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Ability to add drugs into food/drink items

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I think this would open a lot of interesting RP scenarios. Instead of just having plain meth or LSD, now drugs can be hidden in food. When consumed, there may be a random (maybe 50% chance) /do text saying that there's something strange taste, or texture in the food, and the person consuming can choose to stop or continue. If that person choose to continue, then the effect of the drug is applied.

We can have drug lord disguised as a taco truck driver. We can have large shipments of drug disguised as food truck. Player A can give player B this "drugged" food so A could sell the drugs to B when B is addicted. For PD RP, there should be an option to examine the food. Each drug should have different probability to be discovered. And examine it will take some time (IRL you can't look at a hamburger and know instantly that it is drugged).

I don't think this would harm the server in anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


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