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Having MD have special roles as surgeons that preform operations on injured people instead of being dropped of at the hospital and "poof!" your magically healed.  This wouldn't be too difficult and could be easy to rp. Adding anesthesia could be easy with the drug mods we have. Allowing doctors to work on patients and prescribe medications to people who get sick or whatever. That would also mean adding a pharmacy which could be a new job that is owned by someone of be apart of MD.  

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This is a good suggestion that EMS has discussed for quite some time. We have a real life specialist taking lead of a new division called the Advanced Medicine Division that will enhance RP on calls, share advanced treatments and experiences with other members of MD as well as developing protocols for future surgeons. 

Please be patient as we develop this program. Any further suggestions are very welcome 🙂

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14 hours ago, kenichis said:

We still need the devs to script it for us otherwise theres no point

Script support is not necessary for everything. There is so much power in RP - just use your imagination. After RP implementation of something like this some areas that would benefit from script support will come up of course, but just because it's not there now doesn't mean "theres no point" 

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A lot of people also don't want to or enjoy medical RP and just want to *poof* be healed and be on the go.

I wouldn't mind a 5 min drug effect though after being revived by ambulance or table. Ambulance Drive through should also revive you inside at the operating table.

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A lot of people also don't want to or enjoy medical RP and just want to *poof* be healed and be on the go.

I wouldn't mind a 5 min drug effect though after being revived by ambulance or table. Ambulance Drive through should also revive you inside at the operating table.

exactly, I would love to have to go under surgery for literally falling off a bridge. I think that the main realism factor here is the time taken. Just getting poofed back to life isnt very time consuming but surgery takes time away from you.

Maybe it would stop people from nonfearrping

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