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Benjamin Berg

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About Benjamin Berg

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  1. +1, would be nice to see the rule relaxed and more inclusive of other vehicle classes
  2. unfortunately every gta character runs at the same pace, and there is no way to change it, So if you start running first, there is no way for us to catch up with you to even attempt to use the new tackle mechanic. And As many other users have mentioned, the after affects of a tazer are almost never RPed meaning that LEO's may have to use them more than they would like to have to on suspects.
  3. +1 @Didderncolour blind so it help
  4. Would you be willing to work out a deal for the Shinobi If I offered a scout?
  5. I think a simple fix to this, as others have said, would be to keep the auto repair booths open 24/7 potentially for a fixed price.
  6. I Currently Have A bid for 600k.@Moreno_Villareal
  7. House Has fairly large Yard and surrounding area Offers Here.
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