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A weapons license should not be accessable for all

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With the huge influx of new players everyone runs around with a gun.

As a new player myself I dont live a day where I dont get robbed at the very least once and keep hearing from others that the same happens to them.

The police is not able to chase everyone down, and neither should they have to.


A weapons license should only be available from 5000 XP or upwards.

Not much to say here as I am sure everyone has noticed the issue.


Recommendations from others below:


5000 XP is low as well. It should be around 10k XP. We need a license application system controlled by PD through their forums. - NoobDude


+1 but make it above 10k and also that you cannot get a gun license unless your record is clean. - Donovan


Edited by Medre
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I agree, gun licenses should be harder to obtain as the new players are much more likely to hold someone at gunpoint rather than just farm and do transport jobs alike everyone else, which is kinda scummy (not that its not expected in gta) but just makes life super miserable overall and should be fixed to improve overall quality of life, yes you should expect to get mugged a couple times a week but not a couple times a DAY lmao, anyways, keep up the good work staff team!



removing gif as i made my signature
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Just now, NoobDude said:

5000 XP is low as well. It should be around 10k XP. We need a license application system controlled by PD through their forums.



Could not agree more, maybe not the PD since they have their handsful currently but you cant just go and buy one.

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11 minutes ago, NoobDude said:

5000 XP is low as well. It should be around 10k XP. We need a license application system controlled by PD through their forums.



Agreed, there should be a process, and it should NOT be so easy, hopefully the devs see a way to fix this thats workable

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+1 from me, In my opinion in order to obtain a gun license players, would have to have more than 10.000xp and to have never been arrested prior to that moment! It doesn't make any sense that someone who has a record and has been arrested for murder, for example, walks into a store and just purchases a pistol ... So to cut it short , +1 but make it above 10k and also that you cannot get a gun license unless your record is clean. 

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Agreed with this. Increase the XP requirement and also have timers for people who have criminal records before they can purchase firearms legally? It would push more people towards decent RP and weed out the ones who are mainly here for other reasons.

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1 minute ago, TedAnderson said:


Nah, that would take away the RP. Perhaps get your own gun if you keep getting robbed

Please explain why it would ruin RP?

In my opinion it would make it more realistic, since not everyone that just came to Los Santos would be allowed to BUY a weapons license like that.

And having a gun is not gonna help in most cases, since you are not allowed to defend yourself as soon as you get aimed on (fear rp)

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3 minutes ago, Medre said:

Please explain why it would ruin RP?

In my opinion it would make it more realistic, since not everyone that just came to Los Santos would be allowed to BUY a weapons license like that.

And having a gun is not gonna help in most cases, since you are not allowed to defend yourself as soon as you get aimed on (fear rp)

For instance, i have 7k xp and i am in EMS. Paramedics are armed. So your saying i couldn't have that firearm.

That firearm saved me from dying the other day.

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I've not been accepted yet so take my input lightly but yes I would agree this would be a good RP route to take.

It will allow for genuine rivalries to be built. In life, most people (IMO) get guns in response to an event where they were a victim. Allowing players to build more authentic RP situations where a player would then have reason to get a gun may add to the RP. After finally acquiring a gun, finding that person or gang who has been robbing you, taking revenge could be more satisfying, I feel. As opposed to gun shortly after server entrance and just Pew Pew. 

I can imagine the local factions having to hire security to ensure their employees are protected in more dangerous areas of town and from trigger happy new arrivals. Ultimately it adds another layer of interaction between players and thus adds to RP opportunities. If I have no way of protecting myself then i have to get someone to help me. Who will I get? how will I find them? will I find them independently, has my boss got numbers for the local private security firm? What about pretending to help the local employees and then turning on them. 

Like I say, this is RP. Any layer of added interaction, I feel, should be treated as a positive. If implemented correctly. You could go one layer deeper and say cabbies can only carry handguns as this is truer to life. 

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Just now, TedAnderson said:

For instance, i have 7k xp and i am in EMS. Paramedics are armed. So your saying i couldn't have that firearm.

That firearm saved me from dying the other day.

I think you got my point wrong here.

My main point is that a weapon should not be so easy to get. The layout of 5000 XP, or what others recommended does not have to be, its just a recommendation.

The point here is that the admins might want to think about limiting the access there. There could ofcourse be expections made for certain factions such as medics or police, but as I said the point here is that there needs to be a change since the current system is not working good enough.

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+1 for me, I agree, it is to easy to get a gun as a new player, You can't rob a new player due to the rules, yet you can get robbed by one, so what's happening is new players are getting guns Asap and going around robbing people, they also know they can't get robbed themselfs as they have the new player tag above they're heads, that last intill 5k that is a lot of time to go around robbing people that can't do anything to you. just dont seem fair for people who been playing a while and trying to have good RP, and you get trigger happy new players who just got in the server robbing you Lol.

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In my experience more New Players do not understand how to RP properly despite completing the quiz and applications then approved.  


For the purposes of QOL having no gun for a few days and other QOL changes to enhance new player options for income and XP will greatly improve the overall experience of all players... RP included

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