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Bank Robbery Roleplay Rework

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I suggest making changes to bank robberies to encourage more criminal-police roleplay interactions. It is quite easy to make this possible and would require minimal development or even no development at all. I don't think anybody genuinely enjoys the process of bank robberies on this server. For criminals, it is more of a chore because they need to get the packed cash to improve turf influence or just make money in general while police rarely get any interaction at all because it's always a bunch of offroad bikes that scatter in every possible direction and they can usually only catch one person at most unless they happen to compromise it before the robbery even happens.

Bank robberies can have a lot more roleplay if the developers slightly modify the script by extending the time between the alarm and vault breach to allow for police to respond. If developers don't want to make any script changes to the banks, then it can still be done by just adding new bank rules to the server.

Suggested rule changes:

For criminals:

- A valid hostage is required to perform a bank robbery (must be a real hostage that is organically captured).

- All participants that entered the bank must remain there until negotiations have begun (to maintain integrity).

- Some sort of rule to prevent excessive stalling with a hostage so that LEO can give chase.

- Other ideas...

For Law Enforcement:

- Law enforcement cannot take tires as suspects are leaving the bank unless they have harmed somebody or displayed intent to shoot (pointing guns at LEO etc.)

- A reasonable chance to escape must be provided (cannot set blockades and spikes in a manner that would make it impossible to leave the area of the bank without being either completely blocked in or spiked). This isn't to say that you can't use those tools at all, but they need to be used in a way that keeps it fair, similar to how you can't use a vehicle to block the only exit of a building in which there would realistically be more than one exit.

- Breaching the bank while still occupied by multiple robbers should be a true "last resort" option that is only done if it is deemed that a hostage/civilian/LEO is in immediate danger and it can no longer be corrected through negotiations. (You could still breach the bank if there are one or just a few suspects excessively stalling).

- Other ideas...


These rule changes are designed to promote a proper interaction between both sides while maintaining fairness and allowing both sides the opportunity to "get a piece of the pie".


Here is a list of benefits this provides to both sides:

- #1 and main reason for this suggestion is to make banks a roleplay opportunity because as of right now, they aren't.

- #2 slows down the pace of the bank robbery allowing both sides to enjoy the situation and further develop their plans

- #3 Gives criminals more time to clear out the vaults increasing the potential earnings

- #4 Gives LEO a better chance to catch criminals rather than just clean up the scene.


I would like to hear your opinions on possible script/rules suggestions to make it an enjoyable and fair opportunity for everyone.

Edited by Jett_J
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Overall the idea is good and is a +1. However with current bank interactions I doubt it would happen without a rule change. The majority of hostage banks I have been a part of typically end in two ways, 1 the bank being voided due to the hostage being incorrectly obtained (rules state you can’t kidnap someone for the purpose of being a hostage in a bank) or 2 getting shot inside or as soon as you leave the bank. If rules were to change however to adjust to this it would be a lot more enjoyable on both sides in my opinion.

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The issue im seeing here is the whole "letting the crims go" aspect of the idea. the definition of giving crims "a reasonable chance" to get away is so open to interpretation. does a reasonable chance include LEOs pulling highspeeds, offroads and Air1 and waiting at the outskirts of the bank for people to drive off? or must LEOs stay well clear of the area until a timer expires?

the reason i would want this in concrete from the get go is otherwise forums would be flooded with reports from both sides if its left so vague.

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3 hours ago, Undyingheart112 said:

Overall the idea is good and is a +1. However with current bank interactions I doubt it would happen without a rule change

The thing wit the hostage banks your talking about is that theyre being done with 10-15 people, with bikes. I hate doign banks like that and this is gonna sound wild coming from me, but its just not good rp if u wanna do a hostage bank get you and 2-3 of your buddies in a car find a hostage and rob a bank, I robbed like 4 hostage banks last week and didnt get shot leaving the bank on a single one

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On 5/20/2024 at 6:34 PM, Jett_J said:

- Law enforcement cannot take tires as suspects are leaving the bank unless they have harmed somebody or displayed intent to shoot (pointing guns at LEO etc.)

- A reasonable chance to escape must be provided (cannot set blockades and spikes in a manner that would make it impossible to leave the area of the bank without being either completely blocked in or spiked). This isn't to say that you can't use those tools at all, but they need to be used in a way that keeps it fair, similar to how you can't use a vehicle to block the only exit of a building in which there would realistically be more than one exit.

- Breaching the bank while still occupied by multiple robbers should be a true "last resort" option that is only done if it is deemed that a hostage/civilian/LEO is in immediate danger and it can no longer be corrected through negotiations. (You could still breach the bank if there are one or just a few suspects excessively stalling).

This is already implemented and has been for a long time.

I know that because I wrote it. I took the criticism from criminal players and worked with that to come up with our current solution.

The problem is, whenever we offer a method of escape, it isn't "good enough" and is refused. People never choose to get in their cars and drive away in my experience. Not sure why.

Edited by Victor Einhart
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