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Shorter command for department radio

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I don't feel we need to shorten the command, its only 3 characters as is to type. Prior roleplay experience we had to type /dept and right now I mostly use /deplow. In my opinion /d and /dep does not really take long to add those two extra characters and wouldn't save but a split second compared to what you are saying over the radio itself.

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9 hours ago, DrizzyDre said:

It's literally two letters my friend..Was a LEO for 6 months and didnt' find it a issue.


2 hours ago, Chapman said:

I don't feel we need to shorten the command, its only 3 characters as is to type. Prior roleplay experience we had to type /dept and right now I mostly use /deplow. In my opinion /d and /dep does not really take long to add those two extra characters and wouldn't save but a split second compared to what you are saying over the radio itself.


9 hours ago, Hootless said:

You think typing 2 extra letters takes way longer than typing 1? It seems like a matter of 1 or 2 seconds maximum.

On 99% of servers the command is /d and I was just saying that there are a lot RolePlayers from GTA San Andreas community on Eclipse community. The command used to be /d and in 95% of times I typed /d and message wasn't sent. I am just saying that it would be shorter to type and lot easier for the "old guard".

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6 hours ago, CaesarSeizure said:

i dont think its needed and having to type /dep reduces the chance of people accidentally using dep radio over any other commands

To be honest for my 10 year Roleplay experience that has never happened to anyone and I was roleplaying law for a long time.

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