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Gangs robbing the entire server blind

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I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this from the gang members that enjoy this playstyle.

Going around robbing everyone you see at gunpoint with Ak-47's spraying down people/vehicles is not roleplay.
Chain robbing everyone you see for a fishing pole or their clothing with 10 people isn't roleplay.
It's a bunch of people saying one line "hands up" and then taking everything from you.... They're basically just playing GTA
Usually by people that can't roleplay whatsoever or if they can they don't even attempt doing it. (some of them do a good job tho)

I get that it's fun to RP a criminal, hell i do it all the time but the extent that these big gangs are doing it is just cancer.

I personally think the solution is opening up factions to people that can get enough numbers and not having to get admin approval to do so.
This way people wouldn't feel like they have to join one of these official gangs to survive.
Smaller gangs could have a fighting chance if they could get their hands on weapons to match their opponents. And the massive gangs wouldn't keep growing and growing and inevitably run people off the server.

What can be done to fix this issue?
I'm not really looking for bias opinions from people that are currently enjoying their comfy advantage. Looking more for the average person that gets robbed several times a day by the same gang and is never matched in firefights.

Edit:  I just found out they also have armor? What in the hell

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4 minutes ago, DirtyFrosty said:

If only there was another server just as good or maybe better with better features! 


The server is good it just needs the faction admin wall removed for gangs
Perhaps make it where if you have 15-20 people in your gang you could immediately become a faction.

You would think the people roleplaying hardcore gangbangers wouldn't have a problem with some actual competition instead of steamrolling everyone in their path trying to shoot back 10v1  pistol V AK

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50 minutes ago, brentplaystv said:

I'm not really looking for bias opinions from people that are currently enjoying their comfy advantage. Looking more for the average person that gets robbed several times a day by the same gang and is never matched in firefights.

I am enjoying my "comfy advantage" as you would put it, but i also think there is an RP reason for factions to have admin approval, it shows that they have reached a certain 'status' within the city. The only advantage that a faction has ICly is imports. Allowing anyone to make a faction that could reach this status just by recruiting enough people would diminish the RP in my opinion. Currently the smaller groups, MCs, or other gangs have to contact other people to obtain heavy weapons as they do not have the 'connections' to get these themselves. This creates more interaction on the illegal side between players who want to obtain weapons and those looking to sell. Allowing anyone to be an official faction by reaching 15 members would remove most of this RP. 

(i also believe that the faction being admin approved is a sort of "check" to see if the faction is capable of doing quality rp such as the one seen on many faction threads)

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See now this is a difficult one. An official gang is an organization that has been established on the server with rp proving it. That is why they have the privilage of owning all those heavy weapons. An average joe with no big criminal affiliation shouldnt be able to obtain these heavy weapons. I personally dont even carry a weapon off duty and im a police officer. The last time I was robbed was about a month ago maybe more. When you put yourself in a position to be robbed its inevitable, even during broad daylight. There should not be any restriction set on robberys, people just need to play smarter.

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1 hour ago, punched said:

 The last time I was robbed was about a month ago maybe more. When you put yourself in a position to be robbed its inevitable, even during broad daylight. There should not be any restriction set on robberys, people just need to play smarter.

You don't play that much as a civilian, sorry but you don't if the last time you were robbed is a month ago.
Either that or you just spend the majority of your time in safe areas.

I'm not getting robbed "putting myself in these situations"   .. a small fraction of the time yes, but that's not the times im talking about here.
I'm doing things like Truck Job, Mail Job (Insert every job here) , changing my clothes , getting my car from insurance, heading to the farm, getting robbed at farm..  And yes inevitably around criminal area's.  The gangs roam all around the map hunting people with little to no resistance.

Just driving around on the street in town three times this week ive had gang members ramming me saying to "Pull over or be shot" then proceed to unleash a hail of bullets onto my vehicle.
Here's one example of many, literally from yesterday

You get the idea..  To say people just need to "play smarter" that are being robbed is pretty disingenuous and seems really out of touch with what some of us are going through.

You said when you're "Off Duty" how do you not know how many robberies are happening?

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4 hours ago, TheCanadian said:

I am enjoying my "comfy advantage" as you would put it, but i also think there is an RP reason for factions to have admin approval, it shows that they have reached a certain 'status' within the city. The only advantage that a faction has ICly is imports. Allowing anyone to make a faction that could reach this status just by recruiting enough people would diminish the RP in my opinion. Currently the smaller groups, MCs, or other gangs have to contact other people to obtain heavy weapons as they do not have the 'connections' to get these themselves. This creates more interaction on the illegal side between players who want to obtain weapons and those looking to sell. Allowing anyone to be an official faction by reaching 15 members would remove most of this RP. 

(i also believe that the faction being admin approved is a sort of "check" to see if the faction is capable of doing quality rp such as the one seen on many faction threads)



RP reason for factions to have admin approval, it shows that they have reached a certain 'status' within the city

Why not let the server decide if they're worthy, if they drop below a certain threshold of members the faction would be disbanded?
If they truly aren't able to hold down turfs and hold their own they will break up.
If anything i think having Admin's control who gets the guns destroys the RP aspect of it.

Small gangs in the real world deal guns all the time. To say a smaller gang wouldn't be able to deal in guns is ridiculous.


i also believe that the faction being admin approved is a sort of "check" to see if the faction is capable of doing quality rp such as the one seen on many faction threads

The worst RP and rule breaking I've seen is from the approved factions.
I really wish people would quit saying how they excel at rp that's why they're allowed to be factions. Wherever those guy's are that made this faction official in the first place I assume they quit because the people running around now under that umbrella aren't the RP savants they're projected to be.
We all know it ...

It's pretty obvious from the interactions I've had and I've seen countless others with the a large fraction of 'gang members' and how vile they are in game OOC  just how they see the rest of the playerbase. 
Nothing more than a loot pinata that they continuously smash to get free shit in a videogame

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1 hour ago, punched said:

There should not be any restriction set on robberys, people just need to play smarter.

Fat +1 to this
"Hey, there are sketchy guys outside that store, let me go in to buy stuff, WHATTT? I GOT ROBBED?"
Not saying this is every situation, but many can be somewhat prevented.

48 minutes ago, brentplaystv said:

Just driving around on the street in town three times this week ive had gang members ramming me saying to "Pull over or be shot" then proceed to unleash a hail of bullets onto my vehicle.
Here's one example of many, literally from yesterday

This is something that should be reported as RPly you wouldnt hear it from that far away at that speed.


5 hours ago, brentplaystv said:

Going around robbing everyone you see at gunpoint with Ak-47's spraying down people/vehicles is not roleplay.

Forgot to mention this in my original reply, but probably the biggest reason to -1 is this statement right here. The only IC pro to being a faction is imports. With nearly every gang having access to imports (which you suggested with the 15-20player auto-faction) everyone will be running around with AKs and hrobbing everyone else. Currently there is RP to be done if you are looking to obtain weapons, not every gang is self sufficient.

Not to forget imports on the back end are shared between the official factions, if you now have lets say, 15 gangs instead 5 for a pool of ammo and weapons will mean that most likely all the 'factions' will order when 10ammo is up to get whatever they can manage, fucking up the entire ammo and weapon economy on the server.


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9 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

everyone will be running around with AKs and robbing everyone else. 

This kind of contradicts your statement 


15 gangs instead 5 for a pool of ammo and weapons will mean that most likely all the 'factions' will order when 10ammo is up to get whatever they can manage, fucking up the entire ammo and weapon economy on the server

Wouldn't this mean less Ak's and people running around robbing people?



Currently there is RP to be done if you are looking to obtain weapons, not every gang is self sufficient.

You mean price gouging for the rich people that rob everyone on the server to even even richer? 😂
Or robbing the poor dude who spent  8 hours getting 40k so he could finally get an Ak? 

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19 minutes ago, brentplaystv said:

You mean price gouging for the rich people that rob everyone on the server to even even richer? 😂

IRL prices of black market weapons are much higher than their import value. that is how money is made.

19 minutes ago, brentplaystv said:

Wouldn't this mean less Ak's and people running around robbing people?

There is a reason i separated those 2 points. The first is going under the assumption they would adjust the pool of weapons and ammo to the large influx of people who would have access to it under your suggestion and why it would be a bad idea. The second is explaining how without any form of adjustments it would also be a bad idea.  Your main issue in this post is with the heavies people run around with. In your original post you make it seem like if only you [smaller gangs] had heavies it would make everything better. however this will not be fixed with any gang being allowed to import given they meet a roster number, this will only make it worse. More people will have heavies and run around robbing everybody with them. Your suggestion goes against your own suggestion, you realize that right?


You bring up some decent points on the topics that are not heavy-related but as i said before i think that this is not an issue that would be fixed by allowing more people to have heavies and ammo, but instead maybe a thing the community could improve together as a whole. Just my .02

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Yesterday, I witnessed a very weird situation. 

4 blue cars(you know who im talking about) robbing 2 people who are kind of fresh players, they chased them for like 15min just to get a warner and a 1k in total. 

These gangs are promoting poor rp to the server ruining every opportunity to make it better for all the players, they litteraly ruin every rp situation they see, why s that ? Because they re huge and have heavy guns. 

Admins should make a limit for each gang, so it dosent pass a certain ammount of members. 

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It's a cops and robbers server right now, and the civilian or even small gang style of play is almost impossible. Playing with a couple of my buddies and trying to protect ourselves sounded fun until we realised that most people will roll up with 5+ people, or have backup of 5+ people around the corner.

Every time we would win they'd be easily able to reimburse their weapons and such, whereas we would have to grind and hope we don't get destroyed in the mean time. Joining one of the big gangs seems like the only solution, but feels like being a part of the problem.

Not once was there any level of RP beyond " Hands up, give me your shit", the cops can't handle the amount of crime so there's no point in calling them. 

Why even have a white-list at this point, might as well have an aim test, it'd be more indicative to your success on the server.

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i heard one gang and its official faction called los zetas have like 50 member or more. Now imagine how this can be quality... This issue need to be solved, also maybe take official faction name for rule breaking factions if they cant control their members. Also there was tier1 2 and 3 gangs before all that official faction, and they should meet requirements. but now everything gone, people role playing tier 2 gang driving expensive sports cars or even super car.

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9 hours ago, JassemBenRayana said:

Admins should make a limit for each gang, so it dosent pass a certain ammount of members. 

How would this in any way be realistic? You might as well add a button of 'auto balancing' like some FPS games have and make sure all gangs have even numbers at that point. This is not how IRL or IG should work. Some larger, more established and organised gangs will have the numbers, advantage on strategy, weapons, etc. This is how it works. Artificially stunting it so low-level MCs and gangs would  have a more 'fair' playing field would not be healthy for any of the factions. Organisations who have been in a location for a much longer period of time will have more members, resources, and access to certain things. Changing it because people are trying to make their own group and realize how difficult it might be to grow to that established faction's level would once again, not be a good idea in my opinion.


Also, how would you expect to enforce this? all being in a faction gets you is /F (faction chat) and the ability to do imports of which only certain ranks can do within the faction. If there is indeed a "limit" on how many people could be in your faction, what is stopping factions from getting their core group in /f (higher ups, those who are trusted and have been there a long time) and then for the rest of the people just give them the frequency and the end result would be exactly what it is now.

4 hours ago, Elite said:

Also there was tier1 2 and 3 gangs before all that official faction, and they should meet requirements. but now everything gone, people role playing tier 2 gang driving expensive sports cars or even super car.

i am all sorts of confused by what you mean in this statement, care to clarify?

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2 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:


How would this in any way be realistic? You might as well add a button of 'auto balancing' like some FPS games have and make sure all gangs have even numbers at that point. This is not how IRL or IG should work. Some larger, more established and organised gangs will have the numbers, advantage on strategy, weapons, etc. This is how it works. Artificially stunting it so low-level MCs and gangs would  have a more 'fair' playing field would not be healthy for any of the factions. Organisations who have been in a location for a much longer period of time will have more members, resources, and access to certain things. Changing it because people are trying to make their own group and realize how difficult it might be to grow to that established faction's level would once again, not be a good idea in my opinion.


Also, how would you expect to enforce this? all being in a faction gets you is /F (faction chat) and the ability to do imports of which only certain ranks can do within the faction. If there is indeed a "limit" on how many people could be in your faction, what is stopping factions from getting their core group in /f (higher ups, those who are trusted and have been there a long time) and then for the rest of the people just give them the frequency and the end result would be exactly what it is now.

i am all sorts of confused by what you mean in this statement, care to clarify?

Yes, when turfs was taken out, there was pre-application stage, when every official faction wannabe gang made their threads. Also there was guideline towards those threads and what they need to follow. So therewas low tier gang, mid tier and high tier. All those have some sort of rp and what can do what cant. Now nobody follows those official criminal faction guidelines and rules, mid tier gangs driving expensive or super cars, and depending on those rules you cant do that. Gang topic is big one, and i think it is not under control. just my opinion.

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2 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

How would this in any way be realistic? You might as well add a button of 'auto balancing' like some FPS games have and make sure all gangs have even numbers at that point. This is not how IRL or IG should work

"Doesn't work this way IRL, so it shouldn't work here." Yeah, keep going with those cherry picked points. IRL you don't get robbed every 2 seconds for your fish, your only legal job options aren't fisherman, trucker and 5 others, and you don't revive with 30 min memory loss after 5 50.cal bullets to the head. Just because something isn't completely accurate to real life, doesn't mean that it can't be implemented and lead to a better simulation of actual RL. 

But by all means, tell me more about how none of this is realistic and therefore we should allow brain-dead zerg gangs to run the server. Because that's the height of realism.

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12 minutes ago, Elite said:

Now nobody follows those official criminal faction guidelines and rules, mid tier gangs driving expensive or super cars, and depending on those rules you cant do that. Gang topic is big one, and i think it is not under control. just my opinion.

Alright, i can see where you are coming from thank you for elaborating on your point. What you said earlier now makes more sense to me.

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