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Assured Law - Rekindling


Assured Services now welcomes its newest Executive to the company Andy Tyrie previously Mr. Tyrie worked as the Legal Director for Assured Law he has now taken a step up into the executive running of Assured Services .


Andy once started his life in the city following the path his father once took however he did so in a new country learning much more than he had ever needed to before working as a cop for 6 months lead him to wanting more for his life and his carreer so he broke off into the world of law and business leaving the enforcement behind


Not long into this new carreer path he met the people of assured Services through C.O.O James Hawkes not long after these meetings Assured Services took under its wing the newly names Assured Law focusing predominatly on Civil they have thrived in attaining justice in the small number of criminal cases


Not long after the aapointment Mr. Tyrie got to work having his first meeting with C.E.O. Paulo Witherfork and Assured Property Management employee Matthew Armstrong ensuring all were on the same page for the future expansion of not just Assured Property Management but for Assured Services as a whole 


Speedbumps come but for Assured Services they also quickly go with a meeting with the Director for Business and Licensing in the San Andreas State Government a few mistakes from the government side can quickly be brushed away 


A Word from the C.E.O.

gycsvkW.pngWe're overjoyed to be bringing Andy onto the Board of Executives at Assured. Since his appointment as Legal Director of Assured Law, he's showcased exemplary performance after resolving our first high-profile case involving a Sheriff's Deputy, putting our prestigious law firm into the limelight and laying down its foundations. In his new position, we are certain that he'll continue to believe and we look to bring about some large changes going into the New Year. Within a week of his appointment, he hasn't failed to deliver having already reorganised our admin and brokering a multimillion-dollar deal. The board of executives welcomes Andy to his new post and can rest Assured in the knowledge that he will deliver!


Edited by Temp774233
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M.B.W - Saying Goodbye


On August 16th 2020 Assured Services struck a deal with the Shadow Corporation and acquired Maze Bank West for $6,000,000 and exactly 1,200 days later we announce the departure of one of our most memorable companies. Unfortunately with new government legislation it was no longer possible to own the company and Assured embarked on finding a new owner for the business.



Over the last 3 and bit years M.B.W has not only served as a loan company but originally the headquarters of Assured. In the infant stage of the Corporation some of our most important decisions were made around the boardroom which have shaped Assured into the largest, most successful and longest standing business corporation the state has seen. In addition to that, it has helped reinforce core company values about providing a service for the people having given out a grand total of £37,560,000 over the last 3 years at the lowest interest rates. From helicopters to first cars we're proud of the legacy we've left behind.


Although one door closes several more have open. The significant funds acquired from sale will enable the expansion of Assured Property Management but also fund the foundation of our future aviation company. Newly promoted executive Andy Tyrie has already outlined an ambitious plan for the new year which will take the company into it's 5th year!




Edited by Paulo
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The most wonderful time of the year... to buy cars

When the snow starts to fall and the Christmas trees go up it can only mean one thing. New cars are on the way! Each year the festive period brings a fresh batch of new vehicles to the dealerships of Los Santos, and what better time could there be? It's the perfect opportunity for people to treat themselves to a new ride or to find the ideal holiday gift.


What better place to spend this occasion than HeavyFlow? When fresh vehicles are available, HeavyFlow is always there to help people get their hands on them. At HeavyFlow, people can come and see these new vehicles, pick out the best one for them and meet the owner, Marco Davis. HeavyFlow was bought without the intention of maximising profit, instead to enjoy running a dealership. Not only does owning a dealership bring the ability to import and sell exquisite vehicles, but the chance to meet so many people, form relationships, and give back to the community.


This principle is incredibly important to Marco, people are given discounts whenever it makes sense or when they are a repeat customer. Despite the unprecedented significant investment into the dealership, HeavyFlow makes sure to give back to the community that has served its owner so well over the years. Whether it be the discounts, the fun experience of buying a car through interaction and exploration, or giving cars to fellow businesses for raffles or giveaways, HeavyFlow runs through and for the community.


That is why this time of year is perfect for HeavyFlow. With people in great spirits it's the perfect time to meet so many brilliant people who may want to buy their very first Warrener or want the newest sports car. Forming these relationships is special and we have absolutely loved meeting dozens of tremendous people this time around too. 

We look forward to continuing our great relationships with the people we've met, the ones we haven't yet, and the many businesses whom it's a pleasure to work alongside. Thank you for your support and we will see you soon for your next purchase!

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Pacific Bluff's Relaunch and 5 Year Anniversary

On the 28th of January Assured Events is planning to relaunch Pacific Bluffs with Sokka Lazoo back at the helm of the country club. This event coincides with the 5th Anniversary of Assured Services which takes place on the 20th. To mark the occasion we're putting together another stunning event and hosting our biggest ever Raffle with a prize pool of over $1,250,000



Our Prize fund will be broken down into 3 prize categories: 1st place will receive $500,000 in tax free cash. 2nd will receive a maxed Dominator GT and 3rd will get the Drift FR36. Ticket sales for the raffle will commence shortly!


An event of this calibre requires a lot of planning which is why our old Ex-Event Coordinator has rejoined the team to take lead on the event with the backing of 3 Company Executives, Paulo Witherfork (CEO) James Hawkes (COO) and Andy Tyrie (CLO). We're all super excited to get this event up and running and relaunch the best club in Los Santos!




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 5 Year Anniversary!

On the 20th January 2019 Paulo received an email from one of his old friends outlining a business proposal for a new Security Company, Assured Security. This proposal set-forth the foundations for a larger company involving 5 shareholders with Paulo being the primary benefactor for the project. It was unforeseen that 5 years later that seed of a business proposal would have blossomed into the State's Largest and Longest running business enterprise!



Over the last 5 years the company has employed a total of 9 executives, 11 subsidiary manager and 74 employees across all of it's businesses with an annual turnover of $32,000,000 between 2022 and 2023. These figures we proudly boast as they begin to quantify our achievements and showcase the level of our community interaction. We've embarked on everything from funding community gardens in deprived neighbourhoods to founding the Chamber of Commerce to hosting the largest events the state's seen, we've done it all!


To mark the occasion we threw a celebration at Pacific Bluffs with a momentous Raffle of over $1,250,000. We were overjoyed with the amazing turnout, with over 100 attendees and 479 entrees into our prize draw. Despite a small gang dispute during the evening the event was seamless with a good time had by all!



A word from the Chief Operations Officer, James Hawkes:


" Five years of Assured Services: a journey of resilience, innovation and success. From ensuring safety to financing dreams, we've build not just a company but a legacy. Our strength lies in a diverse portfolio and the dedication of every individual. Thank you for all being part of our story. Here's to many more years of excellence!" 

A word from the Chief Liaison Officer, Marco Davis:

" I have witnessed Assured Services go from nothing to owning the most successful companies the city has to offer. I must congratulate Paulo for not only making Assured into a success, but maintaining it for Such a long time too. As we reach five years of Assured, it must be said this this longevity is very rare to see and truly is a special achievement. Furthermore, the way in which Assured has grown, and the values it holds is extremely important to the wider community, putting the people at the centre of everything. I look forward to many more years of success. "


Closing remarks from the C.E.O, Paulo Witherfork:


" As we mark our 5th Anniversary today, I'm filled with immense gratitude and pride as I reflect on our journey together. What started as a dream has resulted in a thriving reality, thanks you everyone involved.

This milestone isn't just about a passage of time; it's a testament to our collective dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Together, we've overcome challenges, celebrated victories, and grown stronger together.

Our success is a result of the passions, creativity, and resilience that define the team at Assured. From the talented employees to our loyal customers and partners, everyone has played an invaluable role in shaping Assured Services into the success story that it is today.

Together, let's raise a toast to the past five years of remarkable achievements and unforgettable memories. As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we remain united in our pursuit of excellence, driven by a shared vision and fuelled by our teams passion. Here's to the future, filled with endless possibilities and boundless opportunities. Cheers to the incredible team, both past and present, and here's to many more years of prosperity ahead! "




Edited by Paulo
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General Store - Assured 24/7


In a significant development for Assured Services, James Hawkes recently concluded the acquisition of a general store located in Chumash, adjacent to the Pacific Bluff Club. Formerly owned by Hector Mayfield, James considers it an honor to assume ownership of the establishment, having had the privilege of meeting Hector early in his arrival to the city. The store was renamed Assured 24/7, keeping the 'A' on the door as a subtle nod to its predecessor, Arcadius 24/7. The store represents a significant milestone and a strategic addition to Assured Services' assets. With plans in motion to expand and diversify its offerings, Assured 24/7 is poised to honor its legacy while also contributing to the company's future growth and community involvement.





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It's a great honor to work together with Assured Services. My name is Ray Broker, and I am a businessman myself. Some people know me, some do not, but let's jump into the story of how it all started.  


While ago, I reached out to Paulo about renovating and furnishing his beautiful houses, and I had great fun doing so. I also had the amazing experience of exploring other houses in Vinewood Hills, taking a peek in the yards, and seeing what's behind these huge houses. So let me tell you how the day usually starts as a builder for me. I am a businessman myself, but I do like to have my hands on other furnishings or buildings, as I love what I do and enjoy every minute and hour I spend, it's like a passion you know!


The day usually starts with having my construction clothing, and of course, I never forget the safety helmet. You never know what can be falling from above. Hohoho....... 


The day usually starts with setting up the needed materials, which I usually go to the houses and inspect and write down what I need today. I usually check and imagine what this and that would look like, and I try to buy as little as possible so the owner doesn't need to have too many expenses on the furniture he doesn't really need. But sometimes you need to get ready to spend some extra money and try some things out so you can see if they fit your vibe or not. 


Anyway, I usually load up my truck with furniture, head to the house, and start unloading the necessary materials. I do my renovations and buildings alone, so I am mostly independent all the time, and I work as long as I want. It can be 4-5 hours a day, and sometimes, if you get the picture going, it can last 10–12 hours in one day. Usually my and my clients interests are to finish buildings quite quickly, but sometimes it can take longer than anticipated. We never know what can happen, but the job is always done, and I always ask if this is what the home owner wants.





Never forget about having a snack in the middle of the day, because you can't fulfill your work without an empty belly and a fresh cold drink on a hot day.


After finishing house furnishing, I asked him who was going to manage these beautiful houses, as it takes a lot of time to manage this many houses for the next steps. I offered him that I could take care of them, start managing and refreshing the posters of the houses, put them up for rent, and have people show up around these beautiful houses. Well, there I am, and I look forward to future business and partnership with Assured Services. Thank you, Paulo, for being part of it.


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