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Live News

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I believe they have broadcasted live news before, via Twitch, I don't know of a way they can though via ingame capabilities, unless they can script the TV to follow only Weazel news vans and reporters. Like you can follow players via TV in GTA Online.

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I think this is one way of making Weazel more attractive and noticed. It could be broadcasted (global message) ICly to all players being inside an interior or a car. It could add a realistic touch of getting important live news just like you get them from your car's radio or at home from your television/PC.


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I know they've gone through some leadership changes recently, but I'd much rather see some hard work done on bringing back the newspaper issues first. Weazel News being known and seen as the advertisement business and not a news one is a little sad to be honest.

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Ive seen this done back in samp. The way they set it up was every home interior had a /TV command and weazel had /broadcast. When weazel would do /broadcast it placed an camera object down and people at home would /tv to see from the broadcasting cameras POV but cant move or look around, fixed view. Then /tv again to stop watching.

Reallly cool stuff but not sure how hard it would be to acheive in RageMP.

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+1 also i want to add something like weekly news. Maybe some youtube weekly news with clips what happened in server in our IC section on forums. That would add something like news reporters position to weazel, cuz now basically they are just advertisement company. 

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4 minutes ago, Elite said:

+1 also i want to add something like weekly news. Maybe some youtube weekly news with clips what happened in server in our IC section on forums. That would add something like news reporters position to weazel, cuz now basically they are just advertisement company. 

Before transferring owners weazel actually had a newspaper team and a news video team. Every week they would put out both a paper and a video. 

Agree though that weazel should be more focused on news and maybe even provide an entirely different medium for advertising. 

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