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Realistic Driving?

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Ive seen a few other freeroam servers out there that have this realistic driving mod on them that completely changes how the cars work for the better. Kinda lame seeing how people drive around here. With this mod on you'd actually have to slow your comet down around corners or else you'd be so far into the mulberry patch no tow truck is going to get you out. 


Just a little idea I figured I'd chuck out there, honestly the driving is okay as is but it would be cool to see it be a more forza-ish style, where getaway drivers have to actually be skilled drivers instead of just have a really fast car. What does everyone else think?

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I think this is a good addition because it would make the drivers rely more on skill then how much money they shelled out for a car. It would also make police chases more realistic because the driver would have to slow down at corners, allowing the police to catch up. Some cars could have more handling then others, giving pros and cons to each vehicle. I just don't know how the would effect a Rage MP server because I've only seen this on Five M.

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