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About Redzas96

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  1. I would say that houses should be added, but in calm way, like a few houses per week or so. Adding a lot of houses in one time would crash economy. By adding new houses slowly, prices would stop rising and economy would be getting stable.
  2. Redzas96

    Rob houses

    Huge -1. Owning a house would be pointless.
  3. Yeah prices should stop rising a bit.
  4. @Vetro Yeah i support that idea but i think that people like you have a problem of thinking. But thanks for your opinion. You are thinking that adding more houses will solve the problem? Hell no. Tons of houses for everybody won't be added over night. Even if it would be, it won't solve the problem for long term, because after some time demand would increase again and supply would decrease. If you don't have enough money and can't afford a property on these days, then nothing will change for you even if some houses will be added. Whenever a property is added, people who have money buy most of the property for resell. Then other resellers buys it to resell it again. Why? Because prices of real estate, even from resellers, are still not too big. Due to increasing city population the demand of real estate is much bigger than than supply. That's how prices increase. Prices will increase until it reaches insane amounts of money and no one buys it anymore. Those people who resell property are the ones who causes trouble. It is good way to make money, but after all it causes some harm to economy. Whats wrong with rich people getting richer and poor people staying poor? Are you poor? If so - start doing something about that. Or do you want it to be some kind of communism server - everybody gets same amount of everything? Change the way you think. That's how the world works.
  5. How it is expensive? You get base income of 2.5k for hour of playing. Few hours a day just from base income and you are able to pay your rent.
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