instant response was to jump on the opportunity to achieve such a beautiful haven for his members. With pure excitement, Tsukuyomi begins their move into the Koi Dojo. Their hopes in the future is to obtain more property allowing them to be the primary owners of the couple dojo's in the city.


After settling into their Headquarters, a few Tsukuyomi members gather around to celebrate their achievement and allow themselves time to worship outside their hectic activities and duties. 


Worshiping their 4 affirmations:

Tradition and the family: Understanding that family is the foundation for preserving traditions

Love of nature: Holding nature sacred

Ritual purity: Ritual bathing to spiritually and physically cleanse yourselves before entering a shrine to worship the kami. 

Matsuri: Worshipping and honoring gods and ancestral spirits



After their ritual Tsukuyomi received a call from a gentleman. This gentleman could forge the positive future of relationships and business for Tsukuyomi. Pearson from La Familia Michoacana reached out to Izanagi. With the mindset of growth and prosperity Izanagi was ecstatic and agreed instantly to meet with LFM.


Hours after contact, the meeting had taken place. Positive words, expectations, and introductions were exchanged. This is what felt like a true beginning to the relationship between Tsukuyomi and LFM.

Could Tsukuyomi grow to become one of the next primary gangs?


The meeting ended in haste as they received a call from Mt. Chiliad about an ambush. More Bloods, Aztecas, LFM, Crimson Syndicate rushed to Chiliad.  Many dead, yet also many survived as we all secured Chiliad. This was the first call-to-action for Tsukuyomi to represent themselves as an up and coming gang.


Edited by Dashy
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1 hour ago, Toretto said:

Sick thread, had an interaction with one of your members not too long ago, was rather pleasant. Hope you guys take it far!


1 hour ago, Jay V said:

Finally made this thread huh, good luck brother



54 minutes ago, Oli said:

Looks promising, good luck!



52 minutes ago, Famingo said:

sick thread gl


44 minutes ago, Sean Liamhorn said:

best of luck, great first interaction!


33 minutes ago, Ryzoft said:

Thread is great, best of luck. 

 Thank you all very much ❤️ I look forward to interacting and creating some awesome memories and events on ECRP.

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