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Bulletproof vest

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There are some suggestion to adjustment to body armor. One of them suggest adjustment to body armor for criminal. I don't totally agree it, since we can see that irl, rarely any criminals wear bulletproof vest. Here's US law regarding body armor.


Under federal law, a bulletproof vest is considered “body armor,” which is regulated by statute, 18 U.S.C.A. Section 931. That law forbids anyone convicted of a violent felony to own or possess a vest, unless the person wearing the vest is an employee who is doing so in order to perform a lawful business activity and who has obtained prior written certification from the employer. A violation incurs a maximum of three years in prison. And using a vest during the commission of a federal crime of violence or a federal drug-trafficking crime will result in an enhanced sentence. (42 U.S.C. Section 3796ll-3(d)(1).)

Here's my suggestion to body armor:

1) Make people who want to possess body armor to apply for the permit, just like gun permit. You can only buy body armor if you don't have recent criminal charges. You can still own it though but it's illegal and will be punishable if wearing without permit. It's also illegal when committing a crime and wearing body armor (as suggested by the law above). Make it purely self defense.

2) Lower the price of body armor (as suggested by many threads here). Price suggested would be from 2k-5k maximum. Now you solve the problem of criminal wearing body armor freely, so lowering the price makes total sense. No body armor should be more expensive than a low end sport car.

3) (Optional) Make it traceable, since criminal can obtain it illegally. If criminals get caught while wearing it, the seller will get a punishment to for illegal distribution of body armor, just like gun. 

More RP for the criminal, more RP for the police, safer and cheaper for law abiding citizen, closer to real life's regulation, so why not?


Edited by Trac3rZ
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I would support this .

Give civilian some kind a Armor Vest so they can buy it in GunStore . Just like this guy say in USA you are free to buy them .

So don't make them fully armored like S.W.A.T have but give like 25% of it 

So if PD/Officers see you wearing a Armor Vest you should have good Roleplay reason to wear it in Public or have valid Gun License if you don't you could get arrested for using a Vest with out license ! 

Armor west would not be allowed to by on you in front of Bank/all NCZ zones just like these guys who have AK-47/SMG/UZI on him in the same time when he is going into the bank . Thats nonRP

Edited by Chris Bluestone
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11 hours ago, Hoxton_Curry said:


People already take way too many shots to get injured and the way it is I dont think that they should let everyone use body armor just like that


But I still believe armor criminals can get from imports need tweaks because it's 40k for 1 piece, it only gives you 50hp (for cops 100, for swat 150)  and you cant take it off, on top of that if someone misslick punches you, you fell down the stairs, someone hits you with their car etc your armor goes down 

-1 I agree with Hoxton.

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3 hours ago, Hoxton_Curry said:


People already take way too many shots to get injured and the way it is I dont think that they should let everyone use body armor just like that


But I still believe armor criminals can get from imports need tweaks because it's 40k for 1 piece, it only gives you 50hp (for cops 100, for swat 150)  and you cant take it off, on top of that if someone misslick punches you, you fell down the stairs, someone hits you with their car etc your armor goes down 

This is the reason i'm saying it, couldn't of worded it better.

Edited by Maddog97
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As usual, criminals downvote whatever is bad for them. Remember in real life, rarely any criminals wear body armor. The fact that this server allows felon to buy body armor is something that doesn't make sense. Also criminals now don't get extra charges for using body armor against the police is such a huge benefit to criminal. 

Edited by Trac3rZ
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6 hours ago, Trac3rZ said:

The fact that this server allows felon to buy body armor is something that doesn't make sense.

Are you unaware of how body armor works in the server? It is imported illegally, not obtained legally. Are you suggesting if someone is a felon they should not be able to use an illegal service to purchase body armor?


I agree with Hoxton, -1 to this suggestion as he mentioned something I haven't thought of before, gunfights with body armor on top of desync would not be enjoyable for most people I don't think.

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